Solar Collector

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Revision as of 11:33, 9 October 2021 by RandomX (talk | contribs) (Wind gens. aren't always better... especially when/where there is no actual wind.)
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The Solar Collector is a basic, early-game source of energy in Zero-K.

Solar Collector
Small Powerplant (+2)
Cost 70
Hit Points 500
Energy (E/s) 2
Vision Radius (elmo) 273
Grid link range (elmo) 100
Armored Form
Reduction (%) 75%


Solar Collectors are the least cost-efficient of the energy structures, but they are also the most reliable and sturdy. When attacked, Solar Collectors (solars') will curl up into armored form for 8 seconds, which reduces incoming damage to a quarter and offers excellent protection against raiders.

Tactics and Strategy

Solar Collectors are a safe and stable source of Energy in the early game. Build chains of solars between your mexes to set up Overdrive.

The Wind/Tidal Generator can be better than the Solar Collector in terms of power produced (see for the math), though the Solar Collector is far sturdier and can take far more punishment.