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Reunite names! The end is near!

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7 years ago

With grave concern I see Zero-K moving towards to lose one of it's greatest assets:
cast games that are using current unit names. The casts are ongoing publicity for the game and confirmed source of player attraction. Thousands of views, the smallest interest sparked as small flame in potential players - snuffed out in an instant like candle in a rain. The darkness descends...

*Learning new unit names for old players - just a minor discomfort.
*Un-ergonomic multi-syllable new unit names - just a minor aspect.
*The general confusion during transition - not even worth mentioning.


Oh pray good people to Zero-K lords, as thy end is near!
+14 / -1
7 years ago
Perhaps not being melodramatic might help?
+0 / -0
7 years ago
Imagine a new player who watched an old cast with Sumo heatrays, just to see that on reality it Has some strange pulling lazors. Im quite sure he would abandon the attempt of ZK immiedetaly.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
PLrankFailer - I am quite sure you agree, that there is qualitative jump from singular unit change to global renaming. Especially if names are not descriptive of unit behavior.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
If you'd Ask me - the whole rename thing just for the sake of renaming is a bullshit.
But if they want to do it, and IT seems they do, cuz this topic was mentioned 100s of times, better do it all at once finally, and have it not mentioned ever again.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
The requirement that we change unit names is based on a false assumption: that Cavedog are going to rear out of the grave and sue for megabucks that we have a skirmisher called the rocko that fires a rocket.
+7 / -1

7 years ago
Have you ever watched a youtube video of an older season of League of Legends? The enemies are completely different, items are completely different, and characters behave differently. Typically what you do then is realize that you have to find a newer cast. Doesn't seem to be such a big problem to me, if there are going to be new casts.
+4 / -0

7 years ago
The requirement that we change unit names is based on a false assumption: that Cavedog are going to rear out of the grave and sue for megabucks that we have a skirmisher called the rocko that fires a rocket.

The likelihood of legal action is basically zero even if they did magically rise from the grave. They could insist that we change the name (the design/usage is already quite different) but that's about it. There's no money to be made here anyway.

I seriously doubt that there's any point in further distinguishing ZK from OTA more than has already been done anyway. Even the units which were inherited from OTA/BA are already significantly different from the versions that appeared in those games. New players will either get the references and enjoy the improved unit counter relationships, or they won't and it won't make any difference either way. If the units were being completely redesigned then coming up with new names would certainly be justified, but this just seems like a huge waste of time which will end up frustrating and irritating existing players and confusing new players who won't be able to relate even recent casts to the actual game anymore.
+4 / -0
This is why I cast games as regularly as possible[*], and also why I put the game version used in the description of each cast. I realize not everyone reads those descriptions, but it's the best I can do (short of including it in the video, which seems excessive) to ensure people watching the game know enough details to know whether to expect the game they are playing to be the same as the one they are watching. Also, by making new ones regularly, it ensures that there are at least a few videos that are reflective of the most recent changes, and that those videos are most visible to someone finding the channel, or searching for Zero-K videos from the past week or month.

I also doubt that a global rename (especially if it is the last one) will hurt the applicability of casts any more than the various mechanical and UI changes that have happened over the course of my ZK casts. The game is quite different in many visible ways since July 2013, so people watching old casts are watching an old, out-of-date game. This is the same with most games nowadays that have regular updates. Stuff changes, and that means old casts of basically any game need to tell the viewer what version of the game is used, since those casts will likely be obsoleted by updates to the game being casted. Whether that's a good thing or not is a different, and industry-wide, debate, but it's a thing that's been normalized one way or the other.
+4 / -0
7 years ago
"*Learning new unit names for old players - just a m̶i̶n̶o̶r̶ major discomfort."
+3 / -0
Since localizations are basically optional text replacements, perhaps we could have an English "localization" that bring back the pre-v1.2.4.9 names.
+3 / -0

7 years ago
it happens to the best...

+4 / -0

7 years ago
Licho rename was a criminal act, almost as vile as the Cudgel rename
+8 / -0