curent ui for builders:
when you switch move state it determines if it will assist allies or not
hold pos: only builds when ordered
manuver: only builds own units
roam: builds/assists both allie and own units/structures
something similar for repair priorotisation could be done:
state 0: dose not repair units at all
state 1: repairs units, but only if there are no nano-frames in the area to build
state 2: repairs units, but only if there are no nano-frames that it can assist due to no metal in reserve/low income
state 3: repairs units, takes priority over all construction. will resum presious build when repair complete
idealy if such a toggle should be made (state 2 should probably be the defaullt)
notes: there has been a gadget like this made in the past for BA, but was not used due to poor implementation (cons would run off chasing units into death). to avoid this, the gadget NEEDS to memorize the cons original position and prevent the con from running more then a LLT range from that poin, then return to that point (unless con is set to roam)
also a seperate assist ally nanoframes/repair toggle would be needed (sometimes you want to just let a con roam, but most of the time you want it to fix your shit first)