Commander 1
Commander 2
Last battles
1218 played, 205 watched, 0 missionsB949744 7 on IncultaV2
B949734 10 on Fields_Of_Isis
B949724 8 on Altair_Crossing_v3
B949718 6 on MoonQ10x
B949708 2 on BellicoseIslands_ZK-v01
B946929 8 on Aquatic Divide Revised v02
B946914 8 on Terra 2
B946283 16 on Vantage v1.2
B946271 6 on Scorched Crossing v1
B946254 8 on Columbia Basin 1.11
Posted threads
181 posts in 15 threadsHow to nerf Godde?
We need a better way to get players in game
account reveal
Happy Trolliday!!
thank you for the good games
Keep getting banned
Conference talks about Zero-K, Spring and Open Source in Brussels
FolsomDam is finally a dam
Poll votes
- We are considering removal of Quickmatch/Juggler system. What is your opinion? : Remove it
- Do you use the gesture build menu? (see http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/9447 for more info) : No
- What do you like most about Zero-K? : Teamplay, coordinating crushing attacks , helping friends and allies, making the team win
First Login: 13 years ago, Last Login: 4 years agoForum karma: +168 / -82
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