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Anybody playing or interested in Firefall?

It's an online sci-fi fps with rpg elements built around a relatively dynamic world, a pretty complex and nice crafting system and there seems to be only a small difference in power between new and old characters which is something I'd really like to see much more often. It is and will be free to play and I feel like developers really care about fairness when it comes to selling things to players (ie no pay-to-win, mostly cosmetic).

The reason I'm asking - and by the way suggesting to give it a try - is the GUI's modability. It reminds me a tiny little bit (and not just because of the Lua) of Zero-K, although as an fps it doesn't have any sort of automation.

For those interested in lore: There was a big disaster. You control a character who's spending their day killing monsters, mining for different resources (this reminds me a tad of Dwarf Fortress) of varying quality using a thumper, trying to push back some crazy freaks who come from an all-devouring big blob of ???.. uh yeah and all this happens in Brazil and stuff.

The game is currently in closed beta, I've got five closed-beta keys to give away (and I think those get five keys each too, duh, dunno) and open beta will be starting in ~1 month (July 9th). Ya, I think that's about it. Oh wait: It doesn't run on Linux and Mac (I think), at least not natively.

edit: A note! Deep water is bad for your health!
edit2: Another note! I can see email addresses of people who used a key! ZOMG
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I`d give it a go, but cosidering how new it is I aproximate a 95% chance my hardware will not be able to run it, do you know of any minimum requirements?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
That game is seriously hurt by the fact that it has the Starcraft logo with the text changed.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CArankPxtl Pff, didn't even notice that. You're right though!

B-b-but from what I know not a single game of blizzard allowed addons on official servers. Considering I hate SC2 maybe you shouldn't be too worried about that, I hope.

ROrankRed_Lemon Official requirements:
AMD: Dual Core @ 2.6 Ghz (Athon 64 x2, Athlon II x2, Phenom II x2)
Intel: Dual Core @ 2.2 Ghz (Core 2, Core i3, Pentium Dual Core)

AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4550
Nvidia Geforce 8600
Intel Graphics is NOT supported

System Memory (RAM) 4 GB
I've read that 2GB ram should be enough too, but that's not official.
+0 / -0

Hey, the game setting is in Fortaleza :P

Will try it in the open beta.

although as an fps it doesn't have any sort of automation.

Most FPS "automation" i have see is Aimbots...
But not idea if it is useful in a FPS/RPG thing.
+0 / -0
Ah yeah, I realized that and remember I had to think of you when I saw the cinematic! ;)

The rpg elements are just character development related, combat itself is pretty much a simple shooter, so aimbots would help. What I was trying to say is that, unlike in Zero-K, there's not much stuff you could do at once (eg giving buildorders and custom formations for three armies all over the world).
+0 / -0
Skasi, I'll give it a try.

Looks pretty cool and I have a new graphics card I want to try out ;-)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If it's an open-world game somewhere between Planetside 2, Minecraft and Day Z, cool.

Almost anything with the MMO label is absolute garbage though. They're almost universally really crappy, grindy timsinks with terrible gameplay and 0 serious in-battle decision points.
+0 / -0
I agree AUrankAdminSaktoth, more often than not that's the case. I'm not sure how grindy the gameplay will be, simply because it's beta and a lot of things can change. There's no "go out and kill 5 blah blah, then deliver this item to that person and come back" yet. The current character/item design* and the fact that most players seem to prefer to "level" up and improve stats only for a short time (reminds me of ZK's unlocks) got me hooked. The developers say it's not an MMO. In fact there's just a few dozen players in one instance (aka shard) of the world, right now in the morning it's 12-17 players in one, usually it's around 50-60. I've read that devs want to make it so players can lose a shard to the melding. That'd be the first bigger online game I know where players can lose on this scale.

* I just started playing a few days ago, but from what I know current item design looks as follows: The best items you will be able to get are around twice or maybe trice as good as starting items. Since gear requires "power" and "mass" though, players will not be able to equip many of those, unless they replace their other equipment with very low quality stuff, or none at all. Some time ago they removed a skilltree and tier system (you get your character to a high level, then upgrade to a better). Again this reminds me of how ZK has gotten rid of tech levels.

USrank[AOF]AgentE382 I'll send you a key per PM. You can redeem it here. Please tell us whether you got beta keys too once you use it. :)
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Yeah, the problem with most of these grindy games is you're on an exponential power curve. It's okay if a game has infinite vertical progression, if you hit 90% of your power after the first 20 hours.

How is the actual gameplay though? Is it just a generic shooter?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
lose a shard to the melding

i don't even
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I too have a brand new system and would be interested in this kind of gameplay. Got a key left for me? :)
+0 / -0
It's pretty much just a generic fast-paced fps, but without the open world pvp, yup Sak.

@MauranKilom: Key sent.
+0 / -0
ooh ill play skasi, if you got a key for me XD

it seems intresting
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is going to sound really noob, but in the two years I've been playing ZK, I've never PM'ed someone. Where are my messages? Is there even a way to contact an offline player?

If not, I'm AgentE381 on Steam and I'm in the ZK group.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
PM are only available for ZKl (and maybe SWL) users by medium of Nightwatch.
+0 / -0
So... Noob again. Where do I check messages?

I didn't find anything in the Nightwatch chat channel...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you will have to look throught the ZK chat logs file...

have fun theres probably over 100s of them if youve been here for a while
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I didn't find anything in the Nightwatch chat channel...

Nightwatch is a bot, not a channel. Also it would pm you anything you've been private-messaged once you login.

Sometimes it also forgets to do that :)
+0 / -0
USrank[AOF]AgentE382 I'll be online for some time from now on and idling in #zk. Either send me a message via "/w Skasi blahblah", by mentioning my name in #zk, or by double clicking my user name. If your lobby doesn't autojoin the channel simply type "/j #zk".

@LittleBunnyWabbit there you go.
+0 / -0
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