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fleas are overpowered

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12 years ago
I really don't know why they aren't getting nerfed. They're tied for the cheapest unit, they're far and away the cheapest armed unit, they have great DPS/cost, they have insane LOS, they're ridiculously fast, and they cloak for free. The last part is most ridiculous because you can park a flea on a cliff at the start of the game and have perfect LOS on someone's factory for a total investment of 20 metal.

They should have zero LOS while cloaked. This would let you use fleas to watch certain areas of the map (when something decloaks them they get LOS), but not use them as a permanent almost-free spy network.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I agree with the point about them being OP as scouts. IMHO they should have 2 options
- dig + wait (free cloak, no LOS, low decloak radius) and
- cloak + spy (drains E, gives them LOS and large decloak radius) so that it would be difficult to hide one like that in a base.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
They're meant to offer the Spider factory a considerable intelligence advantage over other factories. Given that spiders are totally reliant on the flea to raid, keeping track of the enemy with them and finding insolated cons etc is incredibly important. I think they have good mechanics.

What is needed, I think, is an active form of cloak detection, which would solve this and a host of other issues.
+0 / -0
they are not overpowered in a way that I would want them changed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've been waiting for something like this thread to come up so i could rotflmao.

Next thread: firefly is op.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
the problem about active cloak detection is that it cancels out cloak pretty much entirely for that area, effectivly destroying a lot of cool tactics. that would surely depend on how its implemented, but generally, im against it. you can just plop one of these next to each of your singus, protectors, starlights or bring it with your heavies and the enemy can basically throw his ultimatum in the garbage, because all he could do with it is raid mexes that you cant protect with that active decloak.

and there it gets even more awkward, because the initial point was to protect your mexes against flea raids, if that item is cheap enough to put it just everywhere you might as well take cloak out of the game. in supreme commander, if anyone of you played it, there was a so called omni-sensor, which is basically an advanced radar that had on top of its huge radar range a smaller inner range of full detection for cloak - means you have one of those in your base, nobody can sneak into your base. have one of those on your front, no more skuttles. that arguably worked for supcom, but it will not work for zk because there is just too much stuff to do with cloak.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The skuttle was owled because we have no reliable way to detect it. Active detection would allow us to revert, even buff it.

It wouldn't be a way 'to stop fleas' (What fleas do with intel is good and allows you to really pull some neat tricks), but a way to make it so they can at least be detected under SOME circumstances, rather than being free intel the whole game.

Right now, there is an active form of detection. It is called spamming every square of the map with units. With units like the Clogger and Flea this is not actually as hard as it seems. You can also use nanoshields (nanoframes at < 1% complete). This hasn't caught on in the metagame so you guys probably don't realize that the way you to stop cloaked units right now, is to spam zenith nanoframes in every unused inch of your base (Seriously, I do this!). Also stops tacnukes (zenith is tall enough).

This mechanic is dumb. DumbdumbDUMB.

So right now the favored implementation is about 30%-20% of radar distance reveals cloaked units, but entering radar range with a cloaked unit reveals the radar itself. This way, you can know easily where the enemy radar is and avoid the detection zone with your cloaked units. This preserves the sneaking-into-a-base mechanic, while creating some interaction and back and forth between players as to where they place and how they avoid the no-cloak zones.

I only worry that the current radar, with any reasonable decloak range, is so cheap that you can probably spam the whole map with them- Though it's only this cheap to encourage people to make it, and with decloak people are probably more likely to make it so maybe we can up the price. Or perhaps we can have it off by default and add an e-cost (Though people are awful about turning such things on).

Right now the only mobile radar units are comm with radar module and radar plane, both of which are underused. So that's not so much of a problem IMO.
+0 / -0
well the point stays valid, any form of active cloak detection completely ruins the stealth game. thats just how it is, no way around it. even if the radar/detect building doing it costs 1000 metal each, it ruins it all. the whole point about cloak is that you can be detected if youre to close to regular stuff, but if youre sneaky, you can enter a place that is totally occupied by the enemy. with active detection, you have no go areas that even extend beyond the enemies front lines, and thats bad. its so bad that in a porced up game, cloak is completely useless, while at the same time the anti-cloak building is just one more mandatory item that you just have to buy, but doesnt really do anything on its own, like an antinuke.

maybe fleas are op, but that nerfing cloak as whole into ground will break it all, and fix nothing.
if you think fleas need a nerf, then nerf their dps first, or reduce vision range although i personnaly think dps nerf would the only one justified.

and i may add, they current way is great, because it does not give stealth an unfair advantage. you can find cloaked units, its not even difficult with the right tools, but there is no way to 100% protect any area from cloaked attacks, nor should there be.
+0 / -0
I just told you, there is already a form of active cloak detection, and it's actually quite cheap and 100% foolproof. It's spamming nanoframes, burrowed fleas, or cloggers everywhere, and it's quite easy to cover as large an area as any active detector would if you're really that worried about cloak. You lack imagination if you do not see how spamming long lines of 0.01% built zeniths several rows thick behind (Or in front!) of all your static defenses is actually really effective at preventing cloaked units getting in your base. You've probably never seen it done but your elo is high enough that you should understand how well this works.

No, I do not think fleas need a nerf. I think skuttle needs to be de-owled, Scythes can easily blow up superfusions or mohogeos on any spread out map or FFA and can kill a whole base pretty nicely as a rush unit in 1v1, the nanoframe spam mechanic is dumb as dirt, as is rubbing up against things to see them, and licho thinks Snipers are too frustrating to deal with and would probably owl them too unless we get active detection.

