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Reef remodel

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11 years ago

I had this idea for a new reef model since quite some time. And since I had some time and no motivation to do anything more worthwhile ( cough gunships *cough*)... well here is a half arsed reef model. after cleanup it should be about 6000-7000 tris. But there is a lot of detail which can be removed easely to push it below 5k. Obviously its still very wip: the scale of the diffrent parts compared to each other arent quite right imo. But since they are all seperate parts, adjusting their sizes should be easy. Havent seen a reef in quite some time, so I´m not sure if it already has a new model.

If somebody wants to fidle with it or even finish it, feel free to do so.

here is he link for the .wings file, but if needed, I can upload other formats to.


If somebody is willing to texture it, i would offer to clean it up ( removing all the unneeded geometry ).

Had quite some fun building this, the drone was specialy fun: took about 10mins and looks ok for that imo :). So if this just rots in data-hell, thats fine too.

some pics

since i dont trust the forum, here are the direct links to the pictures

+15 / -0
11 years ago
I have a half made reef model too. I started it ages ago but it never got finished because everyone was talking about rebalancing the unit and I might have put something on that would have no function. The design was quite similar to yours, but more circular. Looking great though, it is always good to have shiny new models.
+0 / -0
Polys are no problem, thats 6-7 glaives. The only issue is how hard that is to uvmap and texture.

It's still using a really old 3do model, and no efforts have been made to re-do it. The style really fits to, so yeah this is really good. All your models are really nice Muffe.

I have a texturing process set up for ships that is pretty formulaic and mostly relies on a few prefab textures and some AO baking, so texturing it in the style of the other ships is nothing fancy but fairly easy to do.

This does look like it has less repair pads than the current one though which uses it's many, many repair pads to repair and re-arm its drones.

People talk about a lot of things TheSponge.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Oh, and it comes with a new droneset, too? Nice! :P
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Sak: It has the same amount of repair spots (current model and Muffe's both have 3).
+0 / -0
I'm not sure how you got that impression DarkStar. The current model has 9. Because it is all one, long, flat surface, the pads are spread equally out along it's length.

It only needs this many to refuel the drones though, so a different solution can possibly be found for that.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
@saktoth: thx for the kind words :)

TheDarkStar probably got the impresion the same way i did: the reef has those optical patern that repeats itself three times on the landing-pad range.

But thanks to the magic of modular design, more pads are not really a problem to add... unless its starting to look really messy...

I personly like the 5 pad version most.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Would it be unpractical to make it so 2 drones can use one pad at the same time? They do not seem all that big anyway and 2 drones per pad with 5 pads means 10 drones landed at a time so it could easily be surrounded by a swarm of 20 drones and still refuel them all without problems.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Drones are small, so there's no technical fuzzle letting 4 of them land on one "physical" pad, which is actually 1 small "virtual" pad in each corner. And larger planes would only be allowed to land on center -- if at all. Do we really need planes landing on Reef?

I love the 5-pad version.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I prefer your original 3 pad version.

The 5 pad version is imho too long, and units that are too long break physics and collisions and cause all sort of weird effects.
+1 / -0
I really like those hangar-things hanging from the side of the hull. Though I suspect they are just for show. Is that correct?

In any case, it is inspiring. I'm daydreaming about a carrier recognising an incoming plane and use that for animations. i.e. opening the bay-doors or some kind of self-adjusting landing-pads, or having an mechanical arm holding a craft in position for repairs.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This looks nice. The 3 pad one is the best IMO. I agree that 4 drones should be able to fit on one pad.
Why are the pads so high above the main deck? It looks like the bridge is not tall enough that way. Where are you thinking this launches the rockets?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The missile is clearly shot from the area behind the control tower, while the side-hangars are for launching the drones (though I'm not sure the lua supports that, it probably should).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Looks great so far. +1 for new drones too - the little helicopters look a bit out of place next to com/funnelweb drones.
+1 / -0
-nice model!

about the unit itself:
-remove rockets. we already have warlord which does artillery bombing. and warlord shells are awesome compared to this dumb rocket. and the sound.
-as exchange, add d-gun attack. executed by a temporary, uncontrollable aircraft (or 3-5 in nice formation of course)
-make repairing ability faster or lichos stuck there forever
-unsure about the antinuke. maybe this could be moved to a new true supporter unit (like having shieldor cloaker or and antinuke, maybe some reclaim ability or sth..)
-oh i almost forgot: make it possible to build! like a mobile factory. maybe restrict possible planes to build.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
+0 / -1
To be honest, i kinda like the idea of a pure-drone ship without anti.

Current Reef just has everything bolted on it, and while that does sound like what a modern carrier would have, it feels decidedly against the crippling-specialization doctrine used on the rest (or at least most of) ZK units.

Interestingly enough, there's one other unit that does that to this extent - and that's Funnelweb...
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Give funnelweb anti. Good idea.
+4 / -1
Yeah, I have to agree with Anarchid - the Reef seems to be a bunch of barely-related stuff duct-taped together... a common feature with Strider-scale units. They don't get enough regular usage, so people don't think about them enough to realize how insane they are.

I mean, the Strider ships are
(1) an artillery ship,
(2) an artillery submarine with an anti-nuke bolted on, and
(3) an artillery ship with an anti-nuke bolted on.

I understand how it happened, but the end result isn't real good.

Obviously ZK will always have need for the Reef, but I wouldn't stress the specifics of its loadout as I imagine there is at least one dev with a plan to revamp this aspect of the generally-broken sea-play.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This is a remodel thread. The reef could be reworked at some point, but it's almost certainly going to keep the pads and drones in some capacity, so that's fine. It will probably keep the missile pod too, but if not a small unobtrusive hatch that never opens is not going to hurt anyone.

It's not worth confusing the issue (As GBrankTheSponge said) by talking about how the reef might theoretically change in the future insofar as it might render the model irrelevant (Which is not going to happen). It is better to simply have a new model.

Striders and the strider ships might be addressed at some point but frankly there is not all that much need, because they are not really units on which the fine-tuned balance of the game particularly depends.

Agreed that the funnelweb has terrible design though (I was joking about giving it an antinuke, duh).
+0 / -0
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