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InvasionAi + some Options

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new options:
-noAir: disables all flying units but firefly
-noAllTerrain: disables spiders + scorpion
-noMechs: disables shieldbots + cloakybots + land striders but scorpion
-noJumpers: disables Jumpers Plant
-noSuperDef: Anni, Doomsday + Behe
-nostatshields: aegis
-lessDefense: diables all defs but Lotus, Defender, Razorkiss, Urchin + Newton
-noStorage: anti clamspam

-allUnits: you are able to build "old" units like funnelweb, assaultcruiser and amphraider in their respective factories
-additionalUnits: new Units like Neonstorm ideas; self-implemented from all interested players, but balanced
-FunStuff: unbalanced "Neonstorm Ideas"
-complexShields: to emit a shield you nee shieldgenerator, s.linker, s.storage, s.emitter; this makes shields much more expensive, but also more powerful
-some minor stupidShit options for example blackHoleSize
-advDef: enable next-generation defenses, to implement; to counter FunStuff
-noCost: all units instabuild, for testing + epic screens + videos
-globalLOS: for epic screens, videos and some normal games

invasion AI:
Asteroids, Plasma + Lasers and Dropships come from the sky; to "win" you must build a "planetary defense" for 30000m; also as a 3rd team in big Team games; attacks are not coordinated; it's like chickens but more technical; if you build planetary defense, the plasma attacks end, and a "REAL" flying fortress (not krow) will appear and attack (like queen); if timer ends before, the invaders will get one 3*starlight-laser, the flying fortress will attack and attackers will "glaive bombard" the planet (hundreds of glaive-like robots falling from the sky, no self-damage)

-invaderTechLevel: 1-10
1=some cyborgs with kinetic weapons; 5=laser droids + assault mechs (zk-tech-level) 8=bright, multi-shielded chrome robots, mighty beams (some of them intelligent), capture missles etc. (epic look) 9/10=ideas coming soon, maybe some glowing energy units? (organic energy)

-invaderLevel: 1-10
tlv1/lv7->very easy

if someone beats tlv10/lv10 without speedmetal, he will get 1000 kudos

-cheapPlanetaryDef: 5000m instead of 30000m

other ideas for the InvAI?
it will be a new, epic gamemode!

IAI tlv3/lv4 vs chicken normal: who will win?
vote for your favorite!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i bet 10m that IAI will win
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can code and commit the options yourself if you feel like it.

New gamemode sounds a lot like chickens. But laggier for everyone. And even more porc-shield-spammy.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You can already disable units in Spring. Just gotta make a ZKL UI for that if you want.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The interface would also have to interact with Springie. Only the host (Springie) can disable units.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Nice announcement! When do you plan to finish this? Do you already have anything to show? Don't withhold stuff on us!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
nocost and globallos are already in the game (requires cheats active).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
1. i cant enable globalLOS and noCost ingame even if im boss

2. i dont know how i can make such a ui. pls tell me what it must do exactly, how can i disable units in code and what are the other option ui files

3. invAI IS like chickens but with a much more epic look
some small animals vs big chrome striders with weapon-zo-enemy-to-enemy-to-enemy-beams and glowing energy-creatures with disrupting energy whips!
+0 / -0
2. i dont know how i can make such a ui.

Most user interface features for ZK seem to work on Chili, there's a nice doc online.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you can enable no cost
!hostsay /nocost
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i didnt know /hostsay, thanks
+0 / -0