SC2 uses active detection and it works quite well. Corsair + DT was a common pro level strategy in SC1, corsairs to snipe overlords (Which are UBIQUITOUS detectors). You'll always know where a detection structure is, so it becomes a specific target to snipe if you want to utilize cloak.

The proposal has some problems and they can be discussed, but that it 'completely ruins the stealth game, thats just how it is, no way around it.' is not going to get far when we already have active detection (rubbing up against stuff like a horny dog).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Partial solution:
fix unbuilt nanoframe structures from revealing cloaked units. That is definately a bug.
+0 / -0
I want to, but this bug actually exists to balance the game at higher level play. With the APM of a high level player you can pull off some horrible things with cloaked units, especially in FFA and spread out maps. I also personally dislike clogger spam.

Nanoframes can also be used to block shots, which is THE method of getting your comm unstunned from racketeers (You can even use it in front of other static defenses, and the racketeer will just keep stunning the nanoframe uselessly). It's great at forcing snipers and penetrators to holdfire, I always lay down razors kiss nanoframes behind me if I have to retreat my commander from those units. Get this too: You can use a zenith nanoframe to block tacnukes. You heard me right. You can thank me for ruining the missile silo if you guys start using this regularly.

I'd like to fix all of that but first we need some other, better mechanic to replace it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I hugely dislike the spam radars solution.

the only form of active detect I agree with is via dedicated MOBILE units, in the form of the currently redundant radar plane. Turn it into a 'project visible cone of de-cloak beneath it' plane and suddenly all is fine with the world and air players have one more way of supporting the team.
+0 / -0
Then you get 'spam radar planes on patrol'. Which would be fine if you could maybe, slip between the gaps in the radar planes or snipe them somehow. But planes are very hard to snipe (maybe you can drive them back with a screamer) and they travel really fast, and to see them to avoid them probably, they'd have to be always visible, etc.

20-30% of a radar is only 600/400~ range, a HLT or LLT, and is not that great. Either way that implimentation might not work and we'd have to cut it down to 10% even (210 range, basically nothing) or have it only for the adv radar. I think the best is probably 20-30% and an E drain and on/off, so you can elect whether you want to make your radars visible to the enemy and spot cloak, or keep them invisible and not.
+0 / -0
To me it seems like the ugly zenith nanoframe spam is the problem here. I've always wondered, why don't they decay when not being built, like in OTA?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i also think the problem lies in the abuse of nanoframes. i never felt cloaking units were too powerful, nor were detection methods anywhere as realiable as a building or unit that has a certain radius in which all cloak isnt working anymore. to me, this looks quite balanced, introducing a 100% hardcounter to all cloaks will break it.

using zenith frames as a method on the front lines may help sometimes but is just a different thing from a radius of detection, the zenith just decloaks in a tiny radius and can be killed with just about anything. to kill a single radar that is behind the front line is a different subject, if you can do that you can probably just kill the porc as whole - esp since you dont have any cloakers to kill that single, weak structure, which is one of the main jobs of cloaking units.

so far nanoframes did not have a great impact on any game i have played. i cant remember any situation where a cloaker of mine was detected by a frame. but in any case, a quick and easy fix for that would be to just remove los from frames and/or make them decay. also reduce los on dirtbags :)

that it works in other games doesnt mean its gonna work here. i didnt play sc online, but from what i know from sc1 single player the whole game is different. zk has unlimited ressources, while sc does afaik not -> you cant just build tons of detection units in sc because at some point you have wasted all your ressources on something that doesnt shoot. in zk its not a big problem to build a few more of this and that when needed, in the long run. at some point in the game, you will be able to afford to plaster every inch of your territory with detectors -> cloak is out of the game. if you do the same with zenith frames, you cant walk there anymore, and its a huge effort to do that, you would have to start each individual frame manually, thats not only a lot of mouseclicks but you also have to watch the builder doing it all the time walking from one spot to another. you cant compare that to a detector.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Klon: you can hold q while shift-queueing buildings and it will only start the nanoframe. Its just as easy as building a windfarm.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
oh :) well thx
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Overlords, while not "free", were mandatory to build, as they increased your population cap. In protoss v zerg, the map did end up "plastered" with detention. Corsairs are fast air units, used for map control.

This lead to high level play, as both players would try to outsmart the other. It was fun and skillful, and on another level very fun to watch. As an observer you could see everything that was happening, and you knew things neither player did in whole. SC1 became(and still is many years later) a national pastime for Korea.

Having detention can and probably will lead to MORE FUN and SKILLFUL cloak/anticloak strategies. It would most likely be better than the current "LOL HE SENDS CLOAK, I NOW SPAM CHEAP SHIT TO FIND IT" bullshit we deal with now. OR also better for the game as a whole than the nanospam sak is talking about (I have to try that, it sounds op).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It is OP. But even klon with his 2k elo doesn't know how to do it. It's an underexploited high level play. So are cloaked units, because they take so much micro to dodge things. At high levels and in certain circumstances (open maps) they keep eachother balanced.

But nanospam is stupid and exploitative, so if we're going to remove it, we need another way to counter cloak. Also, removing LoS from things doesn't help, it's decloak radius, not LoS, that matters.

And yeah, overlords were everywhere, yet corsair DT was one of the strongest protoss strats (The 'Bisu build').
+0 / -0
I think maybe the decloak capability of the radars should be split into a morph, you need to update a radar to make it a decloaker, it feels more flexible this way.
Same for the claoking field of sneaky pete/eraser, sometimes I only need a radar jammer, but the sneaky pete/eraser is a little too expensive for that.
The morph doesn't necessary need to change their model, some signs/lups on them is enough.
+0 / -0
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