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Dirtbag is too trololo early game

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12 years ago
Dirtbags can be used to make factories unusuable by jumping into them or blocking the exit. That is especially bad vs factories with only one narrow exit.
Of course the dirt bump can be flattend by terraform but it forces spending metal for that - no idea how much since the displayed cost fluctates somewhere around 7000.

I think many new players are very confused how terraform works but without it they can not free factory from the damage done by a 20 metal unit.
Since I can not think of something better:
dirtbags should not leave bumps near factories.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
its not big problem if you dont commorph, but get units and kill dirtbox before they block exit. Yes on small maps (like TROLOLO) it hard to do.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I already suggested that factories should auto-smooth terrain and reclaim wreckages blocking their exits. It would also solve the problem of exits being blocked when placing veh/tank/hover-factories on steep terrain.
+0 / -0
give factory build range + terraform?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
As I have said over and over and over again, Dirtbags are a terrible unit that completely counters 2 labs and offer many trolling strategies, including just spamming endless waves of dirtbags. People always come up with hackish solutions to fix them, but really, they should just be removed.
+0 / -1

12 years ago
People always come up with hackish solutions to fix them, but really, they should just be removed.

You win my vote here. But don't shieldies need something to find snipers and clear minefields?

Oh wait, they got outlaw to clear mines. That just leaves the sniper.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
but dirtbags are funny and cute. removing them would be a bad deal imo. if vehicles and tanks were more tolerant towards terrain slopes it wouldnt be so bad anyway.
+0 / -0
That just leaves the sniper.

What about good old op bandits? Don't they do the job? And even then, on any map with even minor hills a sniper can be uncounterable to 2 labs...

Although, may i ask why dirtbags have to create such a big hill? It has more volume than the dirtbag itself, which kind of makes no sense. A little bump in the ground would do the trick, and (while technically still annoying the crap out of vehicles) it would take really large amounts of dirtbags to make an area impassable.
+0 / -0
>but dirtbags are funny and cute.

I think moving ships over huge expanses of land with newtons is cute. Oh wait, that is trolling. Good thing I don't rage when my allies use this tactic.

See the problem with the argument? "Funny and cute" does not "a well balanced game" make. The unit needs to fit into the equation, and in almost 2 decades of RTS gaming I have not seen a single unit hardcounter 2 labs so well.

Seriously. It's dumb. If I were a potential ZK player and I saw dirtbag spam in my first game I would go somewhere else. It doesn't make sense on all sorts of levels:

The mound it leaves is roughly the volume of the unit that died.
It leaves 0 metal behind on death, contrary to every other unit in the game, including air!!! lol!!!! And units that are unbuilt!!!!11!!
It is roughly the same efficiency as straight terraforming.
It can jump? WTF?
Tanks cannot climb over small mound it leaves.
Can literally be spammed all game with only buildpower from lab.
Counters all high-alpha units.

A common argument that I have used in the past when a unit should be nerfed is that "when a unit is OP, spam it until devs nerf if."

In this case, I think the spamming is so freaking stupid that people don't want to do it, even if it helps win the game.

Seriously. Just remove it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
one of the very few cool little tactics that you can do in this game

and you want to remove it

noob thread
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Antelope is right. Dirtbag hill is a bit extreme. I think it should be 2/3 its size. Plus Dirtbag should leave debris. That'd be 4 metal each.
+0 / -0
I'd raise it to 40.

Maybe i will, when the gatekeeper is not looking. Those things are so annoying it might be worth losing commit rights just to *try*.
+0 / -0
I think we should raise the cost and lower the mound to be mostly veh pathable. Frankly the problem with dirtbag is that pathing is so bad. It never used to be so much of a problem.
+0 / -0
Sak: it should leave metal too. With any other unit in the game, you risk feeding the enemy free metal if you continue to lose your units on their front. Why should dirtbag be any different? If a constant 10 metal/second spam in dirtbags means that the enemy gets 4 metal/second in reclaim, it's going to discourage a pure, game-length spam because the enemy will grow stronger with each one they kill.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
noob thread
Yes. The problem is that noobs do not know how to remove enemy unit from their factory or how to terraform away the hill.
"Abuse it to show its OP" does not work unless you want people to bash noobs in a way that might them to give up on the game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
are you really implying that this is an OP tactic? most of the time it is just a harmless thing you can do for a little bit of harassment at the start of the game, where there is useless nothing else to do other than the routine start build

but it looks like noob saktoth already made his mind up about removing everything fun from the game
+0 / -0
dont really know what to think about dirtbag. but what we should stop doing is taking "newbs dont know how to do x/y" as a valid point. newbs dont know how to do anything, if you keep removing everything that newbies cant handle, there wont be anything left of the game.


are you really implying that this is an OP tactic? most of the time it is just a harmless thing you can do for a little bit of harassment at the start of the game, where there is useless nothing else to do other than the routine start build

well i dont wanna insult you calling you a noob once again so ill just say that its not true, dirtbag spam can be devastating, ofc it needs to be combined with some other units doing stuff. but if you got a newbie in your team that does nothing but spamming dirts into enemy base you might be surprised how well it works out.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
are you really implying that this is an OP tactic?
No, why would you think that? From first post on I said its about newbies.
Cramping units into enemy factories to render them unusuable simply looks like the game is broken.

Yes, there are tons of other such "cool little tactics" and it is all very funny but if you ever want 0k to grow and mature, you have to realize many feel more like bugs.
+0 / -0
Dirtbag spam is not OP. Neither is it uncounterable.

It's just unfun, and in my religion unfun


requires a visit from spanish inquisition.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wrong Antelope, crawling bombs don't leave metal debris because like Dirtbag, they are intended as suicide units.

Nerf Dirtbags too much and you'll never see them again. Double their cost and reduce their ability at the same time? Not very prudent.
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