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Dealing with Scallop Mass

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12 years ago
Currently the Scallop unit from the Amphibious Operations lab stacks ridiculously well in underwater engagements, able to avoid all non-torpedo fire, whilst having comparable range to everything except a sniper sub. When put with Clams for repairs and resurrection and Anglers to deal with any air (namely, Shadows), Scallops completely dominate all sea warfare with almost no exceptions. There are a few very good ways to deal with them, however;

-- Try terraforming small 3x3 platforms out of the water and placing your static torp launchers on them. This makes them completely immune to torpedo fire meaning the only thing you should have to worry about are Grizzlies which can be dealt with by your own torpedoes.

-- Make a wall or trench on the sea floor using terraforming; since amphibious bots walk on the bottom, they will be stopped by terrain features. Whilst enemy Clams can Restore the terrain to make it pathable again, this gives you precious seconds to lay into them. You can make beaches and other access points sheer cliffs to prevent them from walking up on them, as well. If you make your walls high enough you can put buildings like winds on top of it to prevent his clams from terraforming it back.

-- Buy a Shield Bot Factory and make several "Aspis" Shield Walkers. Shields work underwater to block torpedoes, giving your troops a massive edge in underwater combat. This is a blessing if you are playing Ships too because torpedo boats and subs both are very unwieldy and extremely easy to pick off. Protect everything you can with shields and you're set.

-- "Shadow" Precision Bombers can strike targets underwater, and due to the nature of Scallops and Clams to pack tightly together, their precision bombs with small AoE can wipe out clusters of them with ease. Only thing to watch out for are Anglers, which will swat you like a fly. Try using decoy planes to make them waste their missile packs; it's easy to do this 'cause they have to pop out of the water before they can shoot, and by the time they do they are likely to discharge every missile they've got on a single target.

If you are playing Ships and you see Scallop mass with Clams, it's probably time to switch facs; the stack is simply impossible to beat with unwieldy torpedo boats and submarines that can't properly retreat. He has superior mobility, support and firepower, so you need to change tactics to beat him. Torpedo boats die by the dozens if thrown against Scallops, and he can simply pick up every one you destroy with his Clams. Not to mention the attacks of both those and Submarines are simply too spread out to be used effectively. But switch your battle plan to amphibious bots of your own, paired together with shield walkers, and you've got it made.

Yes, I realize we have the Sniper Submarine, but how many shots -- how many Scallops -- can one take down before it has to retreat? All the while the entire stack is marching inexorably towards your infrastructure. You may be able to beat it with enough sniper subs, but it's usually a better idea to try something else. Sniper subs are just too easy to swarm and surround for my liking.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I hate scallops... slightly less than I hate ships; for different reasons.

Underwater sight range should be different from land sight range (if it isn't already). Scallops should be blind underwater. Amphibs should have to orchestrate some sort of spotting to get full usage out of scallop torps.

If you don't want to mess with that, the real issue is twofold: torp behavior, and clams rezzing.

Torps act like missiles: they fire perfectly from an ugly clump of units without any friendly fire or targeting issues. They don't hit friendlies like land units do when clumped, torps from turreted units like the scallop don't have any major accuracy issues, and the range stat is meaningless once the shot has fired. All these factors (combined with the easy movement and turreted launcher of the scallop) favor having a stationary blob of units that has enough alpha to kill anything that comes into range, holding territory and simply rezzing any losses vs an opponent who does not have the same access to rezzing units.

Compared to ships, scallops have: great range, enough sight to use it, zero issues getting stuck on each other, zero friendly fire/clumping issues to worry about, infinitely superior movement type, and they can also shoot torpedoes from the safety of land. Hunter being superior on paper stats doesn't even come close.

Things to do: nerf sight range, make torpedoes non-clump-friendly (friendly fire from behind like everything else), make torpedo range stat actually mean something (torps dud past max range), separate rezzing from the dual land/sea units (take rez from amphibs, give it to ships and a land factory), nerf the range on scallop torps.

Pick to suit. Note that number two isn't good game design, but it fits with the current behavior of everything else. That aside, I don't think it's a particularly effective change, but it's there.
+0 / -0
The real problem here is that Scallops can perfectly use the Death Ball tactic to create an unstoppable, steamrolling clump of torpedo-firing death that also regenerates automatically due to being in 'salt water'. Ships really have nothing to use except sniper subs; Hunters can dispatch them if isolated but Scallops are NEVER alone. Ships need a buff or a new unit to compensate for this shift in balance.

-- I would suggest buffing the Hunter somewhat; leave its damage the same, but give it slight AoE and extra health. Due to the isolated nature of ship-to-ship combat the AoE won't be useful against anything except amphibious bots. Against Scallop packs it will help, though they're still likely to lose in a pitched battle. All he has to do is deploy them into a thin skirmish line. Buffing Hunters is the best option IMO as they're the only real practical unit a ship player can make as a defense against Scallops; regular subs will be chased down and scrapped immediately due to them all having similar range. Another possibility is to cut the cost of the Hunter to 420 or so instead of 450, as Scallops are also cheaper than Hunters, rounding out their better-in-every-way stats & mechanics.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sight range probably wouldn't do much because the constructors can spam radar and sonar. There are also other spotter units, Angler and Buoy need to be able to see to their range. The most effective detection-type-change would be reduced Scallop sonar distance but that only decreases it's power vs Subs when there is no sonar nearby.

