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Thunderbird Nerf?

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5 years ago
Any thoughts on nerfing the early game deciding TB rush? =)
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5 years ago
Don't nerf it, or player will use grouped raider/skirmisher even more.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Im more looking to a cost nerf so you cant simply rush one out to win the game
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5 years ago
Do you have a replay?

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5 years ago
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5 years ago
It was made to counter a Yuge shielded and supported, assault rush. I don't think there was anything else EErankAdminAnarchid could have did to counter it.
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5 years ago
I am well aware of what it was used for, however this happens in not only this matchup but instead in almost any matchup. Rush a tb to destroy the enemies army completely when they are about to engage your army. This one in this case was around 6 min which is very early due to its cheapness
+0 / -0
Most factories will not be devastated if properly managed. Your shieldball playstyle was particularly susceptible. If you were to reverse the positions, what do you think would be a fair way for Anarchid to win?

Because shieldball in particular is designed to be very efficient against most units, but in exchange for this they are devastated by their counters. These counters will almost always feel unfair if used successfully, whether they be Domis taking your slow dudes, or thunderbirds disarming your entire goonsquad. My view is that there is no counter that feels 'fair' by the nature of the composition specialising against 'fair' units.

+2 / -0
5 years ago
+2 / -0
if your tardy enough you can elect a perpendicular to the path of the thunderbird spread out formation .

but often would still get hit hard in stunned retreating forces if followed up by raiders
+0 / -0
5 years ago
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If Thunderbird cost 1000 it would still probably get rushed in some situations and potentially feel bad for the opposition, but its more "reasonable" applications in situations where both players/teams have air would decline I think.

If a nerf to Thunderbird were contemplated I would prefer to see something along the lines of a small decrease to the maximum disarm time. This would give the defending player a better chance to escape with some of their units and require the attacking player to go to more effort (in terms of having fast units and being in position) to follow up the Thunderbird.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
A disarm time nerf might be nice instead of cost since currently the defending or attacking player will usually lose 90% of their army atleast before their units arm again
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Just learn2play, what really needs rethink is Felon's ability to counter almost any air, because ball of some size with more than one Felon can counter 9001 Thunderbirds without being weakened.
+0 / -0
I have watched that replay and considering TB presence we had equal forces at time of that engagement. The TB strike mainly killed the commander; Dominatrices were enough to finish the rest. Without TB switch i would have had 3 more dominatrices (800 factory, 500 thunderbird would have been 1200 into domi), giving me a less dramatic but still sufficient lead. Additionally, many of the Scorchers were purpose built for that strike; again, a nonexistent TB would have meant even more of the mediocre alternative.

If you think a 150% cost in an optimal anti-shield Rover composition should not have won against your shieldball, then, well. That's not a good argument to nerf TB in isolation, but a good one to shine light on rover vs shield.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Requiring an unit as op as thunderbird as a counter is strong indicator of shieldballs being overpowered as well. Well, eventually, felons start cooking even tb.
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5 years ago
i want to say roach are true shields counter but.. they are shields too.

so yeah shields is very strong
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