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We need a better way to get players in game

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4 years ago
We need a better way to get players in game. Waiting for Teams All Welcome to finish takes so long for those of is who can only play an hour at a time.
+1 / -0
We need to have multiple active public rooms that people are willing to play on. Having a single room that everyone floods to is the root of the problem.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
we got a small-teams going while the main pot was full, but even then there were more players than spots.
maybe a second teams-all-welcome should open when the first one is full?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The teams slots problem has an easy fix: run another teams autohost.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
do i need to be admin for that or can i do it myself?
+0 / -0
An admin would need to do it. I'm just saying that the solution to that particular problem is simple.

I saw two Zero Wars rooms recently since the game works best as 3v3. To reliably make two teams rooms, with the current infrastructure, I think we may have to be as drastic as removing anything above 4v4.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
but you are talking about zero-wars now i hope...
i think best would be two teams-all-welcome, as it has been for some while.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
2 pots boil better than one.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
There's that idea of auto-assembling a new game out of "waiting list" players.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Anarchid's idea sounds great.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I remember when the lobby was unified and people had plenty of games to choose from. :D
+1 / -0
4 years ago
share like subscribe!!
spam in reddit
spam in steam
spam everywhere!
paid advertisement!

more population, faster u get games
+0 / -0
I know an answer and it WILL work.

Continue working on Zero Wars and make it easier to use - it's an absolutely amazing and stress free way for new players to get to know about ZK, it's units and interactions.

1) AutoZW Hosts should lock map to the latest Zero Wars version
2) AutoZW Hosts should spawn 2nd-3rd, etc. room as soon as there're some players in other rooms
3) AutoZW Hosts should be limited to 3v3
4) Rename AutoZW Hosts to "[A]Zero Wars 1" - "[A]Zero Wars n" instead of ambiguous and confusing name of "[A] Custom Gamemode"
5) Please.
- Fix queue bugs(using insert-to-queue mode breaks the q and fac stops building, need to clear everything and requeue)
- make heros preserve move orders when in lockdown mode waiting for respawn timer to expire, some indication for respawn time could be useful as well
6) We need to try to keep ZW as close to basic ZK balancing as possible, right now teamkill is almost completely disabled and I think it's fine. We should refrain from rebalacing basic units inside ZW.

tl;dr; - ZW needs polishing => stable working ZW would make ZK more approachable for wider audiences => can grab a lot more players => eventually some of them will start participating in 1v1/team/ffa/whatever else you like, some may even help financially or become developers and contributors => zk as a game and community grows and becomes stronger :)
+2 / -0
4 years ago
True, but ZW is also very different balance and strategy from normal ZK. Consider a "fast battle" or "balance wars" map, like so:
  • at the start of each battle, players are given random factories and a fixed amount of metal, with 0 metal income and unlimited energy
  • units build instantly
  • to avoid draws, turrets and terraform are banned
  • the winner is the first to kill the opponent's factory

So each player makes a set amount of troops at the start and then tries to go out and kill the opponent while defending. This would have many of the tactical elements of full ZK but battles would be a lot faster and more lightweight. By varying the initial fixed amount of metal, you could use it to test aspects of the balance of different factories in the early game, mid game, or later game.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
ZW gives a basic idea about unit interactions - raiders, skirmishers, assaults, air.
It teaches to build cheap stuff first.
If we could incentivize expand somehow without ruining the core ZW mechanics, it would be great(maybe reintroduce mexes? but instead a super mex in mid make it regular mexes along the way to the mid).

We need to keep ZW philosophy in a way healthy to ZK in general, than it will be a success.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Serious Troll is SERIOUS!

Has anyone tried streaming on Twitch? :DDDDDDDD
+0 / -0