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Zero-k finding further complexities for players to use?

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Iron when heated well melts, see? Iron when connected to energy volt transfers the energy volt to open connections as seen in wiring. Iron can bend and also form into different formites such as rust. Iron can become lighter if made fresh and if welding it darkens. Iron can be blended or binded to others of it's own material. The more to iron etc.

Now if the materializers on zero-k can use iron from their own storages they're also capable of doing the same thing as terraforming with iron.

Now from what I've shown to you, what other to metal is missing? The game isn't being changed by removing anything that's preventing us from finding such physics, zero-k is infinity with physics so there can be no real change to the game except the player's will to use factors with high complexities.

All of these physics should be on zero-k so that it works more realistically.
This will only make the game more interesting.

I'm also interested in knowing more, do you know others other than iron?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
+5 / -0
6 years ago
are you trying to terraform units again?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
do you know others other than iron?

Well there's the lead zeppelin.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
AUrankSmokeDragon , do not mistake terraforming for materialization, it's completely different.
Terraforming is designed for bypassing the shifting planes which then causes the ground to rise/level.
As I've explained before, iron is an material that's important for making units. Zero-K's forging method however is to extract iron which is then added to the iron capacitor which is then transferred with a materializer based transmitter.

Terraforming + natural earth landscapes = ground shifting
Materialization/Smelting iron + required certain elements = usable materials which can be done through the use of smelting or the mathematical materialization

I'm not going to say this twice though, you do misuse words a lot and fail to understand their meanings so it's best that you turn away from your keyboard for a while or have a translator help you with your distinct differences in understanding. You'll need to improve in your reading and writing skills to come and have a talk with anyone that's comprehensive.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Seriously unknownrankDrKran, you can't blame everyone else for not understanding what you say. At some point, if people don't understand what you say, you have to put some blame on yourself. I also have trouble understanding your text.

Alternatively, you could try to learn how the "uneducated" Zero-K players communicate and adapt your level of language to us rather than trying to educate us to use your level of language.
+8 / -0
6 years ago
PLrankAdminSprung , I had no idea that there would be zeppelins in zero-k. Crystal units would be interesting, those are the type of units I make though, units that use prisms instead and they're damaged only by the same type of technology since on the same level of physics the mixtures of 2 prisms makes a new prism.
+0 / -0

any people interested in being my translator and helping me with my distinct differences in understanding?

please pm me ill pay aus dollar..

i need help understanding the iron capacitor which is then transferred with a materializer based transmitter.
+0 / -0
I also have trouble understanding DrKran, but I can guess this much:

iron capacitor = metal storage
materializer = factory
transmitter = nanospray

He seems to think that because factories can use metal continuously instead of pre-payment as is usual in strategy games, that they are able to freely mold or "draw" any kind of shapes and units from the metal.

However, Zero-K can only build predefined units. The unit building "spray" animation, and the wireframe of the unit that you see before it is complete, is just a clever trick that is in essence just a progress bar.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
+0 / -0
6 years ago
hmm i might be classed as a troll for assuming this..

but he is saying stuff like this:

"..units that use prisms instead and they're damaged only by the same type of technology since on the same level of physics the mixtures of 2 prisms makes a new prism. "

and to me its starting to sound less like translation issues and more like a fantasy that he assumes we are all aware of..


crayfish crazy

sigh' someone probably beat him so bad that he went mad.. you see it in war all the time.. commanders exploding left and right.. pools of oil (blood) make the dirt into mud.. the chaos and the robot screaming.. the horror is real.

or im wrong and he really is just a brilliant misunderstood mind
+1 / -0

6 years ago
well, let´s say misunderstood....
+0 / -0
I wasn't incorrect though, if you can access the data then you can freely find all of it's contents excluding the copyrights and firewalls which maybe intentional obstacles.

I also found out that the model you see here is actually another model that's separate to the functional unit.
There's no way to find features in a model that doesn't have the data storage features.

If the model was a solid model then nothing further could be done which is why I asked the developers to make a better physiology to player access so one could in mathematical terms change the values like as it is written in the picture in prisms format.

I do not type like you nor do I intend to start, your physiology is different to mines. I'm a questioner that does not stop until I find every angle of an equation instead of misunderstand and stumble on parts with the excuse "I do not know how to comprehend", nothing you could find from intelligence but it's simply indicated as just another form of being mentally challenged.

As seen on the charts you have the mental disability with the following reading disorders if incapable to understand English words, if you brain failure then this is your own fault not my content but your incapability to understand where there is least needed to comprehend.

Here's a simple factor that's easy enough for you to understand, now which on my chart are you?

You show some signs of both Red or white and your sources don't make up for intelligence.

Here's your differences and similarities to nonsense.
'Not you =' Capable of understanding -
Content regardless of composition possible/impossible or nonsense/fictional = Intelligence of every angel of limitless proportions

'You =' Incapability to understand + Content regardless of composition simple or complex = Requirement for special needs for the mentally challenged

Your flaw is not your knowledge of fewer factors but your bad compositions. If your mind = nonsense then nonsense is all your mind can comprehend that's easily understandable. I find it impossible to misunderstand anything unless you're mentally challenged. You work in limited angels while I don't, that's the differences.

And the result is, if you were the upholder of any known physiology then your errors are known to any serious counter parting competitor. In other words, earth is doomed if your format was known physics found extra to correct formats of working physics. I know you're too good to know anything but in emergencies I'm certain you can be very resourceful.

I find it unthinkable to insult a Factor with existing meaning, you may even find out that the words that are used exist in your dictionary, and that if you were to place your format in microsoft word then it would have corrected your compositions. This program is known for corrections in all angels regardless of which version it is, that is if you know how to use it.

And by the way, the science that I use is too accurate for you to make a correction, by simply repeating the same thing you have only proven that it has a fair maximized amount of flawlessness.

What if I challenged you into a science game, you make an invention that you think could beat anything but with an explanation of it's sciences otherwise it won't take any effect would you accept it? This request is so that you get pondered in a field where you aren't intelligent, you only get 1000 inventions but you can't be inspired by any without encountering them. I know you have a limit to your angels so you couldn't nearly surpass me anyway. I'll call it, the science storm and I can assume you know how to play it, simply make something better than anyone else and win, the losers do not have any say whether their intelligent or not, that's for the victor's choice. Actually all I was asking you was to repeat the process of knowing the existing component factors.

Also I find it very insecure and unintelligent to use singular angler beliefs like you do with your limited understanding of complex or simple factors that you find in the zero-k category.
+2 / -2
can i just say that you win please? ?and then go watch tv? you are smarter then me.. woop..
its ok.. if you need this title ill give you a crown..

iv had some ideas tho.. i have a few blueprints for a new kind of: advanced pingpong bat.. a smoke and dust remover.. and a desalinization device..
but i lacked the funding and gettup-and-go to get going and go do =P

maybe we can still be friends and play together this game.. im sorry i had my fun with this whole thing.. i know that people make some kind of sense and that i often dont find the energy to entertain ideas beyond my understanding.. iv been a bit of a troll at your expense in serving solely its comical value and it wasnt really fair or kind.. i am after all quite a proud and close minded creature.

i think your venomous reactions are in self defense of a rightly perceived attack so id like to learn from this experience.. and become less provoking

changing gears a bit

i will say that i like how this game has developed and i like how it plays.. its one of my favorite games
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I understand that you want to create your own units.
You can create units of unlimited power and any metal cost by defining them in lua:

You can also do that by copying current Zero-K and then just changing / adding units of your own faction.
+1 / -0
+0 / -0