3 newbs + I = my team
godde (
top player ) + 3 EI clan members
other team
result: I lost because of flears banshee spy
55 seconds ago (IUSP)Blaise got 179 (+90 from techs ) influence at Saddeygo from B10722
55 seconds ago (EI)Godde got 143 (+54 from techs ) influence at Saddeygo from B10722
55 seconds ago (I)Hinoki got 143 (+54 from techs ) influence at Saddeygo from B10722
55 seconds ago (EI)Epicock got 143 (+54 from techs ) influence at Saddeygo from B10722
14 minutes ago (FL)IonStorm sends 10 dropships to Saddeygo
http://zero-k.info/Planetwars/Planet/2275http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/10722(22:34) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:34) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:10:13
(22:34) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(22:34) * PW (GotP)(bru)pasou this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(22:34) PW: ((I)burp)lolol
(22:35) PW: ((EI)Skasi)geez why didnt my comm target the unit but instead shot the structure.. makes no sense
(22:36) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)do not let Ion win pls
(22:36) PW: ((I)burp)+300m :D
(22:37) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)lol
(22:37) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)noob
(22:37) PW: ((EI)Skasi)I wanna kick half my team its a pain
(22:37) PW: (Fainth)yeah
(AG)abma joined the battle.
(22:37) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:37) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:13:43
(22:37) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(22:37) * PW (AG)abma this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(22:37) PW: (Fainth)and ?
(22:37) PW: ((I)burp)every fail harder
t0rb3n left the battle( ).
(22:39) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)lol
(22:39) PW: ((EI)Skasi)why?
(22:39) PW: ((EI)Skasi)cause Pw fails at balancing, or something else?
(22:39) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)u had good team
(22:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)srsly?
(22:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)we have zero AA
(22:40) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)yeah it is balance fault for sure
(22:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)for sure
(22:41) PW: ((EI)Skasi)I cant even order them to jump, cause chili slows everything down :(
(EI)Godde joined the battle.
(22:41) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:41) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:17:49
(22:41) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(22:41) * PW Greetings (EI)Godde of (EI), welcome to (DOOP)Rafal planet Hhalen
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2230(22:41) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)get non wooden comp
(22:42) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)xD
(22:42) PW: ((EI)Skasi)oh well
(22:42) PW: ((I)burp)lol
(22:42) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)lol at that spy
(22:42) PW: ((I)burp)ionstorm's last resort
(22:42) PW: ((I)burp)lichos
(22:42) PW: ((EI)Skasi)eriously why is the game so slow
(22:43) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)not for me
(22:43) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)i cant stand how slow it is so i quti
(22:43) PW: ((EI)Skasi)its not like that usually
(22:43) PW: ((I)burp)eah
(22:43) PW: ((I)burp)thats the reason
(22:43) PW: ((EI)Skasi)and its not exactly slow but stutterung
(22:43) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)what is your fps?
(22:43) PW: ((EI)Skasi)15-20
(22:44) PW: ((I)burp)10
(22:44) PW: ((I)burp)fine for me
(22:44) PW: ((EI)Skasi)yeah I told you its not the fps
(22:44) PW: ((I)burp)nice
(22:44) PW: ((I)burp)1000 free metal from licho
(22:45) PW: ((EI)Skasi)the only thing thats different for me is I turned chatscroll on.. that cant be it though
(22:45) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)sfireman go a little to south west
(22:45) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Ionstorm, Fainth, Odin, resign already
(22:45) PW: ((EI)Skasi)mmh maybe its the many geospots?
(22:45) PW: ((EI)Skasi)but why should geospots slow the game down..
(IUSP)Blaise joined the battle.
(22:45) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:45) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:22:01
(22:45) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(22:45) * PW Greetings Premier (IUSP)Blaise of Intergalactic Union of Socialist Planets, welcome to (DOOP)Rafal planet Hhalen
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2230(22:46) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)they wont
(22:46) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)it may be complex terrainif anything
(22:46) PW: (Fainth)shields are useless vs licho ?
(22:46) (FL)ZPRaven: bb i go sleep
(22:46) PW: ((EI)Skasi)no
(22:46) PW: (Fainth)looked like it
(22:46) PW: ((DOOP)Rafal)they only eat 1 shot
(AG)abma left the battle( ).
(22:46) PW: ((EI)Odin)Ion storm didnt do anithyng again?
