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Zero-K v1.3.11.3

16 posts, 1659 views
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9 years ago

These changes bring a nerf to some heavy static defenses and a bunch of fixes. Non-rectangular starboxes continue to be applied to more maps. Zeus is slightly more accurate in an attempt to tune Cloakybots.


  • cost: 1200 → 1600
  • power now required to use heatray
  • open/close approx. time: 4s → 15s

*DDM, Annihilator, Behemoth*:
  • power required to aim weapons and open/close.

  • minimum firing angle 30° below.
This has no effect on flat land but elevated Stardusts have a sizable minimum range depending on height.

  • inaccuracy 2.8° → 2.4° [?]


  • Wait pauses non-free Stockpile. [?]
  • COFC camera scrolling obeys Smooth Mesh option and is FPS independent.
  • Units undergoing an orbital drop [?] can no longer jump.
  • Added a startbox creation tool for mappers. Consult [Startboxes the wiki] for usage.


  • fixed non-dedicated Radar sources [?] being blocked by minor terrain irregularities.
  • fixed EMP timer being inaccurate [?].
  • fixed facplop being wasted when resurrecting a factory.
  • fixed fall damage not being applied if the drop was perpendicular to the ground.
  • fixed Outline effect not working on machines without shader support
  • fixed Outline effect and X-ray effect to be more consistent with above water rendering when underwater [?].
  • fixed the SI notation for tooltips and space-click menu.
  • fixed Retreat causing a desync when used by a skirmish AI.
+8 / -0
9 years ago
power required to aim weapons and open/close.

Now u cannot close ani w/o power? Is it good?

What about scalpels?
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Scalpels are not overpowered. Just learn how to counter them RUrankbanana_Ai
+0 / -1
You can counter them, but when u play hovers on land map you just spam tons of scalpels and a few other units. Coz scalpels counter assaults, raiders (except fleas) and some scrims. Also, they can pwn gunships. Isn't it boring?

Just learn how to counter them RUrankbanana_Ai

I don't need to counter 'em, coz I spam 'em.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
BSS meta lives. Sonar lives.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Scalpels are not overpowered

I dont know, man
+0 / -0
The Stardust and DDM nerfs very welcome. I approve of this update. Those question-mark notes are also very, very cool.
Too bad this new forum interface doesnt work in IE 9 or 10, which i am forced to be using at work.
+1 / -0
Maybe they try to force you to work by forcing you to use IE? Alternatively, they might just hate you. :P
+0 / -0
spamming fleas doesnt kill scalpels because running away is what scalpels do.. but it freaks em out.. not really a solution tho..

some factories have a very hard time vs scalpels..

most of the time iv lost some of my initial army realizing my enemy is using scalpels but need to quickly make counter.. aslong as i dont have amphibs or im dead..

cant do most light units or scalpels run away and hide in llt + not that bad vs light units. cant do most heavy.. so im forced to monospam a good counter or facswitch to counter monospam.. they are not op but they are the bulk of hover and i expect them the moment i see a dagger
+1 / -0
9 years ago
spamming fleas doesnt kill scalpels because running away is what scalpels do.. but it freaks em out.. not really a solution tho..

One mace per crowd of scalpels can deal with such things.

they are not op but they are the bulk of hover

Okay. It is no really op, but it is sooooo boring.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It is OP, its just a unit type that is not capable of winning games unsupported that has the achilles heel of being nested in an otherwise unremarkable factory.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i think reducing the scalpel's ability to track would encourage people to mix in mace a little more. it also doesn't help that dagger feels very weak these days
+0 / -0
"It beats 90% of unit types and requires very narrow counters, often from different factories" is pretty much the definition of OP in ZK.

The worst part is not that it's OP, however. It's that the non-strider mobiles that actually manage to counter it (Buoy, Wolverine, Firewalker, ...) are also all skirmishers, often of that specific kind that has a raider-killing sidearm.

That, and porc.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
So it's a bullshit skirmisher that's only countered by longer-ranged bullshit skirmishers? How do non-bulshitty-but-long-ranged skirms like Rogues and Recluses handle it? Not that recluses are generally good against much.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
How do non-bulshitty-but-long-ranged skirms like Rogues and Recluses handle it? Not that recluses are generally good against much.

They just fail utterly iirc
+1 / -0

9 years ago
yes, Rocko/Rogue don't even put up a fight in my experience.

Recluse can occasionally accomplish something against them if the terrain is just right.
+0 / -0