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PW widget shop

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Sale of widget for PW dollars means I will not program a similar widget for anyone else until round is over, nor will I share it.
I reserve the right to use any widget I program.
Suggestions welcome, I reserve the right to sell your ideas to other ppl if you don't buy them.

Please make sure you know how to install and use a widget before buying one!
Also know the limitations of widgets. If you have high latency or lags, it will not perform well.

Mediafire DL links only. Will come in 7zip with password, password delivery arrangements negotiable (PM will be most convenient)

Taking limited orders now.

Price on request, negotiable
Implementation and keybinding negotiable
Payment only on delivery (you can be bid down by other people while I'm still making it if they offer more)
Support and debugging free, upgrades and addons will cost additional
Subject to availability of my free time

Suggestions for the list can go here. Please don't bid in this thread.


Widget ideas list:

Random Area Attack
- Bombard random spots in area with unit's weapon

Rally queue for individual units from factories (con, bombs)
- Give a queue to a con/bomb and select a factory, future cons/bombs get that queue instead of factory's

Athena rally queue
- Give Athena a queue, units built from it will inherit that queue

Gunship Jink
- Improves current gunship no-strafe behaviour to have small jink (as per gunship no swarm)

Build solar next to extractors
- automatically build solars in free space near mexes

Econ building priority
- Sets high priority on solar/wind and mexes depending on income state

Tactical missile launcher control
- Napalm/tacnuke guarding a shockley (and have an attack order after that) will time their attack command after so as to arrive 1.5 shield radius behind the shockley

Idle towers random fire
- Towers idling will slowly circle their range with shots... just in case
- Most applicable to llts vs cloak

Sniper Alert/Hunt (needs widget projectile detection)
- places marker at first sight of sniper round
- optional add-on: towers with nothing to do will fire on origin point if in range (cpu expensive)

Auto-jink (needs widget projectile detection)
- auto-swarm does not jink until detecting incoming projectile
- Note: CPU heavy

Shield Attack (not sure if possible)
- Looks for enemy shields in range of towers and makes towers attack them to drain shield power (stops if enemies come in range)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
wow, it's better i don't make any comment for the sake of zk.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
wtf is this`?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It's a list of widget ideas I had. Along with a method I thought would increase feedback from testing.

It's kinda not going anywhere at the moment.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
why are you talking about buying and selling software....
+0 / -0
Attention: newbkiller is a troll who pretends to advocate free software, but is actually just here to stir up arguments and contribute nothing to the game. Ignore him and move on. jseah was willing to work at a price (as all people should be able to do), and some of us chose to take him up on his offers. If he didn't feel like releasing everything under an open source license (even though he did!! a couple months later), he shouldn't have to.

After newbkiller contributes something to the game, he should be allowed to criticize.

Seriously. Don't respond to his posts. For every reply he gets his troll skills go up by +1

edit: lol
+0 / -0
12 years ago
well thanks for your input antelope. I was under the impression that this game was totally free. trolling... whatever bro i asked a question, read my post again, like try reading the question instead of trying to start arguments maybe
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Imo it still is free. PW dollars are ingame currency nub xd

PS: iam feeding tha trollz :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I can haz preorder "Build solar next to extractors" plxthz. Willling 2 pay handsum fee wery muhc.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
imo i got more credits :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
thx rick, i acutally think the idea is awesome now that i understand u mean Planetwars credits, for a moment i was thinking there was a "free community" and a "paying community" that had more functionality...

USrankAntelope: if i wanted to tell you to go fuck yourself in the forums i would have posted it here. Good job not replying when i pm you :)
+0 / -0
> Shield Attack (not sure if possible)
> - Looks for enemy shields in range of towers and makes towers attack them to drain shield power (stops if enemies come in range)

Don't shot at discharged personal shields before the bots come in range of long-reload weapons (Stinger) XD.

I prefer 2 tacnukes to shockley+tacnuke.
1 tacnuke discharges about 15 shields enough to let the other penetrate + costs e for recharge.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yah, definitely needs what Kitty suggested. Would make skirmishers and artillery so much more useful against shield-balls. :]
+0 / -0
12 years ago
like in BA: allow to set up build orders before the game starts

a way to aim "unit cannons" more accurate.
(and an option that >3 newtons are controlled in such a way to suspend a unit floating midair)

-beside reclaiming, healing etc a builder with fight commands could also make mex on empty spots. (maybe only when enough res)
-cons patrolling in base eventually all end up guarding factories.
they should go back to other tasks, if the opportunity presents itself
(eg reclaim something)

replays are not very enjoyable for noobs because it needs too many textcommands and hotkeys.
-clickable play,pause,speed buttons
-progress bar, click some point to fastword there.
(if it is not possible to get replay lenght during playback: the widget could be active while you play and create a file where it keeps the gameID-length values.)
-click left/"before" of current time and spring restarts with the replay and ff to that time, camera position is restored
-save/recreate camera movement (exists but no UI iirc)
bonus points if it works for other mods too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
abbort reclaim when metal bar full.

search for idle cons next to any factory [color=grey](prefer factories inbetween ally-facs or near the start box)[/color] and auto-make storages if you excess and all your allies have full storage.

auto-rebuild all mexes which are at the start-box side of a tower.

label if radar get killed and no other radar is close enough to cover the same area (remember adv. radars!)

queue your base before the game starts!
always do the factory at the top of the queue (unless it is far away from your start).
* put mexes at the top and 1 wind between fac/mexes if wind is queued
* put solar on second place if no wind is queued.
* sort defense after mexes and an equal mass of energy structures.
* delete your queue if you change your start position.

require double click to change the start after you have already choose your start point.
* send a message to you that the double-click is required.

auto-build nano tower before you start excessing (or con ships if you have a shipyard).
* prefer factories which are most active recently.

I think that are enough ideas for now :P
+0 / -0