(22:46) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)you only had 2 shields
(22:46) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss) have 3 lichos
(22:46) * PW Game over, exiting
(22:46) PW: (Heroiccookie)hey burp look! i played pretty good! :D
(22:46) PW: ((EI)Skasi)or well tather, yes, you need to kill it, not hide behind a shield like a STUPID MORON
(22:46) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)I had one licho
(22:47) (DOOP)Rafal: gj sfireman
(22:47) Heroiccookie: Hey burp! I played pretty good that time! :D
(22:47) (DOOP)Rafal: ion lost 32 ships!
(22:47) (FL)IonStorm: not nothing
(22:47) * PW Winning combination score: 0 team difference, -0.22 elo, 17.6 composition. Win chance 51%
(22:47) (I)burp: ok ^^
(22:47) (I)burp: 32 lol
(GotP)(bru)pasou left the battle( ).
(22:47) (DOOP)Rafal: yeah
(22:47) (FL)IonStorm: I spam glaives rockos and lost it to licho
NonOfSense joined the battle.
(22:47) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:47) * PW NonOfSense this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(22:47) (DOOP)Rafal: he sent 2 waves
Heroiccookie left the battle( ).
(22:47) (EI)Skasi: Well wait yeah it is, 'cause you need to SHOOT the Licho, not hide behind a shield like a stupid MORON :O
(22:47) (FL)IonStorm: and my licho ?!?!??!
(22:47) (FL)IonStorm: against slow?
(22:47) * PW changing map to Grts_DesertValley_012
(22:47) * PW Welcome to (IUSP)DanteLorel planet Taros
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194(22:47) * PW Battle on
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2230 has ended
(22:47) * PW (DOOP)SFireMan got 162 (+156 from techs -73 from domination ) influence at Hhalen
(22:47) * PW (IUSP)sheep got 175 (+96 from techs ) influence at Hhalen
(22:47) * PW (GENCO)Hellaciouss got 133 (+54 from techs ) influence at Hhalen
(22:47) * PW (I)burp got 106 (+27 from techs ) influence at Hhalen
(22:47) * PW (I)szmadar got 106 (+27 from techs ) influence at Hhalen
(22:47) * PW Congratulations (EI)Odin! You just leveled up to level 12.
http://zero-k.info/Users/(EI)Odin(22:47) * PW Congratulations (PIMP)Nukeitzer! You just leveled up to level 2.
http://zero-k.info/Users/(PIMP)Nukeitzer(22:47) * PW View full battle details and demo at
(DOOP)Rafal left the battle( ).
(FL)ZPRaven left the battle( ).
(22:48) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(22:48) * PW ringing (EI)Odin, Fainth, (PinK)Pizdostradalec, (IUSP)Blaise, NonOfSense,
(22:48) * Fainth is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(22:48) * (IUSP)Blaise is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(22:48) * NonOfSense downloading map eta: 39 s
(22:48) * (EI)Odin is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(22:48) * PW changing map to FrozenFortress_v2
(22:48) * PW Welcome to (TUPM)(GBC)Praetor planet Simiadha
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(22:48) * PW Winning combination score: -3 team difference, -0.71 elo, 21.03 composition. Win chance 52%
(22:49) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: great teams
Karotte joined the battle.
(22:49) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:49) * PW Karotte this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(22:49) (I)burp: !predict
(22:49) * PW team 2 has 49% chance to win over team 1
(22:49) * PW team 1 has 77% chance to win over team 3
(22:49) * PW team 3 has 36% chance to win over team 4
(22:49) (EI)Skasi: gaah not this map
(22:50) (EI)Skasi: pick something that hurts less
(22:50) (FL)IonStorm: last game noone had the intelligece to choose air
(22:50) * PW Winning combination score: 0 team difference, -1.32 elo, 21.69 composition. Win chance 54%
(22:50) (FL)IonStorm: that's really bad
(22:50) (EI)Skasi: last game everybody was stupid enough to press ready, (FL)IonStorm, that was the problem
(22:50) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: lol
(22:50) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(22:50) * PW ringing Karotte,
(22:50) Karotte: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(22:50) * Karotte Map download progress: 55%
(22:51) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: pw balance ftw!
M114 left the battle( ).
