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League of Legends / Hearthstone

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10 years ago
If you guys don't already play these games, I would recommend trying them, they're both free and easy to learn

If you're on EU server on LoL add LulzSheep and for HS add MightySheep#1510

It would be fun to try out my HS decks in 1v1, was going to duel saktoth but stupid blizzard requires new account for each server region
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Notify me when LoL supports games larger than 5v5.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
there was a hexakill mode a while back which was 6v6
+0 / -0
Notify me when LoL supports ranked 1v1.

FIXED. I might even start playing again in that case.

I used to play LoL before I got into SC2 and the RTS genre. It was fun playing ranked team games with friends, but I disliked solo q. In a 1v1 game there's nobody to blame for losses and full credit can be taken for wins. It's different in a team game.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

FIXED. I might even start playing again in that case.

There is absolutely no point in playing 1v1 in a moba game
+2 / -0
10 years ago
There is absolutely no point in playing anything solo in an online-only game. :P
+1 / -0

10 years ago
1v1 in LoL was actually quite fun, there even have been 1v1 tournaments. Not very serious ones, but fun nevertheless.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
There is absolutely no point in playing a moba game
+0 / -0
There is absolutely no point in playing a famous moba game

Ten years ago there's been AoS maps for WC3 much better than DotA one year ago, or LoL today (except for the interface part, there's only so much you can do with that in WC3). 6v6 was typical, map layout was more interesting, most of them had more things to do throughout the map, even heroes were sometimes more complex and usually there was something very unique for each of the different maps.

The genre can be very exciting and enjoyable when games are designed to offer variety and be fun to play rather than best-selling. Don't generalize and blame the whole genre just because you might've had bad a experience with some of the modern versions. I feel like most of them were created just because companies noticed DotA's success (=> $$$).
+0 / -0

10 years ago

I don't know - I think some dotalikes could work in a 1v1 with 3 heroes under each player's control.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I don't know - I think some dotalikes could work in a 1v1 with 3 heroes under each player's control.

Those wouldn't be pointless i guess
My point was that mobas are team-oriented games, and (usually)you only control 1 unit. 1v1 games with these mechanics would be too repetitive, boring and as i said, pointless.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
LoL is becoming shittier and shittier with every update, and HearthStone rejected me very hard because of it being kind of dull and banal ._.
+1 / -0
You won't regret getting into DotA/DotA 2. That's all i'm going to say about that.

Skasi: I highly doubt said AoS maps show(ed) the level of balance we see since Icefrog's days. Also, 6v6 in WC3 is only possible without observer slots, which were/are sort of needed for competitive gaming. I mean, I don't claim to have an absolute overview over all AoS-like maps (SC 1 was before my time... But thanks to the awesome map editor for wc3, basically everybody with half a brain could make one there. The numbers of those speak for themselves...), but I'd very much be interested in seeing one that features better balance than DotA 3 years ago (seriously, 1 year only? The second International was already over then!) or a hero more complex than invoker (or old invoker?). Note that both uniqueness and complexity can also be negative, if done wrong. :P

I pretty much despise all the "pay to unlock/play heroes" moba versions. You actually pay to play a dumbed down version of the original(s). Makes no sense to me. Yeah, scratch what i said earlier about "that's all", but DotA 2 is as free to play as it gets (and we have some very narrow views on what qualifies as F2P around here, apparently).

1v1 is simply not balanced in a game that was made for 5v5 (well, talking about DotA here, but applies to other mobas, too). If you were to make them all at least sort of viable in 1v1, you'd lose so much variety in terms of possible concepts. I mean, the entire idea of a support hero revolves around helping other allied heroes in getting their job done.
Unless the matchup is either determined beforehand or a mirrormatch, you would also have blind pregame RPS.

All of this doesn't prevent 1v1 tourneys from being organized and both fun and interesting (1v1 still remains a great display for skill and consists of elements that are all vital in winning mid in a 5v5), but unless you design the game around it, it will remain niche.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
1v1 in LoL is popular in the custom games area and is actually really fun, mostly because it leads to a whole new meta of things like an unkillable Zilean etc. It isn't an insta-lose if you die either, as long as your power curve can overtake the enemy at some point.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Also, 6v6 in WC3 is only possible without observer slots

That's no reason to forbid 6v6s for players who don't give a shit about observers, which is probably 90%+.

or a hero more complex than invoker

Invoker complex? Just tried him, not sure if I missed anything, all he does is summoning orbs for different boni and combinations to then create one of 10 different skills. That's it? There's many maps that let heroes charge powers, or change forms, etc. to provide different/more effects/skills. Take Doomsday's Stand elementalist as an example. I'm sure Age of Myths got that too, but I can't get it to work right now. That's the problem with old maps. :P
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I remember i used to play Battetanks map for WC3. It was 5v5 on a map with 3 lanes like dota, but it had plenty of differences.

You did not pick heroes, instead you had a chassis that defined your HP/speed/abilities, and then you had to buy weapon items to actually consistently hurt things.

There was no such thing as autoattack. Each weapon shot automatically targets a random enemy unit in range. Some weapons could hit creeps only/heroes only. This approach meant properly positioning yourself around the creeps was EXTREMELY important.

You could build your own creep spawning buildings when needed, and additionally spawn creeps. These buildings could be placed anywhere and would also regenerate your HP/mana.
All of the money gained by your faction (by killing enemy creeps/heroes) actually was saved up, and the creeps got upgraded with that gold.

The most unique feature was the "trader" chassis. It was an entirely different role. Instead of fighting, the trader had to transport goods between various buildings located on the map. The further apart/closer to the enemy base, the bigger the profit. Part of the profit is spread among other players, giving them an advantage, the rest is for you to spend on better survivability and support. Trader couldnt mount direct combat weapons, you still could install some support modules, as well as build extra factories/upgrade creeps etc.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
First DotA was much more complex than DotA 2, especially that Invoker had not 10 spells but 27 if i remember correctly (the order of orbs was also important).

DotA is a much different game than LoL, as you have way more possibilities and stuff. Ganks are much easier, and so the game is much more dynamic.

Sometimes when watching LoL competitive games there are only about 10~20 kills in a 50 minute long game, because everyone is playing so safe, and it's so hard to kill someone.

I prefer DotA since it's has infinitely better balance, there are no unviable heroes like in LoL.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Oh right, Battletanks was fun. Sadly enough, i could never play it in 5v5 (1v1 at best, which is still fun but doesn't really have the feel).

1.24 made so many maps unplayable (well, they fixed the H2I related bug), and switching versions, even with wvs, is somewhat annoying...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think Battleships was first. Wasn't it? Well there's been tons of battletank/ship versions. Anyway, I didn't enjoy them as much as the original aos genre.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I remember many Dota like maps for Warcraft 3.
  • Battletanks
  • A Pirate based one where players were upgradable Ships fighting on the sea.
  • Candy Wars, left vs right with invulnerable carts in the middle which had to be 'pushed' to your opponents base to kill them.
  • A game in which an East and West city sent waves of creeps at each other through a fairly open and large plain with some trees. There was a capturable castle in the middle of the map.

I don't know which of these came before or after Dota. These types of maps could be quite different. I suppose it was a formative time for the genre.

Currently I play Dota 2 but only as a group with at least some people I know. I don't enjoy it enough to solo queue. I played a bit of LoL some years ago. I prefer Dota 2 but I do not know why.

I have also played a bit of Hearthstone.

+0 / -0
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