* Is spamming wind laggy? You need 90 windgens to match a single singu... I have been in games where we literally teamkilled our own winds to fight the lag! The only reason I don't spam winds every game is because of the lag...
I like the idea of making the wind calculation less dramatic than it currently is, regardless of any other steps taken, by the way...
A few ideas to reduce wind numbers:
1. Make wind less desirable by nerfing in some way (More cost, less generation...)
2. Make winds a higher weight unit, to reduce their numbers. Double cost, Double Footprint.
a. Or even just a larger footprint. If they were the size of solars (Or had a "no build" but path-able area like factories)
3. What if winds degraded the power output of nearby winds? This allows them to continue their current early game role and balance, as well as "plop next to this mex" but makes large farms impractical and rewards taking empty land.
a. Have a wind check within some range; output_power = power/(1 + nearby_winds * .1)
b. Have distance between winds calculated smoothly, closer winds count much more against you than further away winds.
4. What if there were better options between wind and singu?
Wind 14m/e - 28m/e(averaged)
Solar 35m/e
Fusion 28m/e
Singu 18m/e
Wind... We have this weird situation where the cheapest unit is also the best unit. It's never worth it to make anything else until you are out of space.
Solar has a huge footprint, making them difficult to place (for their weight) and also all around suck for E production. (Cost -> 120, E -> 4??)
Fusion is in no way superior to wind unless you are out of space. Wind also gets built incrementally, making fusions never pay off VS winds - EVER. They should give some benefit for waiting to have it built, like singu does, by being more efficient than winds or solars. (E -> 42??)
Should singu be more vulnerable? Yes, but I would like to have other viable energy production options as well. One BB shouldn't trash my entire eco!
I am a fan of disallowing underwater singu's.