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Finnish Flag V5.32


Finnish the enemy team before they Finnish you! Caution: Water Deals Damage. By: IrishDruid
Size: 12 x 8


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11 years ago
Hopefully upload fixed this time.
So this one introduces a new bug fix to prevent that one error from occuring if it does occur.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
Nope. Unitsync still not fixed.
+0 / -1
11 years ago
At least this is downloadable.
+1 / -0
Eh? The download works for 5.32? Awesome! 5.33 is the same thing just another attempt at uploading. FINALLLY!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

And ofc there's one bug left :l
+0 / -1
New idea: Add chicken queen to spawn 10 mins in on either hard/suicidal difficulty
+0 / -0
For those of you thinking one side is unbalanced. You are wrong. It is random. There's so much randomness to this map. In fact sometimes with inadequete defenses, it may appear you are on the bad side of the map. However there is no bad side. Please do not blame the map thinking its a cheat map. Its not. Just learn to have fun and not get trolled.

This is a REAL troll map. You have been warned.

next version will fix the last remaining bug (CheckPos Invalid UnitID if killed during CheckPosing) and add chix queen [landed] to Striders and random event.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The only winning move is not to play.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
We need a map that has a medium level of randomness, since there is this with EVERTHING RANDOMLY ALL THE TIME and v4 with set times for the crawling bomb time, the missile time, and the small list of falling units.
+0 / -0
Idk, I like the high level of randomness personally. It makes things unpredictable. If this becomes a modoption we could have something like a random or set time and the options to modify the constant tables. That feature is beyond me tho but I'd love to have some customisation.

The randomness is mostly for replayability level. If you can't predict something, you can't really strategise against it. I might fork the map into two seperate versions, the new one and the old v4 gadget with bug fixes. That way everyone is happy. I won't patch the missile bug in v4 tho.

The randomness is maybe overboard, but just give it time. Its new, give it a little time, try everything out. I'll hold off on the bug fixes and everything until after new years, then I'll make a post on the forums and request feedback. I'd rather see everyone happy with the gadget or at least a majority. We'll do something like rate each feature. Remove the unwanted features and make new ones next year. But for now I'm withholding Turkish Flag until the next year (Jan 6th or so) and I'll continue development of the trollifier gadget after it.

The GOOD news tho is at least its playable in big teams now! :D

Edit: Nevermind. There's a major bug that needs correction. I'll make the start time / missile time less random tho by lowering the range. 5.34 will be released later today.

Edit 2: Better idea: How would you feel if I made an echo stating the start time or a rough estimate of the start time? Could I then keep the randomness?
+0 / -1
11 years ago
I think a rough estimate of the start time would be good, because otherwise the outcome is decided partly by how long each team thinks they have to prepare. Whichever team is hurried but not too hurried in the defense would probably win.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
so here's what im thinking:

At gamestart:

eta = randomtime/30 + math.random(-30,30)
sendtoallyteam("Troll storm inbound. ETA: " .. eta .. " seconds.")

I appreciate the feedback on the issue, and I will work on it as well as patch the Zenith (when zenithtime is reached it teleports the DRP instead of Zenith lol! whoops. fail copy paste :P)

Maybe lower the chance of the nuke hitting to about 20% or so as well and adding a 10% chance of nuking twice. 70% chance of nothing happening seems good to me.

I'm also going to add one feature that gaiaid gets a random colour now at start up as well as lowering the size of the unit table from 50 to 30 and adding a math.randomseed(os.time()) at initialisation. Am glad my work around works for large team games now :D
+0 / -1
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