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Sunrise Episode 6M - Gatekeeper

By MYrankAdminHistidine
Ada fights her way past an old foe.

Players: 1
Map: Melt_V2
Game:Zero-K v1.4.10.2
Created:9 years ago
Changed: 8 years ago (revision 29)
Played: 108 times
Rated: 2 times
Rating: Your vote:
Difficulty: Your vote:

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Somehow i got to read the completion text before winning the mission. Now i know there'll be the carrier before even starting it.

Actually completing the mission left the planet white, so i guess i'll have to do it again next time.
+0 / -0
The game ends but you can still control stuff, and Ada becomes indestructible.

Feedback: "Daneel moving to waypoint 1" echoes are visible. Should not.

Terra was randomly possible after game over but I was unable to reproduce this. Maybe lobby fired the mission with some weird settings the first time?

Also, I reclaimed Daneel's corpse. Is that considered the equivalent to t-bagging?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Shouldn't game end once you kill it?

Also i tried to make skydust out of reflex and that didn't work so i thought terra was disabled. Probably just old game version though.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Won the mission after several tries, and the victory conditions seemed to work fine for me (I killed the carrier after killing the enemy base, though).
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Also broken.
+0 / -0
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