(22:51) (EI)Odin: !start
(22:51) * PW cannot start, Karotte not ready and synced
(22:51) (EI)Skasi: had half my stupid team not readied, but waited for me to tell them what to do before doing so, we might'a won
(22:51) (I)burp: still everyone plays PW
(22:51) (I)burp: so it can't be so bad
(22:51) Karotte: why are am always playing agianst ionstorm? :-/
(22:51) (EI)Odin: !ring
(22:51) * PW ringing Karotte,
(22:51) Karotte: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(22:51) * Karotte Map download progress: 81%
(22:51) (EI)Skasi: I was waiting in the non-pw game, burp, nobody was joining
(22:51) (EI)Skasi: yes pw is so bad
(EI)Godde left the battle( ).
(22:52) (PinK)Pizdostradalec: !start
(22:52) * PW Winning combination score: -3 team difference, -2.68 elo, 18.37 composition. Win chance 58%
(22:52) * PW please wait, game is about to start
(22:52) (EI)Skasi: fu I wont play this
(22:53) PW: ((EI)Odin)Exit we are 6 vs 8
(EI)Godde joined the battle.
(22:53) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(22:53) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:01:10
(22:53) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(22:53) * PW Greetings (EI)Godde of (EI), welcome to (TUPM)(GBC)Praetor planet Simiadha
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(22:53) * PW Do you want to exit this game? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(22:53) PW: ((EI)Odin)!exit
(22:53) * PW option 1 has 1 of 9 votes
(22:53) PW: ((EI)Odin)!vote 1
(22:53) (EI)Skasi: !vote 1
(22:53) * PW option 1 has 2 of 9 votes
(22:53) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)so?
(22:53) * PW option 1 has 3 of 9 votes
(22:53) PW: (Karotte)!vote 1
(22:53) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)Why?
(22:53) * PW option 2 has 1 of 9 votes
(22:53) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!vote 2
(22:53) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)you have the #1 player and #6 player
(22:53) * PW option 2 has 2 of 9 votes
(22:53) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)!vote 2
(22:53) PW: (Karotte)why? unfair teams maby?
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)sheep)where are the other?
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Odin)Godde left and so Ion
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)How unfair teams?
(22:54) (EI)Skasi: No we don't, (GENCO)Hellaciouss, what the fucking shit are you talking about?
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 4 of 9 votes
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 4 of 9 votes
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Odin)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW option 2 has 2 of 9 votes
(22:54) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!vote 2
(22:54) * PW option 2 has 3 of 9 votes
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!vote 2
(DOOP)SFireMan left the battle( ).
(22:54) PW: ((I)burp)what is the vote for?
(22:54) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)Exiting
(22:54) (EI)Skasi: Exiting the game.
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)sheep)to burp or not to burp
(22:54) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)yah cry about balance when it doesn't favor you
(22:54) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(22:54) PW: ((I)burp)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW Do you want to exit this game? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Odin)!exit
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 1 of 8 votes
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Odin)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 2 of 8 votes
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Skasi)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 3 of 8 votes
(22:54) PW: ((I)burp)!vote 1
(22:54) * PW ringing
(22:54) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!ring fire
(22:54) * PW option 1 has 4 of 8 votes
(22:54) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)!vote 1
(22:54) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(22:54) * PW option 2 has 1 of 8 votes
(22:54) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!vote 2
(22:54) PW: ((IUSP)sheep)now it's balanced
(22:55) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)because u were force speced
(22:55) * PW option 1 has 5 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)!vote 1
(22:55) * PW option 2 has 1 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!vote 2
(22:55) * PW option 2 has 2 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)!vote 2
(22:55) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)Vote 2 please
(22:55) * PW option 1 has 5 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((I)burp)!vote 1
(22:55) * PW option 2 has 2 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!vote 2
(22:55) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)rofl
(22:55) * PW option 1 has 5 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((EI)Odin)!vote 1
(22:55) * PW option 1 has 6 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((PinK)Pizdostradalec)!vote 1
(22:55) * PW option 1 has 6 of 8 votes
(22:55) PW: ((I)burp)!vote 1
(22:55) * PW vote successful - force exiting
(22:55) * PW exiting game
(22:56) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: :(
(22:56) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: it's funny how when I am on team with 2-3 people down the other team just say take and stfu and play
(22:56) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: it's really curious how that all works out
(22:56) (EI)Skasi: Now dont start like stupid when there aint proper teams please, (PinK)Pizdostradalec
(22:56) (EI)Odin: yeah right you are so fair hella
NonOfSense left the battle( ).
