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clam bomb and trolling

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can u do something about stupid clam blobs plz? this game is about strategy and thinking not trolling with stupid clam blobs, it ruins the whole game.

also its too easy just to terraform an enemy unit down, its just stupid, u shouldnt be able to do that

and yes this is all sfireman, now i know y u ban him...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
and it was a juggernaut he terraformed down btw
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You mean clam blobs?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0
and yes this is all sfireman, now i know y u ban him...

Last time googlefrog won against me, he defended his commander against zeus by terraforming the zeus down. Ban he! Ban he too!

and it was a juggernaut he terraformed down btw

Juggernaut is not a unit. Neither is jugglenaut, because it's an ugly useless lolcrap appendage that nobody in their sane mind should ever make... except to troll and get buried with clams. HAHA. Especially if you fail to use juggler dgun to just y'know, send the silly things flying.

this game is about strategy and thinking not trolling with stupid clam blobs

If you think clams are that unbeatable: start spamming them.
If they actually are and you want them to be nerfed: start spamming them and comment each game where you do it well to raise thread for discussion.

Remember, savagely unshameful abuse is the #1 reason of nerfs in thie game. Abuse now for the brighter future!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if juggernaut is so shit y isnt it replaced with something else?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if on land if find skuttles are reasonably effective, also eraser+ roach might do well, i plan on testing it as soon as possible

at sea... it gets difficult
+0 / -0

12 years ago
if juggernaut is so shit y isnt it replaced with something else?

Jugglenaut. At least get your facts straight before entering balance discussions, or i will challenge you to a duel. >:P

And as to why:
1) with what? you have ideas?
2) nobody cares
+0 / -0
If you wanna deal with clam swarms: Go around or spam Crusaders, Shadows, Hunters, hovers, etc.

Also Blastwings and Lichos for shallow water. Subs for deep water.

Please don't ask for things to be changed only because you don't know how to deal with a situation. Instead get better at the game - find out how to beat them! A very good way to do this is using the same tactic and learning from your enemies.
+0 / -0
how do u counter your jugglenaut being terraformed down then? i sent the jugglenaut to there base by a heavy transport btw
+0 / -0
Juggle is an anti-unit strider. Striders are (at least supposed to be) support units.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
even with support they can still just terraform down your strider
+0 / -0
even with support they can still just terraform down your strider

You don't seem to be very good at reading, or thinking.

Let me elaborate:
1) clams have a short buildrange.
2) juggernaut has an area-effect dgun.
3) the radius of juggernaut area of effect is greater than clam buildrange.
4) juggernaut dgun launches all units caught in it into whatever you specify at murderous speeds.
5) conclusion: if clams terraform your jug, your micro sux so much that you can't even press a single button to one click genocide the entire clamblob, and you should share that unit to some quicker ally next time.

All other striders have similar instagibbing potential at greater ranges than clam buildrange.

- Dante can exterminate any kind of blobs - shieldblobs, clamblobs, whatever - with the missile salvo dgun, and outranges clam buildrange with its basic weapons.

- Scorpion can do the same, but WHILE CLOAKED.

- Bantha has emp mlrs salvo of a ridicilous range and all of its basic weapons also outrange clamblob buildrange.

- which leaves us with Detriment, whose basic weaponry outranges clamblob AND is piercing rapid-fire, which means sad death to any units that clamp too much.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"Let me elaborate:"

That fail if you already have used Dgun to kill another units and reload time its not over...
+0 / -0
That fail if you already have used Dgun to kill another units and reload time its not over...

Oh, then it's your own fault for building such a fail unit :D

I'll halt the venom rhetoric for a moment and say this:
- terraforming down enemy units is not an exploit, but a clever and imaginative use of available tools to harm enemy. This way of thought should not be prohibited: it should be rewarded with victory.

You were outsmarted and feel shit about that? Be smarter next time.
+0 / -0
Clam has almost twice the HP of equivalent builders (Weaver 750 HP (200m), Freaker 650 HP (240m), Clam 1300 HP (210m)).

Clam was twice nerfed down from 1300 to 1100 then 800 by Google. KingRaptor, when he removed the Res, restored the Clams old HP values.

I don't know why it had so much HP in the first place frankly. Pending other developers objecting, I'm going to lower it to at LEAST 800 (It survives a shot from a sniper sub FFS).

I had my Orcone sunk (or rather, he built a wall and trapped me on the slope) by googles nanotowers in a FFA. We put an initial start-up time to all terraform to make this kind of tactic dodgeable, but I still think it might be a problem, just in more fringe cases.

Just because aflum is a noob and doesn't know that Jugg is a terrible unit doesn't mean he is wrong.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Clam is the slowest builder. 800 hp is much too low. It needs more than other land units to be able to deal with ships. I never had a problem with Clam spam, but think a hp decrease from 1300 to 1150 so Shadow can one-shot them would be nice to make up for how difficult it is to hit them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Clam partly deals with ships by being invulnerable to half of them anyway, particularly anything that could be considered a raider.

About terraform countering heavy units: if you are sending out a single super expensive unit unsupported you are pretty much asking for it.
+0 / -0
"About terraform countering heavy units: if you are sending out a single super expensive unit unsupported you are pretty much asking for it."

But that what a "drop" is about, since sending support together would be very costly, even more when it is suicide mission most of times, you did the drop to bypass the porc so unit can not retreat (cause porc still lives).
+0 / -0
I am sure there are smart, effective ways to do drops also.

I have minimal pity that a single unit in an RTS might be ineffective on its own, no matter how expensive it is.

Seriously, the cost of a bit of support is negligible compared to the jugg itself.
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