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adv definder

19 posts, 1406 views
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we have defender but why not add a adv defender
(only a idea)

(adv defender info) (metalcost=400 or 600)
(has 10 misiles and take 2 sec to reload per misile) (after that has fired 10 misiles that need reload and the reload are 10 sec) (damge per misie is 200 or 400) (the adv defender can shoot air and land)(and the hp is 1000 or 2000 hp)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
  • We already have defender, just build 10 of them
  • Units which hit everything accurately like this with good DPS are all-rounders.
  • Haxzor/Flak does what you want for air.
  • HLT/Gauss does what you want for ground.
  • Turret panel is full.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i like defenders but need more hp and damge
+0 / -0
12 years ago
or why not add gauss battry (reload one sec and 10 shoots
metal cost 1000 (damge 200 per shoot) main reload is 5 sec
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think you have a wrong idea of how this kind of game is made. Hint: It's not that everyone goes around saying "i want this unit and this unit and this unit".
+0 / -0
While at it, I want an advanced LLT, a cheap HLT, cheap Anni, cheap DDM, cheap Singu, advanced advanced radar, advanced moho geo, cheap screamer, advanced screamer, advanced starlight, advanced advanced starlight, advanced advanced advanced starlight, uh.. screw this. Merge some porc! ZK has 17(!!!) different defensive structures - five of which can only shoot air units - PLUS terraform.

Less is more!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well I wouldn't mind having an advanced advanced advanced Starlight.
+1 / -0
12 years ago
i had some much better ideas as a advanced defender (like neutrino weapons and unit cannons like in supcom 2) and they are not implemented. do you think, your ideas are the best in universe? the neutrino weapon would be the same in use because it would be a long range gauss, which is almost the same as a short ranged 10*alpha strike weapon but better vs arty(if you have some good defended arty, its very OP. seldom used, but OP.) it would be an anni- upgrade which adds a neutrino weapon on top of the tachyon deccelerator. so help me to get this implemented rather to invent a new subclass of a already suggested unit.
+0 / -0
Well I wouldn't mind having an advanced advanced advanced Starlight.

Why don't you make it using some unused model? It won't break the game since it will be ridiculously expensive and it will allow more lulz!

How about a starlight with extreme ground penetration? (cuts the map instead of drawing in it) or some epic nuke that kills the whole map and makes my pc crash?
+0 / -0
adv adv adv starlight:
cost: 100000m
hp: 30000

-super erergy weapon
100 damage(1000 cratering boost, 10 cratering mult)
0.05 reload
2000 DPS
300000 range

-ground smasher
drains 100e
10000 damage(10000 cratering boost, 10 cratering mult)
20s reload
500 DPS
300000 range
half nuke AoE

-4*defensive laser
500 damage (0 cratering mult)
5s reload
200 DPS
500 range

-energy burst
drains 200e, 5 min stockpile
-> 60000e cost per shot
20000 capture damage
30s reload
666,6(C) DPS
300000 range
nuke AoE
not interceptable by antinuke (energy burst, technically sunburst launcher with projectile animation)

questions? so implement that!

i can write the lua-unitfile for it if you give me the shoot animation, the projectile anims, the model and a good name (adv. adv. adv. starlight is too boring)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
postcount +1
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Commence the Neonstorm.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is worse than the Finland, China discussion.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If a flea can morph to detriment (with some units in between) it would be logical that detriment could morph into flea so you can do the whole morph again :D
+0 / -0
W4RL0K: no

pinguin: im not neonstorm, even if i have ideas like him. AND my ideas are realizable. such a weapon would only be used in VERY big lulz games, and its a conter to 10000 shields-strategys. (PS: the capture is a stupid-shit idea, i know. we can remove this)

new idea: detri can morph to 1000 FLEAS!!!!!!!!!
super flea spam, maybe better than detri in some cases (anni line)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
We already have it, called the chainsaw.

Why it cannot shoot ground i don't know. It would be almost useless ground turret for that cost and dps. But it would at least be consistent.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
best argument!

* Turret panel is full.
+0 / -0
Let puppy morph too! Give it xp for omnomnoming. 'I want advanced puppy, advanced advanced puppy, advanced advanced advanced puppy, advanced advanced advanced advanced puppy, advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced puppy, advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced puppy, advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced puppy and advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced puppy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Merge some porc!

This a thousand times over
+0 / -0