(22:56) (EI)Godde: !balance
(22:56) * PW Sorry, you do not have rights to execute balance
(22:56) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: yah
(22:56) * PW changing map to Grts_DesertValley_012
(22:56) * PW Welcome to (IUSP)DanteLorel planet Taros
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194(22:56) * PW Winning combination score: -3.31 team difference, -3.15 elo, 16.4 composition. Win chance 59%
(22:57) (EI)Skasi: yippee
(22:57) (I)burp: all just jerking off on their ELO and exp increase :P
(22:57) (PinK)Pizdostradalec: ((((((((((((
(22:57) (IUSP)sheep: it just took time for some to show up... but it was 6vs7 in the end... any one want to split itself?
(22:57) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: and are you going to complain about balance now that godde and skasi are on your team?
(22:57) (EI)Skasi: I don't care for elo or exp, I just want a proper game, burp. ;)
(22:57) (I)burp: ok
(22:57) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: !start
(22:57) * PW cannot start, (IUSP)Blaise not ready and synced
(22:57) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: !ring
(22:57) * PW ringing (IUSP)Blaise,
(22:57) * (IUSP)Blaise is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(22:57) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: fuckin niggers use the damn torrent
(22:58) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: !spec blaise
(22:58) * PW Sorry, you do not have rights to execute spec
(22:58) * PW Do you want to spectate (IUSP)Blaise? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(22:58) (EI)Skasi: Hella: Godde fails and I'll complain whenever I gotta play for more than two people.
(22:58) (IUSP)Blaise: 1 sec
(22:58) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: !vote 1
(22:58) * PW option 1 has 1 of 7 votes
(22:58) (IUSP)sheep: now 8vs5... i'm sure we can do better...
(22:58) (IUSP)Blaise: !vote 2
(22:58) * PW option 2 has 1 of 7 votes
(22:58) (I)szmadar: torrent works on luinux?
(22:58) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !vote 2
(22:58) * PW option 2 has 2 of 7 votes
(22:58) (I)burp: (I)szmadar yes
(22:58) (PinK)Pizdostradalec: !vote 1
(22:58) * PW option 1 has 2 of 7 votes
(22:58) * PW Winning combination score: -3.31 team difference, -3.15 elo, 16.28 composition. Win chance 59%
(22:58) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(22:58) * PW ringing (IUSP)Blaise,
(22:58) * (IUSP)Blaise is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(22:58) (IUSP)Blaise: 1 sec
(22:58) (I)szmadar: i dont have got that option
(22:58) (IUSP)sheep: (I)szmadar ETA?
(22:58) (I)burp: (I)szmadar you had debian, right?
(22:58) (I)szmadar: yes
(22:59) (I)burp: (I)szmadar the debian build sadly doesn't include the torrent support
(22:59) (PinK)Pizdostradalec: !start
(22:59) * PW please wait, game is about to start
(22:59) (EI)Skasi: geez
(22:59) (I)burp: I had to compile springlobby myself to include it
(22:59) (EI)Skasi: fuck you stupid (PinK)Pizdostradalec moron
(23:00) (EI)Skasi: And Odin for speccing. :P
(23:01) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)Ready Skasi?
(23:01) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Lemme pick a spot
(23:04) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)fuck yolu godde
(23:07) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)yay auto tatrget
(23:08) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)yay idiots who rambo coms
(23:08) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)ur a faggit and u dont even deny it
(23:08) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)thats the best part
(23:09) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)cry more
(23:09) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)your imba com didn't save you that time
(23:09) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)try again next match
(DOOP)fortaleza joined the battle.
(23:10) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(23:10) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:10:56
(23:10) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(23:10) * PW Greetings (DOOP)fortaleza of DOOP, welcome to (IUSP)DanteLorel planet Taros
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194(23:10) PW: ((EI)Skasi)This is such crap.. exactly when I press J for jump the game freezes for two secons
(23:10) PW: ((I)burp)tupm is idle
(23:10) PW: ((I)burp)tupm?
(23:10) PW: ((I)burp)are you here?
(23:10) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)Yes?
(23:10) * PW ringing (TUPM)TheDarkStar,
(23:10) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)!ring the
(23:10) PW: ((I)burp)never mind
(23:20) PW: ((EI)Skasi)I just now realized what unbalanced shit this map is
(23:20) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)no shit?
(23:20) PW: ((EI)Skasi)bottom left has ten times more hills to build windgenfarms on
(IUSP)Fatmouse joined the battle.
