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Rebalance Sea Already

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Sea is unbalanced as hell is hot. Could we work on this so that sea gameplay actually sees some light instead of being shunned for its unbalancedness?

-- Examples --
* Ships vs amph: Amph only has a few choices to counter hunters: ducks (too slow and can be kited), Scallop (way too slow and can be kited and killed easily for cost (JUST ONE can kill about 4 of your scallops), and Bouy (cannot move and if I recall right can be outranged). Archers do lolnone damage. Also note: Hunter has splash. So you either zerg rush the ship player and hope he doesnt have a hunter or torp launcher / torp launcher com or you might as well give up attacking near the ships player or pray you don't run into hunters. You're next to useless against the ships player with hunters.

* Ducks when they get sea: Uncounterable? Scallops cannot counter ducks for cost. One scallop will be pwned by just 2 ducks.

* Ships vs hovers: Corvettes rape you. The only counter to this is scapels (as far as I am aware) and pene sniping.

* Hovers vs Amphs: Only interaction is Buoys, Archers, and Grizzlies. Even this is up to the amph player if he wants to or not. Can just remain underwater indefinetely. Hovers can't shoot underwater and any nanoframes they put down can be instakilled by ducks.

I don't know if its just me but I can't seem to counter ships without being ships. I'd love to tho, see the day that all options at sea (hovers/amphs/ships) are viable instead of ships or lolyoudead vs ships.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
Hunters: are expensiv so get them from more direktions. But it is the only thing for ships that work well vs. duck spam. Snakes will simply get raped because they are to slow.

Ducks: Yeah you are right the double torp attack is much to strong for this "cheap" unit.

Ships vs. Hovers: Mace do a good job like halberts, penes and skalpels. Scubbers are annoying as hell in open field because they rape your eco really fast if you have no def there. So I think it is "balanced".

Hovers vs. Amphs: Amphs will win because they got stuff like grizzly or buoj. (don't know if this is the right name) I mean the slow beam skirmishers. That are units that can attack hovers, but no hover can attack amphs while the amphs kill everything from the save position underwater.

Ships are the best choise to get rit of every other unit in water, but they have no good low cost unit. Skeeter is good for start up raiding or scout but thats it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago

try again,
1 typhoon(300m) pwns 1 mace (400m) easy
1 hunter(350m) pwns an infinity of amph (excluding grizly(2000m)) and three(3) shots a scalop(350m) from out of range
1 crusader pwns evrything for cost
1 snake can kill 4 ducks with some micro
+0 / -0
11 years ago

  • Hovers vs Amphs: Absolutely no interaction.
U mad. Hover player is screwed if apmhs are plopped underwater. All u do is raping com and/or fac with ducks, if he has urching u just make archers, go under enemhy hovs, and throw them (use 3) away/on land/on mountains/in laval/in acid/in chocolate/dog food/whatever u wish.
+0 / -3

11 years ago
k I see GBrankKyubey so in other words paperships that die faster should solv many problems.
So simply lower the cost of whole units out of the shipfac and lower their hp.
Than all ships will be faster with their gameplay but on a "even" level with all other sea facs.
But still ducks are to strong.
+0 / -0
you do realise that all ships have between 200-500% more hp of comparable clases of land units, up to 100% more speed, and usualy more range...

you could half the hp of all ships and they will still be OP...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The counter to see is !votemap
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Counter to see? Wtf
+0 / -0
The scallop needs to be changed to have some torpedo AoE and higher damage - about 65-85 AoE and 200-250 damage would be useful for killing ducks and helping against the ship problem. The amph factory has no underwater anti-duck except the duck. Maybe also increase the speed to about 1.7 or 1.8 (warrior speed). This way it become an actually viable unit on both land and sea.

All ships should also have their speeds cut to a maximum of 3.5 (skeeter has 5. something!!) and crusader should be like a sea reaper artillery.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
All ships should also have their speeds cut to a maximum of 3.5 (skeeter has 5. something!!)

But skeeter are "low health" raiders like darts, they need speed to be usefull at all.
+0 / -2
skeeter [colour=red]500hp 5.5speed 300rng[/colour] 43dps [colour=red]100m cost[/colour]
duck 400hp 2.7speed 240rng [colour=red]100dps[/colour] 150m cost
scrubber 300hp 4.8speed 220rng 37dps 85m cost

wait wut? LOW health? ur joking rite? RITE?

for referance: a dart
120hp 5.09speed 180rng 55dps 40m cost
+2 / -0
11 years ago
ships have to be stronger than amph and hover cause they cant go to land
+2 / -3
11 years ago
Ships should not instantly beat everything in the water because it breaks the game.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Ships do not have to be stronger than amph and hover. Ships need to be balanced to compete in an even enviroment with hovers and amphs, not blow them out of the water.

I wouldn't want ships outside the water anyways with current lolbalance.
+2 / -1
11 years ago
if hovers and amphs could be equal to ships why would you do them cause they cant go to land
+1 / -2
if hover and amph are not equal(or even remotly balanced) to sea, what is the point of hover and amph? (since it is obviously not "to be able to compete with sea")
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Hovers and amphibs are amphibious, they will always have utility on maps with land and water. If they were equal to ships in the water realm ships might as well as be removed from the game.

Imagine if spiders were just as strong as tanks or vehicles on flat maps. Just like tanks or vehicles beat spiders on flat, ships should always have something over amphibs or hovers in water. Not much, but enough to make ships a viable option on maps that aren't 100% water. Currently they probably have too big of an advantage, though.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
not blow them out of the water

I see what you did there :P

@ debate about "ships must be op": Again? Seriously? Could we stop repeating this entire argument in every single sea thread?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
spiders are just as strong as tanks or vehicles on flat maps


have you ever seen what hermits do vs htank, or venoms vs lveh?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Dont ships supposed to own water units ?
They can only drive on water ?

Sounds to me like u wann change a heavy tank factory to own air let golis fly!
+0 / -1
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