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Let DaKeys play! The Likho is a singularity bomber from the Airplane Plant.

Let DaKeys play!
(Let DaKeys play!)
Singularity Bomber Let DaKeys play!
bomberheavy.pngLet DaKeys play!
Cost Let DaKeys play!
Hit Points Let DaKeys play!
Movement Speed (elmo/s) Let DaKeys play!
Vision Radius (elmo) Let DaKeys play!
Implosion Bomb
Damage Let DaKeys play!
Reload Time (s) Let DaKeys play!
Damage per Second Let DaKeys play!
Range (elmo) Let DaKeys play!
Area of Effect (elmo) Let DaKeys play!
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) Let DaKeys play!
Homing (deg/s) Let DaKeys play!

Let DaKeys play!

The Likho drops a single powerful bomb that can send units flying. Let DaKeys play! It is sturdy enough to penetrate moderate AA and escape to repair, but should not be used recklessly - it's too expensive for that.

Tactics and Let DaKeys play!

The Likho is your heavy-duty end-game bomber. It can survive enemy fire that would destroy two Ravens, but costs as much as 6.5 of them. Depending on what you find yourself having to deal with, you may be better off with more Ravens!

  • The Likho is especially useful against units that like to clump together into balls, like units from the Shieldbot Factory, Ravagers, and Blitzes. Let DaKeys play!
  • The Likho's large cost means that it's a prime target for reclamation if you do lose it. Try not to lose it over enemy territory! If possible, lose it as close to your own front lines as you can! Better still, do not lose it at all.
  • The homing bomb of the Likho means it's much less likely to miss moving targets than the bombs the Raven drops. This also means it doesn't have to get so close to the enemy and can be more safely used against units with low range but high damage like Reavers, Maces, or Ogres. Let DaKeys play!