(23:21) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(23:21) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:22:18
(23:21) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(23:21) * PW Greetings (IUSP)Fatmouse of IUSP, welcome to (IUSP)DanteLorel planet Taros
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194(23:21) PW: (Fainth)how important is that
(23:22) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)plss remove screamer
(23:22) PW: ((EI)Skasi)very important
(23:22) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)i have never been able to beat spider spam its imba
(23:22) PW: ((EI)Skasi)well no wait, not important at all.. cause it seems people northeast dont even know there are windgens... eh sheep? :)
(23:22) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)there is no easy counter
(23:22) PW: ((EI)Skasi)jumpers, Thograsm
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Skasi)spiders dont have any artillery
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Skasi)so you just spam fireballs at them
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)but arty sucks like hell in this mod
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Skasi)nah
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Skasi)you just skirm spiders to death
(23:23) PW: ((EI)Skasi)well it turns a bit slow, but who cares
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Skasi)(EI)Thograsm you might now know, but your crabe takes 3x damage when moving
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)i wasnt even looking at it when it died
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Skasi)oi
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)like everythingt else in this game
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Skasi)hehe
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Skasi)well you at least have enough fps to look at things X)
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)zz
(23:24) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)zzzzz
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)this map is shit
(23:24) PW: ((EI)Skasi)come on, resign already
(23:24) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)haha
(23:25) PW: (Fainth)is there a hotkey to stop whatever a lab is doing ??
(23:25) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)still mad you lost your com to para drones and light gunship
(23:25) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)no but u admiteted earlier that the units u spam are OP
(23:25) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)people who do that i think are low shit
(23:26) PW: ((EI)Skasi)sadly dont know of one, Fainth
(23:26) PW: ((EI)Skasi)maybe do a ticket for that :)
(23:26) PW: (Fainth)no shit thers no 'stop all' button !?!
(23:26) PW: ((EI)Skasi)nope
(23:26) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)bomb drones against screamer
(23:26) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)you can hotkey a lab
(23:26) PW: (Fainth)yeah
(23:26) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)and make it stop that wa
(23:27) PW: (Fainth)but i dont want it to wait i want it to break its queue and stop
(23:27) PW: ((EI)Skasi) just told you :)
(23:28) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Fainth, sheep: CTRL A CTRL D
(23:28) PW: ((EI)Skasi)or shift+escape -: resign
(23:28) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)he doesnt even know how to do ctrl
(23:28) PW: ((EI)Skasi)escape -: red X -: resign
(23:28) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Blaise too, I forgot
(23:29) PW: ((I)burp)lets find the fleas
(23:29) PW: ((EI)Skasi)come on Blaise
hammergil joined the battle.
(23:30) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(23:30) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:30:57
(23:30) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(23:30) * PW hammergil this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(23:30) PW: ((EI)Skasi)5200 / 1600
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Skasi)gogo noops
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Skasi)5200 / 1600
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)boohoo
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)fix ur mod and cloak costs
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)or kick everyone
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Skasi)go ahead
(23:30) hammergil: !notify
(23:30) * PW I will notify you when game ends
(23:30) PW: ((EI)Skasi)awww
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)why is there no more doesnotcount
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)there is
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)but its only used for mines
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Doesnt it include fleas? o.O
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)Hellacious, where your gunships are, theres 3 fleas
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)oi
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)one left
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)bottom right
(23:31) * PW Do you want to kick (IUSP)Blaise? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Skasi)!kick Blaise
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)move bandits south
(23:31) * PW option 2 has 1 of 9 votes
(23:31) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)!vote 2
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Skasi)10000/10000
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)burp
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)move bandits up hill
(23:32) * PW option 1 has 1 of 9 votes
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Skasi)!vote 1
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)no
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)other way
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)the lower hill
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)n the corner
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)dumbassses
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Skasi)10000/10000
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)follow instructions
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Skasi)lern 2 read coordinates
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)tter
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)HOT
(23:32) PW: ((I)burp)I don't see coordinates
(23:32) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)got em
(23:33) PW: ((I)burp)and now I have 1 fps
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Skasi)hold down space with no units selected to see coordinates
(23:33) PW: ((I)burp)ah I see
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Skasi)just kick him already
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Skasi)he is afk
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)!vote 2
(23:33) * PW Do you want to kick (IUSP)Blaise? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(23:33) PW: ((I)burp)!kick blaise
(23:33) * PW option 2 has 1 of 8 votes
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Thograsm)!vote 2
(23:33) * PW option 1 has 1 of 8 votes
(23:33) PW: ((EI)Skasi)!vote 1
(23:33) * PW option 1 has 2 of 8 votes
(23:33) PW: ((I)burp)!vote 1
(23:33) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)!vote 11
(23:33) * PW option 2 has 2 of 8 votes
(23:33) PW: ((PinK)Pizdostradalec)!vote 2
(23:33) * PW Game over, exiting
(23:33) PW: ((I)burp)why would youvote 2?
