(For a previous discussion of this and other topics, refer to this thread) I'm co-writing the story for the ZK campaign with Saktoth, and we need to settle on the fluff/lore for how the commanders get around the galaxy. I'm welcoming ideas from the community in this matter. The key design goals are:
Suspension of disbelief
Consistency with ZK/PlanetWars gameplay
Ability to tell an interesting story (without necessarily being bound by common sci-fi tropes)
Some parameters/questions that you should consider answering:
Unrestricted travel between any two arbitrary points in the galaxy is probably not desirable (makes distances/territory/astrography meaningless). If it exists, it should be difficult to get.
Ships are cool (and in PW), so I'd like them if possible. On the other hand, why don't the ships just wipe the ground forces with a few well-placed kinetic strikes?
For that matter, if the planet has a suitable moon, why don't I land on it and fling rocks at the primary?
FTL is a near-universal space opera trope for a reason (unless you like your human characters taking really long naps), so I suspect you'll just have to put up with it. That said, we're open to ideas that don't involve FTL, even if we're extremely unlikely to use them.
Here's a sample idea that I came up with: The commanders use (technobabble) to teleport between points in space. The travel range is energy-limited. Because of (technobabble), the energy requirement increases the further the destination is from a gravity well, so commanders land on planets rather than in deep space (also, they need to gather fuel for the next trip anyway). So, anyone have any ideas you'd like to share?
+0 / -0
We can solve a lot of fluff inconsistency with 'Old tech'. The robots are still using designs from the planetwars. They are actually programatically incapable of innovation (sometimes developing into worship of their designs). The main character in the first few missions can be recovering her FTL drop vehicle, which she uses for the rest of the game. This is not an orbital bombardment ship but a dropship. The robots were simply not allowed to construct FTL ships, because of the threat of the infinite spread of the front of the war outside the boundries set by their human controllers (commanders are autonomous due to lack of proper non-relativistiic FTL communication), so there are only a fixed number of dropships, each attached to a commander (who are themselves old tech, possibly). If we do want awesome sky lasers, we can easily have some old-tech fleets. We can even give the main character a weapon (perhaps with a long charge time) to clear a landing area when dropping into hostile territory if that doesn't make it annoying that you're incapable of using it to take out the eenmy comm directly (jammers? low fidelity or scanners?).
+0 / -0
quote: boundries set by their human controllers ... there are only a fixed number of dropships, each attached to a commander (who are themselves old tech, possibly). |
That doesn't fit with Free Machines being a full-fledge Old-Tech Planetwars faction, because said faction lacks, resents, and seeks to eradicate the notion of "human controller" as such. quote: This is not an orbital bombardment ship but a dropship. |
Which, together with Old Tech idea, fits with PW universe perfectly - orbital bombardments and even planetkillers are there on the table, but dropships are for different purpose and do neither. quote: jammers? low fidelity or scanners |
Or just adventure. You simply don't know you're ending up in a fight before you actually end up in it, so you don't get to planetbust the opponent. IF enemy presence is significant enough and known beforehand so you can nuke them, obviously, they will have anti's (ingame tech), fighter garrison (pw tech) or similar to prevent you doing just this.
+0 / -0
I dont see any need for FTL.. Even without FTL you can easilly travel across entire galaxy in your lifetime if you reach high enough fraction of c. It would also make it more epic with vast stretches of time and space traveled. I would go with relativistic ships. Ship has to have as small payload as possible, few nanobots or one commander weight far less than some giant asteroid hurling machinery. Everything will be assembled on destination, including fuel for the next trip. Entire ship is propulsion system and fuel. It uses muon or anti-matter catalysed fusion and possibly magnetic ram scoop for extra fuel to burn on the way. Humans are also used larger generation ships for colonization, but for general "peacekeeping" small ships only sending commander were used. Heart of the empire could send the commander with latest technology and latest AI to suppress rebelion and fight for its cause. Goal never was to destroy entire planets, rather to submit them, large scale weapons were never used because it would make planet useless for all parties. Our hero could be traveling in one of large civilian ships which was destroyed while traveling at relativistic speed, she survived frozen in a heavilly shielded escape pod. Pod onboard AI managed to use its limited fuel to get into a stable orbit of a massive object (over centuries of time), possibly pulsar. Where it stayed intact for hundreds of local years (and thousands for other observers) until only beacon and life support for freezer were working.
