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The Aspis is an area Shield walker from the Shieldbot Factory.

Area Shield Walker
Aspis walkershield
Cost 600
Hit Points 700
Mass 232
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 61
Turn Rate (deg/s) 415
Vision Radius (elmo) 300
Transportable Medium
Energy Shield
Strength (HP) 3600
Regen (HP/s) 50
Regen cost (E/s) 12
Radius (elmo) 350
To Aegis
Cost -75
Time (s) 30
Disabled during morph Yes


The Aspis protects surrounding units with its area shield by destroying enemy projectiles and will automatically connect to other shield-equipped units to share charge. The area shield will not stop units and only intercepts projectiles on its perimeter, so enemies can get under the shield and shoot at the units inside. Recharging and maintaining area shields costs energy.


Tactics and Strategy[edit]

The Aspis (like the Iris) is amphibious, so it can be used to shield friendly ships, amphbots, hovercraft, Reefs, Shoguns, and even Detriments.

The Athena can build Aspis, so there's always an opportunity to build them without needing a Shieldbot Factory even if the battle takes place at sea. You may need to terraform some dry land to build Athenas at sea if your Strider Hub is far from dry land.