(23:33) PW: (Karotte)vote 2
Fainth left the battle( ).
(23:33) * PW Battle on
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194 has ended
(23:33) * PW (GENCO)Hellaciouss got 139 (+54 from techs ) influence at Taros
(23:33) * PW (I)burp got 112 (+27 from techs ) influence at Taros
(23:33) * PW (I)szmadar got 812 (+27 from techs +700 from ships) influence at Taros
(23:33) * PW (FL)IonStorm got 205 (+120 from techs ) influence at Taros
(23:33) * PW (TUPM)TheDarkStar got 181 (+96 from techs ) influence at Taros
(23:33) * PW Congratulations!! Planet Taros was conquered by (I)szmadar !!
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2194(23:33) * PW Congratulations (I)szmadar! You just leveled up to level 32.
http://zero-k.info/Users/(I)szmadar(23:33) * PW View full battle details and demo at
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/10709(23:33) * PW changing map to FrozenFortress_v2
(23:33) * PW Welcome to (TUPM)(GBC)Praetor planet Simiadha
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(23:34) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: Crashed?
(23:34) (EI)Thograsm: because its a mid issue not the player
(23:34) (EI)Skasi: Go fix it, (EI)Thograsm.
(23:34) (IUSP)Blaise: gg
(23:34) * PW Winning combination score: 0 team difference, -4.2 elo, 21.79 composition. Win chance 62%
(23:34) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: Yeah
Karotte left the battle( ).
(23:34) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(23:34) * PW ringing hammergil,
(23:34) * hammergil downloading map eta: 27 s
(23:35) (FL)IonStorm: !ring
(23:35) * PW ringing hammergil,
(23:35) * hammergil map is not available for automatic downloading.
(23:35) * hammergil is not downloading map with SL torrent system
(23:35) (EI)Skasi: Anybody knows whether there's a way to get a list of all planets and sort them eg. by starships, influence, etc?
(EI)Epicock joined the battle.
(23:35) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(23:35) * PW Greetings (EI)Epicock of (EI), welcome to (TUPM)(GBC)Praetor planet Simiadha
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(23:36) * PW Winning combination score: -3.31 team difference, -9.06 elo, 20.68 composition. Win chance 74%
(23:36) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: oh yay fucky is here
(23:36) (EI)Epicock: why do you insist on calling me that
(23:36) (EI)Epicock: everyone love that name so much
(23:36) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(23:36) * PW ringing
(23:37) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: cause you're a fucktard and it sounds right describing you
(23:37) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: Start?
(23:37) (EI)Epicock: so send dropships?
(23:37) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: if I were to guess
(23:37) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: Starting
(23:37) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: LEEEEEEEEROOOY
(23:37) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: !start
(23:37) * PW please wait, game is about to start
(23:37) (EI)Skasi: noooooooo
(23:37) (EI)Skasi: fuck you aaaaaaaall
(23:37) (EI)Skasi: seriously
(23:38) (EI)Skasi: I wont play 1) with these teams and 2) on this map with these teams
(23:39) (EI)Skasi: and 3) not with my fps on this map with these teams
(23:39) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)?
(23:39) PW: ((EI)Skasi)? what?
(23:39) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)it's 6v7 and you have #1 and #6 players + we have complete noob
(I)burp left the battle( ).
(23:39) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)why are you complaing?
(23:39) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:39) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:39) (IUSP)Fatmouse: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Epicock)and #19 player
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)my last two games were 6v7s, I dont give a shit about the elo
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Epicock)and #22
(23:40) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:40) (IUSP)Fatmouse: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Epicock)thog
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Epicock)why arent you loading
(23:40) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:40) * PW ringing (EI)Thograsm,
(23:40) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!ring thog
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)hmm maybe changing settings increased the performance now
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)oh wait, I forgot..
(23:40) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:40) PW: ((EI)Skasi)theres a way to make this map darker!!
(23:41) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:41) PW: ((EI)Odin)26 seconds
(23:41) * PW ringing (PinK)Pizdostradalec,
(23:41) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!ring piz
(23:41) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)change your monitor settings to make it darker
(23:41) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(23:41) PW: ((EI)Skasi)If this map is too bright for anybody: /darkening .1
(23:41) PW: ((EI)Epicock)we wil lose without thograsm
(TUPM)stocky joined the battle.
