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Dynasty of Man
Planets: 15
Commanders: 53
Combat skill:1519

Victory points:
0 / 100
Planets: 31
Commanders: 41
Combat skill:1492

Victory points:
0 / 100
Planets: 23
Commanders: 59
Combat skill:1503

Victory points:
0 / 100

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Page of 14 (417 records)
Name Shortcut Commanders Level Rank
Imperial Fists Fists115101529 Join now!
!NK!DOOM NK3231445 Join now! password
??nďîcâ†? ??nďîc3191502 Join now! password
[ h y r u l e ] hyrule1231740 Join now! password
[Ru] Steel Claws SC18171567 Join now!
[TNF] TNF18191475 Join now!
100%CleanN CleanN7171381 Join now! password
1121st "Helvetian" Platoon 1121161585 Join now! password
1121st Helvetian Platoon 1121st14 Join now!
197th Cyberkorps 197CK6141542 Join now! password
1st Terran Rangers 1TR24181623 Join now! password
1uP 1uP6471506 Join now! password
3Server.de Hosting 3Serv39 Join now!
501st Imperial Marine Corps 501IMC7131559 Join now!
666th Devil Dogs 666DD781520 Join now! password
a dream come true adream3801753 Join now!
A.L.F. Animal Liberation Front Animal11101823 Join now!
Actions per minute! APM2241616 Join now!
ADVENT Coalition ADVENT37511880 Join now!
AFD-Clan AFD11 Join now!
Agents Of Freedom AOF20231516 Join now!
AIO | All In One AIO2141655 Join now!
Akatsuki Akatsu3231677 Join now! password
Alliance ACP20301589 Join now!
Alpha Legion ?0 Join now! password
AlphaLegion AL1281756 Join now! password
Altec Task Force Altec781529 Join now!
Anarchy Wolves AW23151547 Join now!
AntiHistamine AntiH171561 Join now!
Applied Special Tactics AST5311848 Join now! password
Page of 14 (417 records)