+0 / -0
As for PW compatibility.. I think its clear.. wormholes, artificial wormholes. Its no easy task to traverse them though, content has be as small as possible, sending information or nanobts, viruses is possible, anything bigger is impossible. Stabilizing wormhole costs insane ammounts of energy even for atom sized objects. Distorting time-space is not an easy deal. Humans still need to travel in ships, robots can travel in the form of information/nanobots. To create a new wormhole you either need to send a huge and slow ship with complex machinery, or send a small commander that builds up industry on the planet and construct wormhole stabilizer using local resources.
+0 / -0
quote: large scale weapons were never used because it would make planet useless for all parties. |
I can name a precedent... quote: Its no easy task to traverse them though, content has be as small as possible, sending information or nanobts, viruses is possible, anything bigger is impossible. |
You could also reconstruct people on other side from some encoded state. Anyway, this sounds like a perfect explanation as to why PW bombers/dropships are single-use.
+0 / -0
It would still take ages (a lot of them) for information to travel through the galaxy.
+0 / -0
With wormhole information transfer is instant. Two time space coordinates are connected by two way connection. Teleporting human is not possible, technology to gather all necessary information and quantum states and to reconstruct humans in all details is way beyond reach .. and deemed impossible. You canot just magically conjure entire human in an instant with all states correct, and building it step by step would of course create something compeltely different. You can teleport atoms while keeping their quantum state (=you can "teleport" quantum state form one atom to another on other side of wormhole), it can be used for secured communication, but thats it.
+0 / -0
Not to the Ascended, i'd reckon. Once you enter the possibility of mind-upload, all bets are off. If you add crazy-level biotech like Dynasty seems aimed for, you can do the following: 1) upload a mind from existing human 2) send uploaded mind and some machinery to other side 3) construct (clone) body using nano/biotech machinery. 4) graft mind into body. 5) assign title to the newly assembled noble commander, and get conquering the new domain! :P
+0 / -0
If wormholes require the other end to support them, they are useless for rebellion suppression or as means to wage war. All your enemy has to do is turn off the receiver, and they are now immune to attack except by RKV or whatever sublight ship you assemble. I'm going to assume then, that this low-matter hi-information package transit mechanism must be able to select arbitrary (maybe limited by range or other considerations) points where to target its projection of gray goo / whatever else. 4X-style, this means a huge bonus to factions who can replicate their representatives across worlds like this. This leads to paradox: why don't free machines/ ascended /anybody else who can teleport themselves this way just go exponential, consuming whole planets at superluminal speeds? A ready solution appears: war! Similar nano-teleported entities of opposing factions always seek to find and kill your new 'colonies' and your assembled-or-not commanders. This leads to a game of deadly hide-and seek, where almost nobody gets to build up well enough to actually consume planets (except maybe their well-protected core worlds). Even factions that cannot project themselves at wormhole speed, must try to inhibit the other factions - and this is how you get Disorder.
+0 / -0
Anarchid, you cannot separate mind from body. If you change body, you change mind. Ascended arent exact copies of their human forms. Thats why this isnt universally accepted and is not popular with all humans.. Also ascended run on complex quantum mechanical computers, its state cannot be transmitted as a classical information, its state cannot even be extracted and copied. Although they could be made in a form that allows quantum teleportion this has never been tried. On the other hand, sending classical information, ordinary AIs of robots, is as simple as pressing download button.
+0 / -0
quote: On the other hand, sending classical information, ordinary AIs of robots, is as simple as pressing download button. |
This leaves out two cases: - Free Machines. Nuff said. - "Seeder ship" concept. You don't teleport a ready mind, fine. You still can construct a new representative of your faction on other side. Constructing a colony from such "seed" is bound to be much faster and cheaper than relativizing a sublighter to other side. Mostly this would seem a natural expansion route to FM in first place, and then to anybody who doesn't mind mass cloning as their way into the future.
+0 / -0
Yes, you could send "seeder" to create representative of your faction. That representative could turn out to be very different though because of different environment where he grows/develops. To transfer human DNA you need to just couple hundred mb of data, but thats not even full environment, you dont know which cell this dna is in, how methylated are various parts of DNA, where the chromosomes are, what's in mitochondrias. And thats just one cell, when that human fully grows information contained in his organism is beyond any ability of either faciton.. Evey atom matters and you cannot transfer it all.. So this makes it risky deal to try to seed worlds, you could be creating new enemies. As for free machines, perhaps they are using quantum computing too for their most advanced minds?