(23:42) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(23:42) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:04:21
(23:42) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(23:42) * PW Greetings (TUPM)stocky of TUPM, welcome to (TUPM)(GBC)Praetor planet Simiadha
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(23:42) (TUPM)stocky: whats the eta ?
(23:42) PW: ((EI)Epicock)u kidding me?
(23:42) PW: ((EI)Skasi)woot woot?
(23:42) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)?
(23:42) (TUPM)stocky: !notify
(23:42) * PW I will notify you when game ends
(23:44) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)flea spam once again
(23:44) PW: ((EI)Epicock)whining once again
(23:45) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)WHO take?
(23:47) PW: ((EI)Epicock)oh my god this pathing
(PinK)Pizdostradalec left the battle( ).
(23:53) PW: ((EI)Epicock)ownt
(23:53) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)shit weapon
(23:55) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)WTF
(23:55) PW: ((EI)Epicock)ownt
(23:55) PW: ((EI)Epicock)U MAD?
(EI)Thograsm left the battle( ).
(23:57) PW: ((EI)Skasi)5fps :O
(23:57) PW: ((EI)Epicock)nice com
(23:57) PW: ((EI)Epicock)well it was
(23:57) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)look how bad jethros are lol
(23:58) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)take about 10 jethros to kill a bomber over 10 seconds
(23:58) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)if it's sitting on the ground
(23:59) PW: ((EI)Epicock)well
(23:59) PW: ((EI)Epicock)i made a com that can kill lichos
(23:59) PW: ((EI)Epicock)i think thats pretty good achievement
(IUSP)Fatmouse left the battle( ).
(00:00) PW: ((EI)Epicock)rofl
(00:00) PW: ((EI)Epicock)so taht come i killed with peewees
(00:00) PW: ((EI)Epicock)it was a level 4 com
(00:02) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)no 96 rez
(00:02) PW: ((EI)Skasi)well he's right.. so resign already :)
(00:02) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)bomb my fab
(00:02) PW: ((EI)Skasi)aww only 25 of my builders are busy.. o.O
(00:02) PW: ((EI)Skasi)*
(00:02) PW: ((EI)Skasi)25%*
(00:02) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)and to think skasi cried about being down a man
(00:03) PW: ((EI)Epicock)yeah
(00:03) PW: ((EI)Epicock)thograsm is an important member
(00:03) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)you SHOULD be facing 2 people each (godde and skasi)
(00:03) PW: ((EI)Epicock)it wasno where near as fun without him
(00:03) PW: ((EI)Skasi)nah Hella
(00:03) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)bottom right corner.....
(00:03) PW: ((EI)Skasi)I didnt know I would be able to spawn in the rear alone, Hella
(00:04) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)lol
(00:04) PW: ((EI)Epicock)needs more emp
(00:04) * PW Game over, exiting
(I)szmadar left the battle( ).
(00:04) * PW Battle on
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278 has ended
(00:04) * PW (EI)Odin got 841 (+21 from techs +750 from ships) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW (EI)Thograsm got 91 (+21 from techs ) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW (EI)Skasi got 91 (+21 from techs ) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW (TUPM)TheDarkStar got 360 (+96 from techs -6 from domination +200 from ships) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW (EI)Godde got 91 (+21 from techs ) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW (EI)Epicock got 241 (+21 from techs +150 from ships) influence at Simiadha
(00:04) * PW Congratulations!! Planet Simiadha was conquered by (EI)Odin !!
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2278(00:04) * PW View full battle details and demo at
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/10711(00:04) (TUPM)stocky: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:04) * PW changing map to Greenhaven_Remake-v01
(00:04) * PW Welcome to (DOOP)Rafal planet Fist of the Union
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2270(00:05) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: gg
(00:05) (EI)Epicock: well that was kind of a fucking awesome game
(00:05) (EI)Epicock: i killed 2 lichos and countless other bombers
(EI)Godde left the battle( ).
(00:05) (EI)Epicock: with my com and a hacksaw
(00:05) (FL)IonStorm: you have a shit com epo
(00:05) (EI)Epicock: licho haters rejoice
(00:05) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: grats
(teh)Exit_Wound joined the battle.
