Consider this a concept trial. The widget is very raw, so expect bugs and strange behaviour. May also crash.
-> Use at your own risk. During testing, I squashed one infinite loop bug. There is no telling if more are lurking out there.
If you ever get the message about finding no positive roots, please link me to replay. It is not supposed to happen.
v0.1 for advanced tactical AI (to be added) is complete, so I'm putting this out to get ideas and feedback.
Bug reports are welcome, but I'm not actively looking for bugs since I expect this to be changing alot as I add to it.
Currently all this does is replicate auto-skirm behaviour for hammers, while also keeping them in formation.
Move forward in formation, retreat in formation. Maintain maximum range.
It also skirms ghost buildings and will do so until the spot is confirmed clear by direct LOS. (cloak will fool it)
To use:
Select a bunch of hammers, give fight order with the Q key held down.
To cancel, give any command other than formation move via custom formations (I can't detect this easily)
Skirms keep max range from un-IDed radar dots
Skirms break from group when given move order from custom formation
Skirm from the side of the enemy they are on instead of side from which they originally got the order
Skirms jink as simple fire avoidance
Escort behaviour for riots
Escort/repair/reclaim behaviour for cons
Threat analysis and targeting
Enemy fire detection/avoidance?
Avoid standing behind obstacles blocking fire (may need new engine features)
Avoid pathing up cliffs and into units