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Anti air strider

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Hi, Crow is called flying fortress, in my opinion he is too small.

I have rough idea about a unit for strider hub. It would be flying carrier with one cool addon - plane capturing.

My idea is:
- Giant ship with shield and a LOT HP
- Price about 20 000,-
- No dirrect damage weapons
- Repair pads
- Drones
- Anti air EMP
- Newton manipulate beam

Capturing: EMP will stun planes around, once plane is stunned, its moved on repair pad where is circuit to reprogramme, ship leaves pad as yours.


Blue parts - Drone repair pad
Orange parts - EMP
Aqua part - Newton manipulation beam
Green part - New drone cage
Pink part - Circuit for reprogramming planes

Little inspiration: http://z7.invisionfree.com/United_Dominion/index.php?showtopic=24

Do you like it? If not, how do you imagine anti air strider?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I can see you have spent a lot of time on this but sorry, no.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I would like to have some cool strider. Newtons on air could be fun they could pickup units and do somthing with them.

Also model for airfortress with drones was once requested.

In general if you create the model and script some silly superunit can be added
+0 / -0
I can try to make something after i finish Chainsaw model.
My priority is now my semestral project, but i guess there is enough time for thing such as air strider. Summer time will be long :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The krow is already too expensive for an air unit, frankly. And it's design is already too crowded with its short ranged AoE burst and ranged accurate skirm lasers, it doesn't need to be crowded with a bunch of other silly weapons.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Think of it not as about an air unit, but as about a strider, with different mode of transport.

It woudlnt be faster than say detri or fly out of reach of glaives..

Just another strider.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It needs to be A. Designed with a weakness and a strength rather than a clusterfuck of random powers and B. Vulnerable to ground weapons.

The krow right now moves as fast as a bandit and counters raiders and mechs with the same ease, so fucktons of AA are the only counter. It has identically the same role-confusion as sumo for identical reasons (activable short ranged AoE burst added to an accurate RoF skirm).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Nah you dont really need to think in terms of strict counters for superunits.

Superunits are always "poor" for their choice so any metal equivalent of any unit should counter them..

Not to mention specialists like ultimatum.

Many weapon systems increase unit's cool factor exponentially :)
+0 / -0
if it flys and it and captures enemy planes how the hell do you counter it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Superunits are always "poor" for their choice so any metal equivalent of any unit should counter them..

No. Sorry, but no. This game just doesn't really work in this way. A dante will flame through your 60 glaives without even bothering to stop - and then just head for repairs, for zero attrition.
+0 / -0
A better idea:

A mix of plane and gunship (A gunship which has a warp drive or teleporter for about chainsaw range).
Tac-Nukes, because Krow's original balancing intention was to kill the energy supply for Anni DDM with limited support abilities.

However, it should deal a lot of alpha damage to a few well defended targets and not kill a whole enemy base.
* It should be a bit like Archer - when the unit's energy reserves are depleted, the shield recharge stops and the weapons work not longer at full efficiency.
* Although the energy reserves could recover while it's idle.

If you spend 5000m into a unit, it shouldn't be too vulnerable to < 1000m in ANY units.

I like the idea with a shield, because most of the time you are repairing it.
* If the shield has more than 3600 hp, you can't recharge the rest with your Aegis/Aspis spam.
* But >3600 works a bit like reload-time (unless you want to send a damaged unit into battle)

Idk if you like it if it discharges on your emty base shields, but on the opposite hand, shielding your base sounds fortress-like.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like the idea. But it looks actually pretty weak. Sounds it is hard countered by Screamer. And if you just dont get near with planes it is basicly a flying rocket/antinuke-less reef for 20k. Or it will need tons of drones.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It would be fun. As long as it can only simultaneously handle/capture as many planes as it as repair pads... and I hope repair pads will be available for friend planes.
For lulz-factor (I mean, is this really serious?)... it should act like puppies, sucking wrecks to multiply itself. Yes, you will probably never manage to get it to reproduce itself, so you'll want to avoid wreck-fields to not anger your teammates who know how to reclaim, instead of wasting precious metal.
How do I imagine an antiair strider? It would look like a scorpion with a giant tennis racket tail that just smash enemy planes.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Actually, i think something of a Screaming Flying Leviathan could be cool.

- long-ranged
- stockpiling
- stockpiled missiles can be fired at both air and ground targets
- can fire in salvos
- missile somewhat weaker and shorter-range than tacnuke maybe, but homing
- low flight altitude
- can suck wreckages into itself (ufo style) to boost stockpile
- minimal point-defense
+0 / -0
I had dreamed up a flying carrier a while back which would also have the ufo-like antigrav similar to current jugglenaut and (really old) krow. I even started to model/code it! Unfortunately Real Life sucks and I haven't done much with it.

Giving it shields+emp+newton+drones all at once seems a bit meh. Why does it need emp and shields? It already has tons of HP - shields don't do anything special. Emp is useless when your throwing units around with newton. Drones are boring as you can't control them, I'd rather just give it some repair pads (internal ones that planes are movectrl'd into/out of ftw!) for existing air, and perhaps some ground transport (teleport even?)

edit: actually, thinking about it, nix the high hp and have most of its resilience in shields -- which would protect hovering planes and have it vulnerable to any fighter/bombers that get inside shield.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
... shield ... would protect hovering planes ...

That is how i meant it, also in my head, only EMPed planes would be manipulatable with newton.
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