1.) Scythe (surprise, surprise)
2.) Roach (more surprises)
3.) Advanced Radar (a true surprise) / Athena (Tied)
Disruption is my game. d:
My playstyle is simple: disrupt enemy operations using stealth and other "special tactics" -- be it buried outlaws (my new "attrition generator"), scythes (deep raiding/assassination/scout), positioning warfare with invisible units and advanced radars, advanced radars with snipers (for perfect accuracy sniping) or athenas in the rear. I don't usually play frontline at all (if it can be avoided, don't like that playstyle). However, disruption on its own will not win a game, it's more of a force multiplier, going where and when needed, trying to create opportunities for frontliners or creating distractions. In summery, I exist purely to remove or negate one or more player's ability to operate under normal conditions.