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Area Repair Priority

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/20/2013 1:09:00 AMAUrankjseah before revert after revert
Before After
1 Under construction now. 1 Under construction now.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I can't insert new unit states with a widget, needs a gadget for that. Still, I can hardcode behaviour, so here's my thinking. 3 I can't insert new unit states with a widget, needs a gadget for that. Still, I can hardcode behaviour, so here's my thinking.
4 \n 4 \n
5 With this widget on: 5 With this widget on:
6 1. Constructors will repair within zone if possible, construction is second. 6 1. Constructors will repair within zone if possible, construction is second.
7 2. Constructors will interrupt construction to repair. 7 2. Constructors will interrupt construction to repair.
8 3. No distinction is made between allied and self. 8 3. No distinction is made between allied and self.
9 4. Hold position constructors will repair units (and repair after construction finished) only if the units are inside the repair area. 9 4. Hold position constructors will repair units (and repair after construction finished) only if the units are inside the repair area.
10 5. Maneuver constructors will repair whatever they can reach now + will not exit the zone (nanoturrets on maneuver stop repairing once target leaves max range) 10 5. Maneuver constructors will repair whatever they can reach now + will not exit the zone (nanoturrets on maneuver stop repairing once target leaves max range)
11 6. Roam constructors will chase their target units down and repair them 11 6. Roam constructors will chase their target units down and repair them
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14 EDIT:
15 Widget will also only work if the first order in their queue is area repair (or a command given by the widget).