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Laggy noobs screw up game

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12 years ago
From now we cannot !kick ppls when they are ingame. Ok. Useless like a *
(thx Licho?)
But now each noob who have 100500% CPU load lags out whole game and there is no cure.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How dare you to complain? seriously... You often screw up games with some kind "rush" when every idiot spawns near you and rush some shit and still when it fails you blame team...

I wish we could kick you more often. And this 2nd smurf account use is unacceptable, I dont care if it is or it is not because you cant issue commands, if you got ban you really deserve it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I screw up games? nah., at least i dont make them unplayable at 1 fps. We dont talking about me, noob, we are talking about issue which need fix.

P.S. Right -1 for week or more, until springie restart(for no real reason) is unacceptable, wolas.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
you should be punished for that smurf
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you should be perma-muted, since all you use chat for is yell insult at new players
+0 / -0
TODO: Read title of the theme, turn on brain, use it to achive target of the theme, than write, Rick, Ivory, Gretchen...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Not to mention vote for trololo whenever you get the chance.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Aww you gonna cry now this topic gone offtopic? You where perfectly fine with trolling us for a couple hours straight yesterday through....
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wow, so much sfireman haters.
I am honored, ladies and gentlemen.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Sfireman is too newbie unfriendly, and we need new players.
+0 / -0
Are you all dumb?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
And by the way gretchen its not the maps fault its players who stupidly vote again and again.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Although I hate to admit it, !kick lagging people (the ones with overflowing CPUs) from the game has its uses. Same goes for AFK people that the lag monitor apparently fails to detect (jittery mouse perhaps?)

However, I disagree strongly with firemans topic title and petition that his current mute be extended a little while longer, that is, until the springie restart after the next springie restart xD
+0 / -0

12 years ago
LOL, gretchen. Hovever nice to see 1 usefull post about real theme of this topic.
+0 / -0
I think LagMonitor (currently) didn't check for player's CPU.It just check Ping and non-jittery mouse...

LagMonitor also not much fun because it give all unit to 1 player/same-player only, and this 1 player is mere human and will probably 'die' to sensory overload when he receive too much unit from every lagger...
+0 / -0
There may be a compromise possible here,

[Irrelevant details]
since because of my somewhat weak computer i sometimes have games that start alright (40+ fps) and go down to 2-4 fps due to unit production (i try my best to avoid large and speedmetal maps), At this point I usually transfer my units and exit because it becomes clearly pointless, while i would prefer better optimization for the game i do have another suggestion that is (probably) far simpler to implement:
[/irrelevant details]

Make the game give some sort of CPU overload error and disconnect the player if cpu > 100% and fps < 5 (for example) for a set amount of time (at least 1-2 minutes to avoid disconnect doe to temporary videoeffect spike ) since the game is unplayable at this point anyway

Most (reasonable) protests against this coild probably be disarmed by making this not affect elo and perhaps give bot level xp (but only if gametime > 10 minutes or so to avoid it being used as an xp exploit)

The main problem is... can you detect is someone is overloading their cpu on purpose to leave a lost battle without loosing elo?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Elo takes everything into account. If someone is poor at judging which games their old PC can play and ends up dropping it will be taken into account for elo.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
dropping results in elo loss?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I didn't say dropping results in elo loss. Lets create two hypothetical players who spam Annihilators in their base, the only difference between these players is that half the time one drops 10 minutes into a game. The dropper will probably have higher elo because his Anni spam is no longer draining team resources.
+0 / -0
Also, i think it's wrong to calc CPU load as average load of all cores(for example i have 4 cores without HT and it shows smth like 30-35 in heavy games).
Becouse this game uses only 1-2 cores, not more. Many modern CPUs have up to 8 threads. So we need to take into account only cores that game currently uses.
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