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Current Balance Change Recommendations

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5 years ago
Cloaky: Very small buff, to less used unit of factory to encourage their use.
Buff tick speed by 0.1.

Shield: Generally well tuned.

Tank: Minor power rebalance to encourage more unit diversity.
Kodachi: Range 225->220
Blitz: Turn rate 102>124 (Now same as Kodachi).

LV: Generally balanced, but with a bit precarious a position especially in stall-offs. Buffing Impaler because it unable to do its job well enough to justify cost.
Impaler: 700m Cost> 600m

Spider: Generally fine. Venom is a bit overly wacky in terms of its scaling effects, especially with how it interacts with flea. Flea is a bit powerful, but not terrifyingly.
Venom: Area of Effect 80 > 72 Speed 81>90
Flea: Damage 10.6 > 9.6

JJ: Unstable due to no anti-scout.
Been discussed more extensively elsewhere. Easiest solution is to give moderator damage somehow. Puppies also could be used to do this, making them consume half-health every shot (rather than death on hit and around 20% on miss), and have a high reload time (couple seconds). This would lead to them functioning as weak anti-scouts, without substantially buffing them vs raiders.

Amph: Duck isn't quite good enough, but is very extreme where it does win fac cannot deal with terraform at all.
Duck gets increased range 240>260. Shots have a 1 second delay between them. Possibly should start with a higher arc, making them less prone to FF.
Lobster Move Speed 54 > 84 (Same as duck now). In theory makes it fast enough to retreat from slow units, and go on raids rather than just assaults.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I agree with the duck changes. game needs more quack.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
nerf flea
+9 / -1

5 years ago
a raiding lobster I pretty much just crapped meself
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Ducks don't need buffs. Nobody uses them because archers are much better.

Shield boots are generally well tuned to suck.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Fair that the archer could be a bit weaker, likely in dps. I dont feel its overwhelming in its power though, especially given its speed. Its a solid unit, many factories have similar specialty units.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Ducks do have serious friendly fire problems.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Why the consensus is that shield bots suck? I dont understand. It's my favourite factory. Yes it has some hard counters like jumpers, but in general I feel okay with it.


Puppies also could be used to do this, making them consume half-health every shot (rather than death on hit and around 20% on miss), and have a high reload time (couple seconds). This would lead to them functioning as weak anti-scouts, without substantially buffing them vs raiders.
sounds op.

I like the idea of fast lobster.

Buffing Impaler because it unable to do its job well enough to justify cost.
What? it's very strong, just has very stupid ai.

Adding for LV: I think Dart has too much slow dmg, it almost instantly slows by 50% with one hit even some medium-weight units. I'd slash it to 2/3 for starters.
+0 / -1

5 years ago
I wouldnt say shield bots suck they just arent part of the broken unit meta
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I want shield to be good against rovers but outlaw isnt getting the job done as riot, at least for me.
let teh shieldos borrow mace for a patch just try it come on?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Bandits are sufficient against scorchers and darts until very high numbers, at which point outlaw can be used.
Smaller groups can be taken out be a roach.

Shield relies on decent generalist raiders to fill its riot role, until the game scales to larger numbers.
+0 / -0
Why the 1 second delay between shots, this just seems like it will worsen friendly fire and overkill.

Shield could have a cheaper Racketeer, since two Racketeers now do what one used to do.

I would make Kodachi regenerate slightly less and perhaps take some health, so LLT is a more useful as defense.

Venom has really annoying targeting AI. My idea is to remove AoE and increase its fire-rate such that it can keep two units permanently stunned. This is to reliably give it some ability to target multiple units in a way that may be better for targeting AI. I would only make this change if the targeting could be worked out to keep two units stunned reliably.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
yeah, good snitchin' can turn a game fast it's really powerful for its cost; but porc snipes them so hard.
I threw 20 sandbags at a porcline to try to sneak a snitch behind and NOPE the AI definitely prioritized the snitch instantly as it was in range. That lotus had eyes in the back of its head man.
+0 / -0

5 years ago

Flea: Damage 10.6 > 9.6

+0 / -0

5 years ago
I contend duck is more powerful than people appreciate, and Flea is less powerful than is often complained.

Duck needs to be normalized to one-shot other raiders less instantly and allow a bit more nuance. Then it can get more power, when its extreme cased is reigned in. If that power can come from arcing missiles over ducks, it will both make them worse at hitting point blank units, and decrease friendly fire. I tried to normalize it in a way that retains as much of its initial flavor as I could.

Flea needed a bit more range to decrease wonkyness (from death explosions / venom AoE). It still mostly kills on a very fine margin. 10% less damage will add up in a way 10% less health would not.

Venom change isnt ideal, but helps reign in its design problems a bit. Its AoE is so large it has trouble working with other units, especially fleas. Even a small change can help this a lot (fleas would be fine, but they have so little HP they get stunned trivially at the edge). This change would likely help hold over venom until other versions work out. Sadly I also view the unit as a bit weak, and the AoE damages its ability on its own. Adding a bit more speed helps keep it different from other spiders, but shouldnt change its matchups too much.

+0 / -0
Games often absorb some of the imbalances reasonably well, but flea is not one of those cases. It creates blind factory rps issues because it prevents riots without AOE from doing their job. Glaives and darts already have the same problem, to a smaller degree.

I agree they should have enough range to not kill themselves when destroying wind generators and other non-hazardous buildings, but they have way too much dps given their other attributes.

I'd reduce flea dps to half the current value.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
As long as we agree upon direction, I do not think it unreasonable to gradually move the flea's DPS downwards, until we agree its at a correct level.

I contend the unit is more sensitive to changes than it is often given credit for. Its strongly affected by thresholds.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
thresholds in damage are more relevant for burst damage units like duck, flea has a very low reload time.
+1 / -0
Damage specifically is often about hit number. DPS though has more broad implications.

Because of low unit weight, lower DPS can also mean a massive difference in attrition. 50% dps is easily the difference between making cost and doing nothing. Additionally, for a very small unit like a flea, it can mean some real crucial time for another unit to arrive and deal with it.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Its a ultralight scout, are scouts really supossed to be combat units?
+2 / -1
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