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4 years ago
is greed bananable?

if i witness a player nano frame a buch of mex just as i get to them and then move on so my cons construct there mex.. then they get a small eco boost to pay for the mex that they didnt even pay for..

or a player with 3 storage's who eats a 50% rezzed com..

or the guy who fireplucks his athenas along my frontlines eating the dead while i struggle to maintain the fronline mex

.. is greed a bad thing.. i ask because it is defiantly a thing
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Is being a jerk bannable?

First case is first-rate jerkery, second case is usually the result of stupidity/inattention, third case is highly dependent of how vulnerable the wreck field is, how quickly you can reclaim it yourself and what the metal will go into.
+2 / -0
Is being a jerk bannable?

I can safely attest: NO. Although I feel you there AUrankSmokeDragon, when your reclaim is being stealed from you is really infuriating.
+2 / -2

4 years ago

if i witness a player nano frame a buch of mex just as i get to them and then move on so my cons construct there mex.. then they get a small eco boost to pay for the mex that they didnt even pay for..

Reclaim dat 1 hp nano and build our own mex in place.

or a player with 3 storage's who eats a 50% rezzed com..

Dunno what is more trolling - eat that com whoi is in same time rezzes or try rezzing useless com who will not give any inc and is useless?

or the guy who fireplucks his athenas along my frontlines eating the dead while i struggle to maintain the fronline mex

Well dat is hardest part what to do about that thing. And dont forget that he will also get goos awards if complete DRP or nuke. While you poor soul will carry front woth ur blood and sweat.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
"not give any inc" whait.. wut?

??!! rezzed com gives no income?! lame
+2 / -0
4 years ago
"Commander" income is produced by the "Vanguard Economy Module" which comes with every starting commander. As a module, it gets destroyed when the commander is destroyed, and does not come back if the commander is resurrected.

Resurrecting commanders is almost always useless.
+6 / -0
if they do the mex bullshit explain to the how mexes work. if they ignore, rec the nano.

if they rec shit that is being rez'd or eat rec, Tell them in the most obvious manner that they are being a dick - without attacking them as a person. maybe...
say "Hey dude the front line is collapsing we need your help"
say "[whatever they are building] can't save us if our front dies"
place marker "I need that rec to cover your ass"
Once and they ignore it, maybe they didn't get the memo. repeat the message with much stronger words.
they ignore it twice, repeat the message with the strongest words you have and warn them of consequences(!kick) for not playing in a way that supports others
three times and they still ignore. point out the problem to your team with markers and !kick.
if they respond with an argument that is valid, acknowledge that.
if they respond with a bad argument. point out it's flaws and reinstate your point (shouldn't count as an ignore)
if they respond with a shit argument(e.g. i want my award!/ur a pro) then it should count as an ignore but still point out that that argument is troll stuff.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
If they have clearly put down a small nanoframe to exploit the metal payback I think it is reasonable to spend a few seconds on reclaiming it. Report if it persists and don't escalate though.

Ideally the payback would be proportional to metal input. If anyone wants to waste dev time and a little performance on that then they are free to do so.
+5 / -1
4 years ago
wouldn't want to feed the performance creep.. even a nibble..
+0 / -0
4 years ago
If the only purpose was to curb nano-frame trolling, maybe a simpler formula where whoever contributed the most metal gets the bonus would suffice.

Then again, I have never seen this trolling so I assume it is rare.
+3 / -0
The difference between your three cases is often verbiage used. I'll elaborate:

This is from Multiplayer B875387 25 on TheRockFinal where RUrankOntheheavens purposefully and vindictively eats a tacnuke sub I was resurrecting just because he wasn't gifted a geo when demanded ) This is not greed, this is intentional sabotage that most people largely ignore (Case 1). In fact I don't understand why reclaim isn't blocked on athena resurrection.

Case 2 is overlookable when they're clearly not able to understand english or their actions. This is an example of most of the noobs "nanotrolling" as they don't really understand that income is mostly shared.

Case 3 is really less of a case and more of a variable.

Is being a jerk bannable?

Does it sabotage the team?
What was the intention behind the action?
Did the action contribute to the team meaningfully?

Reclaiming a comm while a nub resurrects it may ruin other people's fun, but this is because the user knows the comm isn't useful and the metal can be reappropriated to other projects that may provide more utility. The intention isn't malicious, unless the user clearly has something against the noob. Even then this would be a grey area (decidable by the verbiage used toward the user in the situation). Now if the user was trying to resurrect something more useful (bertha, nuke, singu, etc) then there would be less of a grey area unless that reclaim is going to something even more useful.

TL;DR: History + Chat + Readable intentions + impact on game dictates whether or not being a jerk is bannable.
+1 / -1
4 years ago
I'm gonna slightly disagree there because I feel that reclaiming a wreck someone is trying to rez (on purpose) is equivalent to reclaiming a nano-frame someone is trying to build. You can disagree with what someone is building but you don't reclaim their nano-frame, likewise you shouldn't reclaim a wreck someone is trying to rez (on purpose).
+2 / -0
In general, reclaim should be blocked from active resurrection as it wastes metal.
+7 / -1
I have been recently vote kicked from a game because I use map wide area reclaim for my cons and one of them was reclaiming someones wreck they were resurrecting. I had no in game way to know this was happening aside from apparent messaging and point spam from said player, a player which I have on my ignore list.

Now even if some other player were to tell me of this happening, I might have missed it anyway because I pay very little attention to chat. Even if I was directly looking at the wreck being both reclaimed and resurrected it is hard to notice zoomed out, as the only indication is a small (orange?) bar.

Suffice to say there's a design flaw when such a situation can even happen. Resurrection should not be possible to start on wrecks that are being reclaimed and wrecks that are being resurrected should not be possible to be reclaimed while being resurrected.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
I agree with the "lock" idea but a more obvious indicator of rez would be useful also, yes. Maybe an orange glow or something.
+1 / -0
This is from Multiplayer B875387 25 on TheRockFinal where RUrankOntheheavens purposefully and vindictively eats a tacnuke sub I was resurrecting just because he wasn't gifted a geo when demanded ) This is not greed, this is intentional sabotage that most people largely ignore (Case 1). In fact I don't understand why reclaim isn't blocked on athena resurrection.

WOHOOOO!... Hey, kid, so what's the problem in giving me geo? It was MY GEO. You rez-stealed it from me, i was about to rebuild it. It was MY energy, you stealed it from me. DONT PLAY VICTIM when you are the abuser ok?

Edit: I was practically BEGGING for my geo the entire game but this little shit @_Shaman either had me ignored or just was playing mindgames with me, pretending to be deaf.

Edit2: And usually when considerate players play athena-ball they give back stuff of other players that was ressurected. @_Shaman is clearly disregarding other players, so... double standards much?
+2 / -6

4 years ago
It was double nurf for rezzing when energy cost was incresed and com modules all dropped after com was killed. Now rezzing is almost all time just trolling and almost don't make any cost. 10k investment in athena ball is large one. Dunno about FFA thought if some still using dat practice regularly.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
hey lets not fight.. lets all focus on being as kind and as sharing as we can moving forward
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Make shit that's being rez'd unable to be rec'd and shit that's being rec'd unable to be rez'd. then let's work out the morals or athena
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I mean I appreciate your sentiment AUrankSmokeDragon but lets not forget that kono sekai zankoku wa. Its just a nature of man to be violent... to take away man's aggresion is to take something vital from him. I recommend Erich Fromm and Conrad Lorenz, maybe Victor Frankl too as relevant readings on this topic.
+1 / -1
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