+0 / -0
quote: As for free machines, perhaps they are using quantum computing too for their most advanced minds? |
As long as you don't need one to make one (which is implicitly true since somebody had to build the first one without having one), it still leaves FM a seeder-capable faction.
+0 / -0
   Lichoquote: Even without FTL you can easilly travel across entire galaxy in your lifetime if you reach high enough fraction of c. |
Even with stasis and expanded lifespans, 120,000 LY (diameter of Milky Way) does not sound like "easily travel across entire galaxy in your lifetime" (humans haven't even existed that long). Although your wormholes are FTL anyway so... I like the wormhole concept, but remember that our protagonist needs to be able to get around. Here's what I have in mind so far:
Ordinary ships are sublight or slow FTL at best (2000 c is high-end estimate).
Wormholes allow very fast interstellar travel, but are very energy-intensive to use, so long-distance travel is very rare (think Earth's Middle Ages, though not quite as dangerous).
Because of this, the factions use commanders, which is the smallest self-contained unit capable of establishing a military base on its own. They also use bombers, which are one-way delivery buses for a small kinetic payload. During the Fall following the PlanetWars, most (>90%) of the wormhole network was disabled or destroyed, a major contributor to the galactic collapse.
The robots can't replicate the old tech - wormhole stabilizers, ships, commanders - although some are trying. Because of this, everything from that period is irreplaceable and highly valuable.
+0 / -0
Being able to transmit robots but not people leaves FM as the only faction actually capable of governing an interstellar empire, actually colonizing worlds, and conducting war in any way but remotely...? MAybe a material explanation is better than 'Oh it is their programming explanation', but I think the idea of ancient lost technologies and gargantuan city-sized derelict spaceships is cool. FM is not a problem here because they still can only violate so much of their core programming (Remember how they lost PW to the empire: The Artifacts are capable of excercising total control over all AI's, which implies that the commanders are ancient tech even in the era of planetwars). How do we tell a story with no FTL? Literally millions of years will pass between one meeting/battle and another. We could have each storyline take place within a single star system. But it makes jumping between plotlines impossible, you have to complete one before moving on to the next. Is it epic enough to make it worthwhile writing around and possibly constraining around? I like the idea of eons floating in space (though we already do it in the prequel) but it might just make writing harder. Either way, the ship you describe with a small payload can exist with FTL as easily as without it. It may be best to explain the whole structure of self-replicating commanders as just the most effecient payload that a ship can send (since it can MAKE starlights, nukes, etc at it's destination). I like that explaination either way. Truth is though we don't really want to explain the fluff in detail during the storyline. Maybe it could be somewhere, and it's nice to have it consistent, but reams of technical description does not make a good story. We can be pretty vague, saying little more than 'The Commander, capable of building entire armies within minutes of landing, is the most effecient payload any intergalactic warship could carry' without ever explaining whether we use hydrogen ram scoops, relativistic drives, foldspace or wormholes... And I think it's important the hero be a Commander pilot, rather than a civilian on a liner. Otherwise it doesn't make much sense for her to wake up and be piloting a commander (Which she will be, because making her some disembodied talking head rather than a physical unit in the game, when we already HAVE a single hero commander unit as a part of the games design, is a total waste). Her commander frame puts her in stasis to preserve her during the set-up to the campaign. This makes her an engaged participant in a galactic war, too.
+0 / -0
You can travel galaxy in MINUTES WITHOUT FTL! If you trvael at significant fraction of speed of light... Check relativity.. For a realistic human traveler it can take few years to cross galaxy.. I don't see a problem here.
+0 / -0
Saktoth why millions of years? If its all in bubble of tens of ly it can all take place within tens of years of time on individual planet and within few years of time of traveler between stars.. I dont see an issue here.. Also civilizaiton at this scale necessarily thinks in big numbers, big distances, big time units.. Sending a ship to far away system is huge task .. once established, wormhole integrates the new world into empire, but you wont got visiting your relatives :)
+0 / -0
We covered this in a #zk discussion already, but for the record here: Time dilation is not going to help you without absurdly high velocities (many many nines of c.)
+0 / -0