(00:05) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(00:05) * PW Greetings (teh)Exit_Wound of teh, welcome to (DOOP)Rafal planet Fist of the Union
http://zero-k.info/PW/Planet/2270(00:05) (EI)Epicock: ion for being such shit
(00:06) (FL)IonStorm: it shouldn't be able to kill one stunner and licho at once
(00:06) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: i think i here a cricket cheering for you somewhere
(00:06) (EI)Epicock: you couldnt kill it with 2 lichos
(00:06) * PW Winning combination score: 0 team difference, -1.94 elo, 14.9 composition. Win chance 56%
(00:06) (EI)Epicock: lol
(00:06) (EI)Epicock: ion that means its good
(00:06) (EI)Epicock: not shit
(00:06) (EI)Epicock: :)
(00:06) (EI)Skasi: geez I capped like.. 80% of the mexes there were :O
(00:06) (FL)IonStorm: it's a fucking com
(00:06) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !ring
(00:06) * PW ringing
(00:06) (TUPM)TheDarkStar: !start
(TUPM)stocky left the battle( ).
(00:06) * PW please wait, game is about to start
(00:07) PW: ((EI)Epicock)i dont like this map
(00:07) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)so leave
(00:07) PW: ((EI)Epicock)green with little lumps of pudding everywhere
(00:07) (EI)Skasi: nah this map is fine
(00:08) (EI)Skasi: you can make epic use of the hills with raiders to stay out of radar coverage
(00:08) * PW ringing (EI)Skasi,
(00:08) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!ring skasi
(00:08) * PW ringing PW, (IUSP)sheep, (GENCO)Hellaciouss, (FL)IonStorm, (EI)Skasi, (TUPM)TheDarkStar, (IUSP)Blaise,
(00:08) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!ring s
(00:08) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:08) (GENCO)Hellaciouss: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:08) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:09) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:09) (EI)Skasi: hmm
(00:09) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:09) (EI)Skasi: didn't I spec fast enough?
facio joined the battle.
(00:09) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(00:09) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:02:50
(00:09) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(00:09) * PW facio this is competetive PW campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy
http://zero-k.info/PW/ClanList(00:09) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:09) (EI)Skasi: Oh well I cant play anyway.
(00:10) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:10) PW: ((EI)Epicock)skasi
(00:10) (EI)Epicock: Waiting for 2 players. Spec me with !specafk if you want to play with less.
(00:10) * PW ringing (EI)Skasi,
(00:10) PW: ((EI)Odin)!ring sk
(00:11) * PW Do you want to exit this game? !vote 1
yes, !vote 2
(00:11) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!exit
(00:11) * PW option 1 has 1 of 5 votes
(00:11) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!vote 1
(00:11) * PW option 2 has 1 of 5 votes
(00:11) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)!vote 2
(00:11) * PW option 2 has 2 of 5 votes
(00:11) PW: ((TUPM)TheDarkStar)!vote 2
(00:11) PW: ((FL)IonStorm)why?
(00:11) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)fuck you...
(00:11) * PW option 2 has 3 of 5 votes
(00:11) PW: ((DOOP)fortaleza)!vote 2
(00:11) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)two of our players have dropped
(00:11) PW: ((EI)Epicock)dropped?
(00:11) PW: ((EI)Epicock)we were kicked
(00:11) PW: ((GENCO)Hellaciouss)so you're down by 1 take and go
(00:11) PW: ((EI)Epicock)all we need to do
(00:11) PW: ((EI)Epicock)is wait for skazi
(00:11) (EI)Skasi: !predict
(00:11) * PW team 1 has 35% chance to win over team 2
(00:11) PW: ((EI)Epicock)ofc the troll wants a free planet
(00:11) (EI)Skasi: I dont join, Cock
facio left the battle( ).
(00:12) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!kick Hellaciouss
(00:12) PW: ((EI)Odin)wait for our team mare
(00:12) PW: ((EI)Epicock)why arent you joining?
(00:12) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)For unpausing
(00:12) * PW option 2 has 3 of 5 votes
(00:12) PW: ((DOOP)fortaleza)!vote 2
(00:12) * PW option 2 has 4 of 5 votes
(00:12) PW: ((IUSP)Blaise)!vote 2
(IUSP)Lancelan joined the battle.
(00:12) * PW
http://zero-k.info/PW(00:12) * PW GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:05:19
(00:12) * PW If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
(00:12) * PW Greetings (IUSP)Lancelan of IUSP, welcome to (DOOP)Rafal planet Fist of the Union