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8 years ago
Silo missile Quake should go through shields. And quake should be cheaper. Also vertical launch should be available (like Shockley alternative fire).
Why? It allows effectively disrupt enemy enemy crabe spires, weaken terraformed areas (like trolling with terraformed ships and terraformed porc) and also even deal wits roach platforms for some time. Shield makes useless Quake.
Quake can also be used to terraform out digged units like striders but it prove unsuccessful in one game when two of my banthas get digged in and Quake failed.
Quake is almost no used in games. It could be great weapon vs terraform. I think terraform is too cheap.
+2 / -1
Why some stupid missile with range of fire all-across-the-map(much larger than other silo's tacnukes) should counter even shielded terraform and even for lower price than now?
Sounds absurd
+0 / -1
I'd rather see Quake persistently affecting terrain below buildings than piercing shield. That way EMP missile can disable a shield before Quake levels terrawalls (or vice versa).
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Skasi - main problem is missile range. I have to build silo closer to use Shockley with Quake. Quake have superior range. Why should i need Shockley if i just need in cheap way disrupt enemy terraform? If Quake would be cheaper then terraform + pierce shields then for Shockley no need.
Main reason for this article was that i build silo and Quake to counter enemy roach ramp using Quake good range. However roach ramp player build only one shield and my Quakes become useless but build silo closer (to use Eos, Shockley or Inferno) to front was too risky. So in this case cheap Quake with shield piercing ability would be superior roach platform counter. As devs didn't care about roach ramp troll then i just offer alternative idea how to counter it. It's not fair that against roach ramp no any effective counter.
Of course i know that devs anyway don't care about this article as they 'balance' game mostly for 1vs1 who isn't much played as clusterfucks. However it still annoying if i need experience uncounterable roach ramps in many games and even if player count is as 6 vs 6.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Quakes in general need a buff. They could be a great counter to crabbe spires and dirtbag fields. Try cutting cost by 70% and see what happens.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I think they're already usable, but the use case is so rare that people forget about them even when they have the opportunity.

70% feels like a bit much, but a price cut or use-case increase would be good.

Terraform is already very expensive. I think people don't realise how much it costs because there's no pricetag. It can be obnoxious when used well, but those big walls and roach ramps are often worth thousands by themselves.

Roach ramp does not need more counters. It scales well, but so do many other things. It's very expensive to pull off, and unlike other comparable options such as BB, it continues to cost you for every shot. If you can't deal with roach ramp you've probably already lost the game some other way.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
AUrankSnuggleBass - some player can use roach ramp with great accuracy. And also launh blastwings as well.
But yes, I want Quake buff not more for strategical reasons, becasue roache ramp would be OP, but more for outtrroling trolls.
+0 / -0
I'm pretty sure everyone's experienced the roach ramp Senevan. You can't throw a rock in All Welcome without some plukky antics.

Even when it is accurate, it's 160 metal a shot. After spending iirc 800 metal on newtons. After spending around a thousand on a ramp. And each time someone's accurate with one, they've had to calibrate, which takes additional metal. It's not cheap. I'm not saying it can't work.

Actually screw this. The best comparison is missile silo. Which is more reliable, resilient, and flexible, but has lower range.
+0 / -0
As I was saying before Quake in ZK has too few use cases for the price tag. I think for the current utility it should be priced no more than 150 M/E.
Before you propose what could be done with Quake I suggest you take a look how it works in "zke:test".

USrankFealthas, Spire is very cheap, you will get tired (and poor) trying to counter spires with Quake. Crabe on spires or shieldballs, need something what Shaman called pulsar, specifically an impulse missile. Whenever I have time I'll make one in my mod.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
How much is a spire? How much range does it give?
+0 / -0
Spire is very cheap, you will get tired (and poor) trying to counter spires with Quake

In my limited first-hand experience the more expensive Eos actually is cost-effective vs spire Crabes. This is even not assuming you had a Silo to start with: crabe costs 1600 and spire say 100? Silo costs 1200+500 for missile, so they are about even.

The impulse of the blast is sufficient to throw off the Crabe, and the damage is sufficient to significantly hurt it even in armored state. After being thrown, it tries to get back to position and uncurls, so takes extra damage from falling. If it survives both the direct Eos impact and the fall damage, due to how Spring physics work, the Crabe usually falls towards your side of the frontline in unarmored state and significantly diminished range, allowing you to finish it off (for some expected extra cost, of course).

Quake doesn't do the direct damage, of course.

My opinion of the quake is that it should have vastly increased impulse.
+7 / -0

8 years ago
+200 elmo spike costs around 200 metal. Range gain was around +24%.

Actually Anarchid's idea is good. Instead of discount, Quake can catch up to its monetary value by getting impulse.
+3 / -0
Why should i need Shockley if i just need in cheap way disrupt enemy terraform?

You don't need a Shockley if you "just need a cheap way disrupt enemy terraform". In that case Quake would be enough.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
'Quake doesn't do the direct damage, of course.'
It do. 20 dmg. I once try kill NullAi enginerr com with Quke missiles. I needed 8 or more silos who shoot all time at commander until it was ded.
Ultimate trollling is kill enemy com with Quake!
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Extra impulse is good idea, but I don't know if it will be enough.
It still costs way too much... unless impulse is so great it tosses reapers off map.
A large cost cut might be necessary too.

I don't understand why everyone is so conservative about buffing useless units that never get used. Make people want to use them first, and then tone them down if they prove to be too strong.

+2 / -0

'Quake doesn't do the direct damage, of course.'
It do. 20 dmg.

it's a fall damage, right? ot is it indeed the direct dmg?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
In that section is written that Quake have 20 damage. If there would be fall damage then Shockley should damage target as well but it doesn't do it. So i assume that Quake have direct damage.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
If there would be fall damage then Shockley should damage target as well but it doesn't do it.

Shockley doesn't terraform, so why would there be fall damage?
+0 / -0
I'm fairly confident Quake is quite good already, it's just very niche.

As a tank player I can see it being cost effective very easily. My Goliath got buried/stucked by enemy Nanos/Scalpels/Rogues/whatever? I'll just fire a Quake. If it saves my Goliath I just made huge cost by trading a 400m missile for a 2.2k unit and denying the enemy up to 880m of reclaim. Nearly 8x cost made.

Sure, cons could unstuck a Goliath or a Reaper as well, but I won't always have cons join my raids. They are much slower than Reapers or even Goliaths, get killed too deep in enemy territory, etc. And even if they are nearby, they still have limited buildpower. A Quake hit flattens the ground instantly on impact.

Even saving a single Reaper with a Quake is very cost effective, especially if one considers the potential reclaim value of the Reaper.

There are also lots of maps with cliffs. People usually assume these cliffs are impassable walls for non-spider units. Perhaps there's an elevated Stardust protecting the only non-spider entry to the main base. If I have Quake, I can enter your base through the cliffs with my Ravagers/Reapers/whatever and there's not much you can do about that. 400 metal for that is nothing in the later stages of the game.

Quake is essentially a 6000 range instant terraform bomb. Comparing this with the puny ranges of constructors and their limited buildpower it should become apparent how the Quake can be a valuable asset for supporting one's attacks and raids to enemy territory in the later stages of the game.

I'm not saying that a slight buff to Quake is not worth considering. However, a large buff would seem very unnecessary.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
It do. 20 dmg.

Quake does a direct damage of 20 hit points.

It does not do the Eos damage sufficient to severely wound or kill a spire Crabe.
+0 / -0
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