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Zero-K v1.1.2.0

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Forget the new engine version, we're going in! New graphics, some long-awaited balance changes, and even a funky new GUI skin await in this February's stable.


  • New models for Crane, Rapier, Valkyrie and Vindicator by Exit_Wound
  • New EMP missile trails
  • New slowbeam, Halberd & Buoy impact FX
  • Add flashing effect when a unit is resurrected
  • Fixed Dominatrix beam position
  • Fixed Detriment triple gun animation
  • Fixed normals on amphibs and some jumpbots


  • Cost 1500 -> 1800
  • Reload time 8s -> 10s

  • Main cannon range 700 -> 650

  • No longer deforms ground

  • Fixed divergence between continuous and pulse beams at long range

Firefly (companion drone):
  • Health 160 -> 200

Newtons are less effective against gunships.

Valkyrie accelerates and ascends/descends much faster (general buff, nerfs transport launchers).

All aircraft can be ordered to manually land at airpads, not just bombers.

Anti-air missiles can be fired at much higher targets depending on the missile's flight time.

  • Jump reload time 18s -> 15s

Disco Rave Party:
  • Yellow shot damage 0 -> 800

Wreckages for Flea and Gnat. Now all non-suicidal units (not Claw, Tick, Roach, Blastwing, Puppy, Skuttle) should have wreckages.

Fixed some impulse values for weapons (in particular, this includes a buff for Leveler, commander Riot Cannon and Concussion Shell, Disco Rave Party and Zenith).


Singleplayer (non-modular) comms can morph to higher levels.

Hellfire Grenade:
  • Reload time 16s -> 12s

High Power Servos:
  • Speed bonus 10% -> 15%


  • Keybinds are now saved to LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua, rather than being hidden in LuaUI/Configs
  • Resorted many menu options to make the menu less cluttered. As a side effect, some options may be reset.
  • New GUI skin: Twilight
  • Any unit's description window can be accessed through Help -> Unit Descriptions
  • Binding a key to a unit command also binds Shift+key, if it was not part of the original keyset
  • Camera mode selection uses radio buttons
  • Construction priority has a floating icon (when Shift is held)
  • Added option for selection window background color
  • Fixed cursor transparency under certain hardware settings
  • Fixed clickable areas on chat
  • Fixed negative healthbars
  • Auto Reclaim/Heal/Assist is now under Units category in list


  • CAI checks for enemies near mex spots before attempting to mex
  • Constructors with jumpjets will use them to escape enemies


  • Speed mode is now a modoption
  • New chicken defense, the Rafflesia static shield


  • Persistent messages are stored in history; look better in non-default skins


  • Advanced (COFC) camera handles more smoothly and reliably; resets state with just Ctrl+Alt+middleclick (previously Shift was needed as well)
  • Widget settings are backed up at each run
+0 / -0
Hooray, it's finally out. I've been watching the SVN changes with great interest after seeing the gunship models change, especially since this means the Crane no longer as the ARM logo on it (i.e. one less justification for a valid C&D).

Also, hooray that Phoenix no longer deforms ground. I know my tournament match vs. @[ffc]killer was cited in the change discussion as one of the reasons for the change (though I'm sure not the only or main reason), but I'm glad that was changed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Great changes!

But you still overlooked one typo when you were changing the speeds of the Valyrie. It still has speed 10.7 :S
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just had a look at the new gunships. We'll get used to them over time :-)
When you put the new gunships next the old ones they use a different grey-ish color for most of the model. The old ones are slightly darker, and the black is slightly greyer. Imo it would be nice to have them more uniform with their colors.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I really like the new gunship models, I think they fit nicely with the Gnat, Blackdawn and Krow, though now the Banshee is the odd design out (though I do like it).

I also really like the settings rearrangement. Interface was utterly bloated before.

Also, the use of ZK_keys.lua is very very nice. I'll have to check if those settings carry over to SP, though. Seems like that is part of the point.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
First few games crashed ~3 minutes in with segfaults >:(

Hopefully that was an aberration.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
havent had any crashes so far. Played at least 5 single player games vs AI and locally.
+0 / -0
We play few 1vs1 and 2vs2 games. All ok
But 4vs4, and 1vs1vs1 (ffa) crushed...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
http://pastebin.com/xk368nJm crashed for me and other player
+0 / -0
I somewhat dislike how (most of) the new models all have the always-on turbojet that makes them look more like a fixedwing, and doesn't make sense when idle anyway.

Maybe i should write it as "i'm so gonna go fix it".

PS: i got it to crash reliably in singleplayer, but can't see any specific reason.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i think vindigator looks to big for its speed...
+0 / -0
Annihilator is now weaker than before the big epic cost-buff ~one year ago.

r2728: (5th May, 2011)
Cost: 2200
HP: 7000
Reload: 8s

r4495: (2nd Dec, 2011)
Cost: 1500
HP: 7000
Reload: 8s

Yesterday: (20th Feb, 2013)
Cost: 1500
HP: 6000
Reload: 8s

Now: (21th Feb, 2013)
Cost: 1800
HP: 6000
Reload: 10s
+0 / -0
12 years ago
:D the napalm nade is back!

woo wooo!

the reload nerf really killed it but now i can bring back my fireman com!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skasi, I don't care when you say it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
NP, I know you suck at balancing.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
* Jump reload time 18s -> 15s

i dont think this will work out. keeping the new weapon and buffing jump hmm. what about not giving sumo a bad (and non-fitting) weapon in the first place?
it still sucks, because the main gun sucks. i doesnt work out on the unit, and it doesnt feel right. why not nerf some other properity instead, and give it back its heatray?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Those new models look great. Now that we have a new model for Crane, could we keep the old Crane model on the airplane lab and use the new model on the Gunship lab and give them different stats? (like making the Gunship con slower-but-tougher or something)? It'd be nice to get rid of the one case where you have a single unit in two different labs.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
could we keep the old Crane model on the airplane lab

It has ARM logo on. No.

But having separate aircons would be nice.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Fixed wing con could drop mini nano bombs :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Okay, I gotta look into how Spring stores the skins. Blotting out the ARM logo can not be that hard.
+0 / -0
Page of 3 (60 records)