How does this sound,
Separate 1v1 ladder, elo is not foactored but rather who has won which encounter
Dyth beats kuro, dyth is above kuro on ladder
Dyth beats steal, dyth is above steal on ladder
Steal beat kuro, steal is above kuro but below dyth
Kuro beats dyth, all 3 are on the same position,
Kuro beats steal, kuro goes above the two sharing
Dyth beats kuro dyth goes above kuro
Steal beats dyth, all 3 share the same position again
Dyth beats kuro, he goes above the two sharing,
This means that to reach a certain point on ladder and stay there you need to be able to reliably defeat all players below ,
Players that can get to eachother will be swapping positions often, the master is untouchable and his position is clear.