What about buff Hunter and/or Snake (or even Crusader)? Any of these units could be given AOE torpedoes and barely affect the ship based game while nerfing swarms of amphibs. Aside from that Hunter might need to be better vs subs and amphs while a bit worse vs surface ships.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF SEA BALANCE! Don't buff Hunters even further. Typhoons are completely obsolete already!

Scallops have become dominant with the insane UW regeneration speed. Setokaiva is wrong when mentioning "Clams for repairs" - you only need them to resurrect things, anything else is a complete waste of energy.

Hunter's problem is its inability to hit units that move on the sea floor. Its torpedo always crashes into the ground before reaching a target.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How would slight AOE on Hunters make Typhoons any weaker against them?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Scallops are not spammed or grouped more than Typhoons, so AOE would make them more efficient against both equally.

Frog's idea is the same as buffing Rocko's AOE to increase their efficiency against Bouys, or Avenger's AOE to increase their efficiency against Rapiers and so on. Only affects balance when their target is controlled by nubs who don't know how to use custom formations and even then only because of the current engine version's group hugging.
+0 / -0
When I said that ships sucks nobody cared... By the way hunter buff wouldnt be any good.

The way amhibs works:

ships beats them for cost easily, but since they need to reatreat for repairs amhibs in that time resurects all what was lost including your few dead ships in the end such "undead army" wins, only thing what is bad about amhib is hard to start with them since you can be massacred before you could start growing your undead army...

And why not give sniper sub exploding torpedo, that would make sense, because currently you can rez faster for same cost of clams than kill with sniper sub.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Frankly, I haven't met any problems with scallops playing as ships. Everything I played ships and enemy went amph or hover, I just out and out steamrolled them.

He goes amph -> spam hunters and a few snakes + 1 enforcer
He goes hover -> enforcer spam

Add shredder and skeeters to taste.

Since you make more than cost easily, the initial engagements are completely tilted your way. You just pwn them, then sit on the wreck field while rushing to reclaim it. -> more hunters -> slippery slope till you own the sea

A single enforcer will pwn an ungodly number of bouys given some screening units like your hunters (and ships can tank like nobody's business), get 2 if he starts spamming them.
If you reach the shore, he's getting amphs on the shore, swap to enforcers. They kill everything except grizzly, and with efficient usage of the high ship hp, you can retreat/repair the enforcers so you build your line of death.
-> 8-10 enforcers will kill even banthas and getting that many isn't too hard on sea

The key is to press your initial advantage so he cannot build his deathball. Ships dictate the terms of the engagement well into mid-game, and by the time he's building enough clams and scallops to counter hunters, you should have enough eco to churn out sniper subs.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1v1 ship will always win vs hoover or amphibious. But most games are played with more players. If you spam hunters they come with hoovers
hoovers and amphibious will win vs 2 ships if the ships dont win in the first minutes. The deathball will be created and hoovers can kill all torpedo-units exept submarines.
I agree with giving hunters AoE torpedos.
Also shouldn't typhoons be the sea-equivalent of riot. And better at killing skeeters? Skeeters now will kill anything from shipfactory except subs with good micro. maybe better range or a bit faster bullets and a bit slower.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How about letting clams only ressurect on land? or having to use 3x more energy undervater due to "denser transfer medium"

also why can`t ships ressurect too? since they can`t leave the water it hardly seems like a major buff
+0 / -0
Guess why amphs were chosen for the resurrection job. It needs a unit that's able to resurrect anywhere. I've suggested Crane, 'cause it's got low BP and is fragile (you'll need to secure the wreck field and can't ress stuff in front of your enemy as easy) but nobody would listen! :O
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The ressing is fine just ships dont have any riots so swarms take them out easily.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Typhoon and Enforcer are both excellent riot units.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Except for the fact they dont hit underwater (tiny detail?)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What swarms of underwater units are you seeing? Almost all amphibs are more "assaulty" than "swarmy". I'm not sure an underwater riot unit would even be effective against them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
there is something they could add to be riot under water you know the stupid things they used in ww2 kinda like motars but they are for under water and they fall to the bottom of the sea and blow up ? or depth charges lol
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hovers should have some underwater weapon, as amph (buoys + grizz) can hit them, but not the opposite. Maybe some hover could get an AoE uw weapon. That would force amph player to have some buoys in the mix in many-vs-many situations.
+0 / -0
Hovers can hit surfaced amphs alrightey, especially since the floating amph cannot move except up-down. Maces pwn surfaced buoys, to which they fail on land, and i'ma not even talk about scalpels' instagibbing potential.
+0 / -0
Maek scalepal hav reverse-surfacing!!!
+0 / -0
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