Build Menu

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Factory build options are arranged so that units of a similar class tend to occupy the same position.

Constructor Main Raider Skirmisher Riot Assault Artillery
Raider/Scout Anti-Air Signature Unit Bomb/Special Utility

Space on the grid is limited and unit classes are not as simple as eleven categories, so most grid cells have at least one exception. The grid only applies weakly to the Gunship and Airplane Plants since air roles don't always align to ground roles. Striders defy these roles completely so are not organised with the grid in mind.

Some details and notable exceptions with the land and sea factories are listed below.

Grid Cell Description
Constructor Always the constructor of the factory.
Main Raider If a factory has two raiders, then the main raider is the more straightforward or generalist one. The Spider Factory is a notable exception as it doesn't have a straightforward raider.
Skirmisher The long ranged skirmisher of the factory. The Rover Assembly puts Fencer in this position as it often fulfills a skirmisher role, even though it cannot move.
Riot The short-ranged anti-swarm riot unit. Placeholder takes this spot in the Jumpbot Factory, but is only approximately a riot.
Assault The healthiest unit, for its cost, with short range. Bulkhead in the Amphbot Factory occupies this slot because it has enough health to attack defenses, even though it is classified as a Fencer-like unit. Siren in the Shipyard is more of a riot unit than a true assault.
Artillery The long-ranged artillery. For factories with two artillery units, this is the cheapest. Lobster is in this spot for Amphbot even though it is more of a support unit.
Raider/Scout The secondary raider of the factory, or a scout unit, or a reasonably cheap weird unit that did not fit anywhere else. Each factory has a unique use for this slot.
Anti-Air This is always the only unit in the factory that can only shoot at air units. Even in the Gunship and Airplane Plants.
Signature Unit The most expensive unit of the factory, often a demi-strider around 1k-2k cost. This unit tends to exemplify the factory, but otherwise each factory has a unique use for this slot.
Bomb/Special The factory's bomb unit, or assassin, or unit designed around non-lethal damage. Many factories combine two of the preceding options into the same unit.
Utility A utility unit or a unit similar to Bomb/Special or Artillery that does not fit anywhere else.
