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why aa cant shoot the ground?

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11 years ago
For example, cobra looks good ground turret against low hp mass units. Maybe make a switch for aa ground/air/auto mode. Auto will shoot both, but priority for air. Dedicated air mode is for hacksaw to not wast shots on fleas, also hacksaw need a switch to shoot only bombers. And when player manually give target aa shoot it whatever air or ground it is.
Why not? Cobra cant do much against high armored land targets, and we dont have long-range antiflea turret. Chainsaw completely suck against any ground. Screamers shots is to valuable to shoot ground, and it has high chance to wast them on fleas. Hacksaw has low range and long reload to shoot ground. Razor kiss same as cobra but it suck even more against armored land.
In sum, dont see any opness in aa shooting ground
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11 years ago
what weird is land dedicated turrets shoots air like crazy (seen anni trying to shoot fighter?), while air dedicated turrets ignoring land. Its discrimination!
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What i would like to see is vamps shooting land targets, they would have to fly back up before hitting the ground too so they could only shoot for a limited time before having to gain altitude again.
I think it is a very good idea for aa to shoot ground like in s44 flak turrets shoot ground targets.
The razor could be a good anti glaive/flea turret since the current unit for that role is the stardust and that is still vulnerable to being swarmed. The screamer would be for shooting dantes etc before they could do significant damage.
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didnt we have this treat before already....

AA has insane range anyway
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is it a problem? It's insane range is blocked by terrain most times when vs ground. slight hill can block range of any aa when they targeting ground, cause they shoots not in arc, but in
straight line
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The screamer would be for shooting dantes etc before they could do significant damage.

Porc war for the win! :D
+0 / -0
Porc war for the win! :D

Increased porcing in games could be a problem but dantes etc are already stopped before doing significant damage by anni/ddm porc. I think the only porc enhancing think would be lots of razors preventing fleas/glaives from swarming the annis and ddms.
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11 years ago
and why could anybod make dantes anymore?
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11 years ago
I dont think i have ever used dantes against porc and actually damaged it beyond repair.
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11 years ago
i do think taht AA shooting gorund is very bad idea
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The old consensus/plan, if i am not mistake, was for everything to be able to shot everything, there would not be a pure AA, game was going in that direction with rebalanced (of AA, etc) and everything, but it sudden did stop and no one did try to do it anymore, not sure how...

When planes get new re-balance(slower planes?) someone could try to do it again...

IMO all air mechanic need to change, hate that even inside pure AA, it still subdivide in Gunships AA and Planes AA...
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I tend to agree with loathing air mechanics, but there's no easy fix for this. At this point the whole air game is balanced against the dedicated SAM weaponry.

Merging them together would practically require a complete redesign and rebalance of the entire game. Various low-accuracy units would have to be re-examined as flex-AA to consolidate them with redundant SAM units. It would be mayhem.

Personally my preferred approach would be to just have a blanket range-buff vs. air for energy weapons and then buff the accuracy of energy weapons, but that's not really technically feasible on the Spring engine.

That or just embrace the fact that air units aren't a normal factory and convert them into a non-ploppable special thing like the missile silo.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
by the way, i noticed when game is in slow mode llt and com's beam laser can shoot bombers very accurate, while in normal timing they cant
+0 / -0
by the way, i noticed when game is in slow mode llt and com's beam laser can shoot bombers very accurate, while in normal timing they cant

from what i understand this is due to the twitchy engine not turning the units "turret" more then once a (real time) second
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11 years ago
Can you imagine what a Chainsaw would do?
It is a +50% range Annihilator with 25% more DPS/cost, perfect accuracy and a constant rate of fire.

Even the 280 cost Razors Kiss is a HLT with armour, 2x HP/cost, 33% more DPS/cost, 70% more range and constant rate of fire.

You would never use any other kinds of defenses, especially since that extra range means AA turrets would all act as artillery vs regular turrets.

You have to understand that the mechanics of planes (fast, low HP) are also the mechanics of raiders, and the same sorts of weapons are good against them. The game would have to be re-designed from the ground up. Either you have a bunch of perfectly accurate artillery ranged weapons (good luck using anything except Assaults!) or you need to scale air back so that the accurate, anti-raider weapons such as Stardusts, LLT's etc are effective vs air: Which sort of begs the question, what use is air then?
+0 / -0
On thinking further about it also think what a copperhead would do. It is a fast high dps tank that could charge any porc up to annis and ddms, destroy it and come back for repairs. Things like this are why it would not work too well without, as Saktoth said, a complete redesign of every other unit. I do however, think that it would be worth trying the game with vamps being able to attack ground units, because being quite low hp copperheads and even jethros would be able to stop.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If it so OP cause of range, maybe reduce range when in ground mode? But mot completely to point blank range, just find some range with witch they will not be op. I think the range of HLT is the hardest minimum here, except for hacksaw
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11 years ago
We could just give every single AA unit a seperate land weapon. Give the Copperhead lasers, and the Chainsaw an outlaw pulse.

But then when the enemy makes air, and only this unit can shoot air, you'd only spam that unit, wouldn't you? Slasher had this problem (and more broadly XTA has it).

You would need a broad class of specifically designed units that can hit air, it works OK in Starcraft where your mainline army unit (Marines and Stalkers at least, it's a bit different for Zerg), the unit that often makes up the bulk of your army, can hit air. But when you have a factory with 9 units and only one hits air? It -becomes- a unit that is spammed. See Rapiers.
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11 years ago
I wonder how much this applies to the sea you-cant-shoot rules. Maybe crusader needs an AA laser so that it can fight in all 3 domains? :D
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11 years ago
It does, yes, the situation with sea is messed up.
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