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Small maps - many players

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11 years ago

90% of the games are about rushing some heavy and hoping for an early advantage. It sucks. Its always the same. It feels like trollmatches all the time.

Ok, steam is blown off, but seriously: is this the way ZK is gonna go? Cause if it is, I am no more interested in this game.

What I´m asking myself is whether this is just a result of the inability to play on bigger maps cause of desync and lag or if this is what the community wants the game to be like.

+2 / -0
11 years ago
limit games to 6v6

But most players like these trollmatches, so let zk be a trollgame
+2 / -0

11 years ago
if this is what the community wants the game to be like

You make it sound like there's only one type of game that's chosen by "the community" and then everyone has to play that.

Play in a different room. I suggest Small Teams.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What I´m asking myself is whether this is just a result of the inability to play on bigger maps cause of desync and lag or if this is what the community wants the game to be like.

+1 / -0
11 years ago
a) go to small teams host is no solution cause there is nobody playing there. What is part of the reason why I asked the question above. Currently during peak-hours you can either play 8vs8 on maps that are 4vs4 max. Or play 1vs1.

b)Nice survey Skasi, but you might wanna ask for mapsize as well.

c)I am not sure, but my impression is not that it has been like this for a long time - nowadays even the big titan isnt played very often no more. Am I wrong in seeing a trend there?
+0 / -0
Problem with mapsize is always lag. Has always been, since I started playing six or so years ago. No sourvey needed.

DEranktopf, add people who like small team games to your friend list. When you want to play, ask people in the current 10v10, people in #zk and your friend list to join.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
If even a fraction of the people who say "I don't want to wait in the Small Teams room, there's nobody ever there" actually went to the Small Teams room, it would be full all the time.

Quit whining and be the change you want to see.
+3 / -0
but seriously: is this the way ZK is gonna go?
From having seen many threads over years on this: yes.

There are no new arguements to be made: everything you can think of, including results of surveys and polls, was brought up before but dismissed.
Overall it comes down to players explaining to devs/admins why 10vs10, escpecially on maps like IcyRun, is bad.
That is very absurd.

One full 10v10 game is seen as sucess, and in a way that is true because "zK is (2nd) largest spring game wuhuu." Any change would be a risk to lose that and who wants to be responsible for drop in player numbers?
As long as this way of thinking continues there will be no change.

So if you want to play different games, you must organize them manually with friends. Obviously not a solution for most players so it does not happen so often.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If they are organized regularly enough, they should become more common. It's only been recently AFAICT that more than one 1v1 game would be running at a time regularly, but people have started to seed them and they get played more as a result.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
And I can not enjoy a "small" game with a few people, or else a troll idiot comes with his 30 troll accounts and kicks me out.See to it that you are doing what.Sets the right up!Votes only start from lvl. 20 or higher or more hours of play.See here:http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/6501
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I often join other rooms when the big teams room is playing. In a little while a couple of other players join and play games ~2v2.
+1 / -0

11 years ago

Because some people are actually terrible and they don't want to know it, so they play games focused around a die roll, congratulate themselves if it falls in their favor, and blame their team if it doesn't.

And/or also rage at newbies because making newbies quit in the middle of a game helps tip balance in their favor.
+6 / -0

11 years ago
you must organize them manually with friends. Obviously not a solution for most players

Which of those three things is the obstacle? Organize, manually, or friends?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Which of those three things is the obstacle? Organize, manually, or friends?
All three.
For example last 3 tourneys I played in did not end.
Timezones are difficult too.

Find a suitable map, how to change map, how to put startboxes (especially ffa), how to lock the room etc.
For me personally not so much problem but sometimes players struggle with settings things up.

Not everybody is interessted in spending ages finding like-minded people.
Some people just want to play.
+0 / -0
Okay, maybe startboxes are an issue for FFA (AFAICT most designed-for-FFA maps are set up with more than 2 boxes), but since Small Teams is what was brought up we can safely assume that the map DB has it sorted.

As for the other two, Tournaments are much harder to organize as they are long-haul, and there isn't that much motivation when it is basically just for show. A few 2v2 or 3v3 games here and there on a semi-regular basis is hardly going to require that much commitment. Heck, there's a 2v2 going on right as I type this in there, looks like people just seeded and then others migrated over.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Answer to "I prefer game mode X but there isn't enuf ppl" seems to be a larger community. We should get reviews on RTS-focused websites/blogs and improve tutorial missions. Then a game of your preference is always running.
+0 / -0
Do you know why DEranktopf we prefer the small maps big number of players? WE DONT WANT TO DIE BECAUSE A NEWBIE COULD NOT COUNTER A GLAVE. END OF STORY.

In big maps where each player has its own front, its not ok when a 2000 elo player plays against 3 1800+ elo players but its bad when meanwhile he needs to protect the 1200 elo player or he will get flanked and all game is lost.

Big maps with 3 way attack sides or 2 way attack sides are in the wanted list to, so its not about the maps, its about the teams. I myself always keep distance most of the times from big maps because of the thing i mentioned. Even if i kill 3 big elo players alone i still die because team doesnt do a thing.

And this is one of the reason that my team elo dropped from 2200 to 2050, i am a bit tired to give my best in the game and i lose a lot of fun because of that. So curently i am on the fun mode gameplay.
+0 / -0
ROrankForever The answer you seek is !move Platinum, now with working autospec (thanks a lot KR!).

90% of the games are about rushing some heavy and hoping for an early advantage. It sucks. Its always the same. It feels like trollmatches all the time.

I think the problem is that there are precisely zero maps that work well in 10v10. There are very few maps that work well in small teams, and most of them are large 1v1 maps that are being played because there are no good maps made for teams. As I have been saying for months now, the 10v10 room should be removed and teams should be capped at five players.

I would compete if there was another 1v1 tournament and would like organise one, but I have no idea how to go about that and I doubt normal methods would work with ZK.
+0 / -0
Platinum, and wait for 2 hours so you can play a game...verry funny GBrankTheSponge:P, and if there is a chance to get a game you have like 3 vs 3 and 10-15 players as specs...

And after a game is finished all of them spec:))
+2 / -0
11 years ago
It really does work since autospec was enabled. Do !move Platinum in the 10v10 room and you will normally get at least enough for 3v3 and it is common for more people to join after the vote is over.
+2 / -0