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zero-k train units and factory

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okay this is the start we have trains in the direction.

first view

as u see i thought of 3 type of forms and ideas for a train base to function.

1. base must be mobile, good idea from anarchind mobile train if i do recall and it must have not be based on tracks. no really if it can put tracks for every piece of bit in map it's gonna be hard to code. i propose it should be a shell look train unit and this is just a unit. it's small rover unit tech but it has guns like scorcher. you know lets have trains units based on each base zero-k has the spider baser, a walking spider train unit. some special tank train and get this the whole concept it can connect each other. yes connect each unit.

the mobile base can move with it's units be in front and put missiel train, laser train, and have special unit that can carry units like bear and tanks. this whole concept can be easy if u replace units like boat unit mistral just make it longer give it wheels, or hover ability or legs like spider . and some units will have the best of both worlds.

some train units that have redback lasers, missile fencer train, emp train unit, and the best of each base.

2.flying train units are possible it would a combo where u can make two train unit the capability to fly without building airplane base or gunships base.

just like the train before you this train has a special ability it could connect to other train units and be able to carry them and like a single line fly them in a singular line and be able to carry them.

3. idea if we have train factory and train units, we also could have strider hub train units. consider a special super armor trank train

this special strider train units can do special things like a super wall train unit which could be form in a circle in battlefield and be able to defend from detriments ;D. special tactics can be implied.

+2 / -0

5 years ago
I'm all for locomotive transport to carry my Commander to the victory station, but those models would have looked ugly in the original C&C.

Bring back the father of trains!
+0 / -0
5 years ago

did you just model these?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Truly, there are no brakes.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
breaks are for the weak.
+0 / -0
too sad devs only push own shit and trying to stop/ignore community contributions instead of supporting.

however as prototypes i like those models very much
+1 / -4
5 years ago
well this is just a reference and for the commentary about "father of all trains" i resent that and yes i will -_-. i said will be the start, soon i'll will make all the concept art for it. perhaps with the demand of trains we could fix certain issues zero-k will deal and fix in the future.

truth tracks cannot work in zero-k but instead borrowing technology from hovers, rovers, and spiders could stimulate new gameplay.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
won't access to trains will derail gameplay?
+1 / -0
truth tracks cannot work in zero-k

It is not going to be a lot easier to build free-driving wheeled trains compared to making maps with proper rails - and trains as a map-mod inside of said map(s).

So why stop at half-measures? Embrace the ideals of LOCOMOTION, which tell you to STOP AT NOTHING.

You could even build tunnels, tbh.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
You could even build tunnels, tbh.

whats wrong with tunnels?
+1 / -2
There's nothing wrong with tunnels, but you can't meaningfully do them without trains because all ZK surface units move on a plane that is deformed along the vertical axis. This means this plane cannot have holes, so units cannot navigate through those holes.

Trains that move on tracks can completely ignore things that are not tracks, so you could build (with voidground, code, and some meshwork) a line of tracks that goes through a mountain.

Or through the air, like on the concept rendering above, making these air-suspended tracks another thing impossible for now, bridges.

I very much dislike you implying there's anything wrong with tunnels. Why so much hate?
+4 / -1

so units cannot navigate through those holes.

i think about this more static, like a unit to that digs a fixed length of tunnel to break down defences and stuff.
transporting units through this maybe same like teleporting, not "navigating through"

I very much dislike you implying there's anything wrong with tunnels. Why so much hate?

wtf? i just asked a simple question, am i just again "harassing other players"?
-1 for asking for problems implementing this ty
+1 / -1
transporting units through this maybe same like teleporting, not "navigating through"

Unlike teleport-tunnels, train tunnels could be continuous rather than discrete.

They would still have UI problems (how do you control something that's obscured by terrain?), but you could still integrate train-tunnels much easier into the gameplay than you could normal ground unit tunnels.

Bridges are a bit better here because they don't have the UI problem.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
what :O you mean like this ;D and forget the tunnels -_-.

why tunnels when u can build cities like this why don't we have a map with cities ? anyone thought about making a city about ney york and trashing it. i hate ney york but i like florida been there ;D.

wait pls :O you can get models units and their info and just create base of trains and their gameplay from already units you have from hovers till spider base. it will take to long to make rails for all the maps consider it. i like the idea but train base and it's units is a lot simpler. do one at a time ;D. that's all.
+0 / -0
I don't think it's simpler to do trackless trains, but it's up to you to do it as you please :)
+1 / -0

It's coming!
+13 / -0
hmm that is good i consider more units like that and revenge of of the trains movie should be added. XD
+0 / -0
I look forward to meeting my dank engine self in-game

So how will tracks be done ?
Suggestion ; The builder unit is free roam and carries tracks that are built at the factory to then place them where ever, perhaps even being able to move already placed ones to a new course
+0 / -0

5 years ago
trains mid-air sounds extremely nice.
looking forward as i like tremor.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
too sad devs only push own shit and trying to stop/ignore community contributions instead of supporting.

Funnelweb got included despite questionable interactions with missile silo and Scylla.
+2 / -0
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