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Current Turn System

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10 years ago
So up until recently I thought the recent turn system had worked effectively. People had a short period of time to scramble what they had to attack or defend and games could go by in a somewhat rapid fashion. The current system now encourages players to afk once more. If a team cannot win they simply don't attack and waste more than 2 hours of the other team's time. At that rate you can simply choose not to attack and the other team can only attack once every two hours. Remember that this other team has no chance to do anything in the meantime and must also be vigilant in case of the enemy suddenly attacking. Essentially this just wastes the second team's time and encourages a team to go afk in order to stall until their good players get online (sound familiar?). The current time needs to be reduced in order to encourage fighting around the clock.
+3 / -0
Time goes up by 30 minutes every afked turn, up to maximum time of 2 hours.
This is to prevent spamming attacks every 30 minutes while the other faction is afk, which is not what PW is about. It is supposed to be about battles and skill, and not about 24/7 activity and getting advantage while people in the other faction are sleeping.
Neither faction can stall the game completely, if they skip turns and the attack time goes up to 2h, they will keep wasting every attack and losing every defense, while the enemy faction can still instawin attacks as much as they want, just less often.
Even if the stalling faction eventually launches a surprise attack, they are already at a disadvantage because they already had lost several defence battles in order to get the timer up to 2h.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If you don't attack yourself but always defend enemy attacks, does the timer still go up?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Only the enemy timer goes up in this case. That's the case at the moment (the "[faction] picks a planet to attack" phase lasts 2h for Syntheric Pact and 30min for Protagonists of ZK Dynasty of Man).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Right NOW the timer is at 2h 27m. Pretty sure the maximum is 30m base +2h extra.
+0 / -0
The afk timer is an even worse implimentation. That means if a faction doesn't think they can win, they can just refuse to fight and stall the enemy by progressively greater margins until a given faction can win. At that point the other faction can decide to stall likewise so now we don't have anyone even attempting to play. Furthermore this iteration of Planetwars has the same problem as the old non-turn system where a faction can refuse to fight until they have strong players to fight. The current system ENCOURAGES people not to play unless they are sure they can win.

Edit:Also consider a situation where an uninformed player attacks the wrong planet. Now the entire faction has to wait for literally hours on standby before they can continue with their plans.
+0 / -0
It not perfect that why its in beta. I am sure we can add more incentives for taking part in battles.

If one side has a active base attacking constantly yet there is no one to defend the other side then possibility the other faction attacking. Gets to "steal" metal from the other faction at the 2:30 hour mark for example.
+0 / -0