
From Zero-K
Revision as of 02:17, 5 August 2017 by Histidine (talk | contribs) (Fix weapon name)
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The Blastwing is a cheap flying bomb with burrowing ability from the Gunship Plant.

Flying Bomb (Burrows)
Cost 55
Hit Points 100
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 246
Turn Rate (deg/s) 189
Vision Radius (elmo) 380
Personal Cloak
Only when idle
Free and automated
Decloak radius (elmo) 75
Instant self-destruction
Blastwing Explosion
Damage 80
Afterburn (s) 2 (15 DPS)
Area of Effect (elmo) 128
Ground Burn DPS 16
Ground Burn radius (elmo) 128
Ground Burn duration (s) 20


The Blastwing does only a small amount of damage, suitable for taking out mexes, solars, LLTs, wind farms and nanotowers, though it can offer a more fomidible punch en-masse. Be mindful of the speed and direction it is travelling, as much of the damage done by it is directional shrapnel that will continue on the trajectory of the bomb after it dies. In this way, you can spray an enemy with shards of metal even if your blastwing dies before it is in range. Do not pack them too tightly, as they can chain explode. Cloaks when landed.