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Favorite Unit List

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8 years ago
List your favorite 3 units!

1) Pryo
2) Jack
3) Zeus
+1 / -0
1) Duck
2) Another Duck
3) Grizzly
+7 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0

8 years ago
1) Thunderbird
2) Convict
3) Athena
+1 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0

8 years ago
+1 / -0
8 years ago
1. Slasher
2. Dante
3. (Old) Funnel Ball
+0 / -0

8 years ago
1. Sumo
2. Scythe
3. Jack
+2 / -0
8 years ago
2. Chesti
3. Firepluk
+2 / -1

8 years ago
1. idiot
2. Firepluk
3. Chesti
+3 / -2
1) flea
2) eraser
3) scythe

There's a lot of units I'm fond of, having to pick only three is hard. Runners up include:

I tend to like things that feel like they have untapped potential, or that hold abstract value to me by best demonstrating a principle. I also like workers with minor abilities :3

Edit: also I notice glaive isn't on any lists. I would have rated it back in the day, but the meta has shifted so far against it I think the satisfaction of the pewpewpew is counter-acted by the anxiety that they've got access to one of so many mobile hard counters.
+2 / -0
1.) Scythe (surprise, surprise)
2.) Roach (more surprises)
3.) Advanced Radar (a true surprise) / Athena (Tied)

Disruption is my game. d:

My playstyle is simple: disrupt enemy operations using stealth and other "special tactics" -- be it buried outlaws (my new "attrition generator"), scythes (deep raiding/assassination/scout), positioning warfare with invisible units and advanced radars, advanced radars with snipers (for perfect accuracy sniping) or athenas in the rear. I don't usually play frontline at all (if it can be avoided, don't like that playstyle). However, disruption on its own will not win a game, it's more of a force multiplier, going where and when needed, trying to create opportunities for frontliners or creating distractions. In summery, I exist purely to remove or negate one or more player's ability to operate under normal conditions.
+1 / -1

8 years ago
1) Puppies
2) Black dawn
3) Pillager
+1 / -0

8 years ago
1) Bantha (because i played Diablo 2 long time ago and also bantha is really big zeus)
2) Dante (because i like cooking in real life and dante missile salvo is awesome, also i like scorcher and dante is really big slow scorcher)
3) Swift (Speed!)

4) Roach (sore teaching for unit balls)
5) Ultimatum (mostly one shoot = one kill).
6) Infiltrator (because its ass in pain and few of them can turn tide of war)
+1 / -0
8 years ago
1. storage
2. pylon
3. cons & caretakers
Almost made to the list: advanced radar, aegis (shield), hacksaw, sonar station, newton.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
1) Crabe
2) Reaper
3) Buoy
+1 / -0

1) Anarchid (spideranarchid)
2) Nebula (nebula)
3) Razorback (armraz)
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Updated Razorback? It seems too shiny...
+0 / -0
8 years ago
3) crabe (looks so cool)

honorary mentions: glaives, scorchers, sumo back when it had heatrays.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
1) old Outlaw
2) old Pyro
3) Owl

4) Dart, Glaive, old Rapier, Panther
+1 / -0
Page of 2 (23 records)