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small games, big games

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We really need those host, big games should be big with maximum player limit possible its 13vs13 I think if more than springie fails, because currently we are fighting the system with !force... Now people expect big game and bam its splited and mostly we exit. Thats just wrong.

While spliting is great idea, it does fail currently, people who like smaller games try to type !start just when its over 10x10 and who like bigger games does that when its under 10x10 or uses !force personally I m getting sick of this cat and mouse play :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The split on start is fail because:
- people never know if the game is going to be split or not, eventually they end up in a different kind of game than what they expected.
- split makes a medium game on a map selected for big game, because the map is selected before the spilt. You end up with playing one of these huge crappy maps that are selected for big games, and don't even play big game. So it is double fail, you get small game on huge map, while what I want is big game on small map.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also the !voteforcestart spam becomes annoying. People abuse it because apparenly it doesn't split the game if you forcestart.
What we need instead is some sort of host option, like "!setoptions splitonstart=no" so people can just disable splitting if they dont want it and then use normal !start with all good things it has (autobalancing on start).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
See also http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2768
+0 / -0
We tried 2 different autohosts. It failed horribly. People always flock the one game and they were highly annoyed by limits or auto splitting of "small teams".

One month of this system has cost us about 30% of player base.

Split on start is by far the best system invented so far.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What would be wrong with small team host and big team host?? There are plenty of players who like only small games.. so... join it!

and one host for unlimited player amount... I don't see a problem with that.
And how you measure the 30 % player loss...normally when it splits for e.g. 22 players.. after the two splitted games finished there are only 14 players or less left....
Just put a big team host and a small one
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We measure a lot of data. Decline was in player-minutes. There also were massive complaints about small teams autohost by people who preferred bigger games, lots of discontent people and confusion.

It has been stated many times - people don't change autohosts. They dont even pick them, they generally join the biggest one with players no matter what title says or how its setup.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
The current system might work to maintain player numbers but I doubt there will ever be growth.
The step from one 15v15 game to two (or 3) such games is just too big.

How many potential new players are lost when they see there are only large games?
A culture of small games has to be cultivated for there to be new space race.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I actually have made good experience now with activating the Quickmatch. It is very nice to get 1v1 games running and sometimes also smaller team games. Relatively few people seem to use it though.

I typically start the quickmatch, spectate a game on the team host and once this game ends, chances are good more people use the juggler and a game gets set up.

+0 / -0
This problem is closely related to the disable game slowdown for lagging players thread.

Obviously, the problem emerges from the culture of everyone automatically joining the biggest room with most players and hanging in there. Then people complain about the unsatisfying huge games.

Therefore is it again the culture that needs fixing and making people to learn new behavior:
"goto biggest available room. If unable, start a new room" instead of "join biggest room."

This suggests that limiting the room sizes may be a viable option. Whatever the solution is, you need to 'drive it in' so that even the thickheaded learn how the new system works. Copious amount of information and advice will reduce the Great Confusion And Resistance what such changes will always provoke in people. In the end, they will see it was the right thing to do.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oldschool style hosts with 16 - 20 player limit would be best.

Current system is definitly not good, if you measure things then how big percentage is of !exit when game get splited? it should be at least 50% at least yesterday we multiple times exited and actually both games got exited.
+0 / -0

Go to the biggest room would work fine if there was a simple vote command to ask the waiting players if they want to start a new game.

Maybe this is the "manual juggling" we need? Let players call a !newgame poll among players waiting in rooms.

!newgame FFA, !newgame smallteams, !newgame 1v1, !newgame big teams, etc.

manually initiating a juggle. Every player waiting for a game gets polled. Yes and no override your stated juggler preferences, abstaining uses your juggler preference.

So let's say we have a bunch of players waiting for game to end. I call "newgame FFA". So your juggler settings are just "auto-join this type when somebody !newgames one". People who hate the juggler can just turn their auto-join stuff all off, but they can still say "yes" if somebody calls a !newgame that they'd like.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ivoryking has been successfully hosting smaller team games past week.
I really suggest everyone to do the same!

Just open a room and state what type of game you are looking for. People WILL join!

"Newbie teamhost 4v4"
"beginner 1v1"
"higeh elo 2v2"

limiting player count (incl specs) will work wonder i think.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Following Tandstickor's comment, maybe self hosted games could have an option to be found by the quickmatch system if desired by the host.
+0 / -0
The problem with creating games is getting idle players into the game. You can only be in one room at a time - so joining a room that never starts means missing the end/start of the game you actually wanted to play.

That's the problem with going to a secondary room. You could miss the start of the main one, and the secondary one isn't guaranteed to ever accrue enough players to begin. That's why "small teams" on Juggler sucked so much when Juggler was just launched.

Any system has to cover this problem.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Juggler never had this issue, because it always runs check when any game ends.

So if you opt in for team game, join some some small with 1 person, when big game ends it moves you there (merges both games for future split by elo).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hosting small games for high elo players works fine so long as you have 1+ other guys in there with you, people will come. I am fucking done with big 10v10 noobfests for now, so I will be hosting small games when I want to play.

What I want is a springie hosted Advanced Players room with an elo cap of 1700. That way, I could roll into that and noobs joining would be autospecced. I always feel bad speccing elo 1300 nubs in my hosted games because I want a high elo 2v2.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
CZrankAdminLicho - that was not my experience. This may have been an earlier version of Juggler, but I was getting juggled into small games, then something happens to prevent the small game from starting (player can't sync, long/slow download)... then the big game begins and the rest of us are left in an unplayable situation. Then somebody says "screw this" and leaves and the we've got a 2v1 of leftovers.

I loved juggler, but experiences like that hurt. Manually selecting games, the same fear and problems exists - "I don't care what game starts, I just want to get into the first game that *does*... and I don't know which that will be".
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I know i'll be playing 1v1s and self-hosted small games from now on. It works for me.

What do you think of theold battlenet system? Where you would see a list of available games and where a game would disappear from that list when it started?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
then you could not join later to spectate, which is an awsome feature btw.
+0 / -0
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