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Alternative sound movement

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11 years ago

My take on the headshot widget that makes killing coms worth it.
In the files are different versions of the word 'headshot'. If this gets enough approval, then I'll make all kinds of sounds!
+1 / -0
Headshot widget is non-default, so i see no issue with this making it in at least as an alternative.

It might need a bit better voice acting (like more emotion!).

Did you make the sounds yourself? :P
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Not only is it my voice, i made this in under an hour!

although "headshot" seems one of the more difficult things to pronounce (as you pointed out with the emotion thing - it's hard to put emotion into 1 word without making it sound weird)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
More sounds.... you can see i have no idea what to say :)

+1 / -0

10 years ago
having theese in playlist on endless loop.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
These are just hilarious :D
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I love the attrition-related extras :D
+1 / -0
10 years ago
sooo... approval? if so, I'll need more instructions on what to say and help on implementing (since I have 0 lua skills, esp with ZK). I also promise to try harder (I can hear so silly these sound, despite having no intention of making it so)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
i have a text for upgrading com o level where he suddenly has cluster bomb. say "grenades", in exactly the voice of gta2. you already have the spin in your voice! you can do it!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It's mostly down to work implementing it. The announcer widget being unofficial,

We need to summon him who waits behind the terrawall

The nezperdian hivemind of ctf

+3 / -0
10 years ago
Once I get down to it I'll make announcer widget a bit more rich on events and custom client-side config support, so one may easily post soundpack + single simple lua config for another. So you just download, unpack, and here you go.
+1 / -0
Implementing sounds into widget. Will commit today/tomorrow.
If someone wants to make "ultrakill/rampage" and such sounds be my guest. They would fit well I think. Right now only 2 sounds are used for multikill - "impressive", "awesome".

I will also enable announcer by default. But without sounds enabled (In other words: not playing sounds by default). So players just need to go into options and select "Use X sounds" in announcer sound settings. Though I also plan to make a text label appear for few seconds, to accompany important things.
For example one time things:
- First aircraft (or airfac) spotted (enemy).
- First strider spotted (enemy).
- Commander lost (only you).
And sometimes this (only once and ignore the rest unless time some time passed):
- Estall (only you).
- Mexcess (entire team).
Labels for combo/multikills too, but they won't appear centered on screen, instead - flash over units death position. Labels will probably feature "doublekill/triplekill/multikill", etc. Since words are not copyrighted.

Edit: Kmar (sound) events implemented. I will implement attrition and flashing labels a bit later.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I'll get to the sound part this weekend (although it's a busy one for me). Hope I'll find you fast enough to start produceing right away (since I don't know what to say)
+1 / -0

10 years ago
You two should get on skype or mumble for instant feedback.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
There is no need to hurry. Just find me in lobby when you are free and willing to do some sounds. I'm usually online on evenings and all time on weekends.
+0 / -0
- First strider spotted (enemy).

"That, my lad... is a Strider"
+3 / -0
10 years ago
Moved announcer settings into: "Settings/Misc/Announcer". By default all sounds are muted. All taunts are shown.

Also I will still code labels for multikills, but they won't be so flashy, as taunts. And be similar to how "Display DPS" works, simply show a label over death position showing how much casualties there happened for a 1-3 seconds.

And I didn't forget about attrition.

I guess I will continue writing there as my progress will go.
+1 / -0

moar sounds, moar structure. (I find this place is the best to post ofr some reason... reason is most likely me being lazy)
With a little spectial for EErankAdminAnarchid, since his request is logical (as is most of Anarchid in general)
The "grenade" thing might come later... I'm not sure how much varaity UArankIvica wants with this widget
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Also, how can I make the sounds louder then 1? It's barely a whisper... if it's my error, then do I need to yell more the the mic? hold it closer? or is it limited by other means?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Well if you compare xonotic and kmar sound's files, you'll notice that xonotic's are louder. You probably don't have to worry though. I can simply amplify your sound's volume, if they have little or no noise, without quality impact.
+0 / -0
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