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Emp bomber is OP

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13 years ago
It need some sort of nerf or AA must be stronger so the story is. We had 1 light aa tower 1 mobile flaker 2 light aa vehicles and 1 hacksaw everything wasnt in one blob but near. So emp bomber flyed into us emped whole AA hacsaw didint even shoted his second shot (which absolutely dont make sense coz in description says it kills one bomber and this what i expect). + even mobile flaker was emped which was a bit farther(hope it is good word) then come 3 bombers and killed me.

http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/7131 everything happens in quite early game bottome left.

Son i m disapointed!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And about mobile aa how much m cost for mobile just to kill that plane would be needed? It is absolutely op and whole mobile AA thing just dont make sense. It cost 600m one spider 400m(it is antiair so it should be cheaper than actual bomber cost) could kill it before whole units would be emped? NO! 2 spiders? NO! about those crappy light bot factory bots there is no even talk they would simply die. Lighy bot aa is good ONLY against blastwings nothing more. In my logic if u spend same or less m on mobile aa it should completely protect against flying things. If u build static aa it should be MUCH cheaper than actual bombers whaetever flying cost.

Now u need two hacksaws (to have no damage) which costs 600m=NO SENSE and can be easily fooled by flying insects or one long range aa which costs 800m. And not clear how much M spent on mobile aa.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You get one bomber for 600m. For 600m you get AA which gets paralyzed. But this EMP bombe makes no damage , meaning you need even more bombers to kill that AA.

SPAI unit can paralyze a dante or a level 4 commander, and nobody whines about it.
Emp bomber is just same.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Spy dont emp lvl4 com( u need tow spy's) and i dont think dante either.
Lets simple count 600m vs 300m STATIC AA + 2x~100(light veh) + ~500 flaker whole + ~70m light AA thats ~1000 m in AA and in fact if that flaker would be near hacksaw that emp bomber wouldnt even be killed and that was way more aa in early game that is called "normal". So say whatever you want it is OP specially if u rush it in small map games, then whole bases are emped and are free to ride which very often happens on darkside remake.

Spy is whole diferent thing it is tactical u can prevent being emped with or just being surrounded by units it works against units which are alone. Emp bombers just emp. No any micro needed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well if it emp'd that whole bunch of units then

Dont fucking place them all in a crowd.
Also , spy can emp l4 comm , if without lots of armor , its a question of health.

Emp plane rushes on a small map? This requires 2 or more players , and there are much more evil things 2-3 playres do in a start rush.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Unable to watch replay right now so ill just ask: were you using radsr so the aa knew te bomber was coming?

Emp bomber does seem a little op to me though but i havent used it extensively yet. The thing that stuck out to me is that it has a huge area of effect, so maybe that radius could be reduced somewhat.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
EMP bomber had a script change or something recently and now it seems to fire for far far longer then I remember. I am going to do some closed testing when I get around to it.
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