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Underhanded design, no respect for the player

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12 years ago
I understand you are trying to reach out to more players, this however is no excuse to manipulate your players. I'm talking about your use of unlocks as a form of skinner box and a conditioning tool. This practice is especially disgusting considering the free nature of zero-k, it's sad to see such manipulation techniques corrupt even free development.

I believe super meat boy developer said it well: it's treating your players like cattle.

+0 / -1
Unlocks in zero-k are hardly a "skinner box".

1) you can disable at any time using modoptions

2) they arent progressively harder to achieve

3) you can get all unlockable units after few days of playing

4) unlocks let people try and practice labs one by one. ZK is unique in having hundreds of units, mastering them takes months of practice. Having people introduced to them slowly is part of the design.
"Too many units". "Too many options" was actual complaint of new players.

5) you dont have to do any boring "grinding" to get unlocks. All you have to do is play the normal game and have RTS fun.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What's wrong with them? Stuff is unlocked quite fast, these units' roles can be fulfilled by other units in their facs, and most of them are noobtraps anyway.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
well spoken, big chief licho.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This should be quite an argument although I doubt at this point Licho can be persuaded otherwise.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Dear test:

While I get the point you're trying to make, you're way off base here. The Zero-K developers play this game themselves. They are deeply and passionately committed to making ZK the best game it can possibly be; a game which is challenging, engaging, and fun; a game that exemplifies the best concepts and execution in RTS gameplay. A game that unquestionably respects its players.

There is a world of difference between what Zero-K does and what's done by the typical casual mobile game that Edmund McMillen was railing against. The most telling difference between them is that the Zero-K developers play their own game. Developers of the games McMillen is talking about don't, and wouldn't ever, because they know that the games are deliberately designed for the single purpose of manipulating players into paying money without thinking about whether they're actually enjoying the game for the sake of its gameplay. They know that their games are for suckers.

The Zero-K devs know that their game is for themselves, and for people who share their love of this particular style of RTS gameplay.

For more thoughts on these matters please watch this lecture by indie game designer Jonathan Blow, the developer of Braid. It's a fascinating talk, well worth your time to watch. He makes these same points and many more besides. He makes a convincing case that games like Farmville are actually evil, and he talks about how developers can use a "toolbox" of otherwise-manipulative gaming concepts without becoming evil as well. The key is to respect the players.

Zero-K respects its players.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
CrazyEddie you should apply to be a PR guy for ZK.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
test, plz read the comments.

- there is a reason why it is like this. read it above

- there is a way to disable it if you like it. read above.

but, as typical german, first complain. ZOMG.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The latest factory are amphibious units.
We got a new factory for them.
More mess? More noob-traps? should it be an unlock?

I think unlock factories might be considerable, but if players use factories and have some units locked (BD) they lose Brawlers to Panthers, because Brawlers can not easily retreat from these (speed 4 compared to 3.9).
Factories without all units are harder to play and more a noob-trap than an unlocked factory.

I would even go so far to see in gunships more of a noob-trap than in planes - at least for some newbes. Why? Because if you lose planes, they make no real damage and you see that. If you lose gunships to AA, they may make a bit of damage and you make more of them.

But if you have something like +100m income, you should be able to make some storages.
If you have +200e income, you should be able to make pylons.
Unlocks are not the best of what we could do.

Advanced Radars for FFA might be usefull too.
And screamer for FFA? If you are the only one in your team, some things should be available anyway.

I would go so far to disable the unlock system by default for FFA-hosts.
If newbes try new units, they are more likely to attack and take part on FFA.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
mojjj: I thought it was "as a typical German, first invade France."

+0 / -0

12 years ago
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Fundamentally, you need the high-level gear to play an FFA game on a respectably-large map. But most newbs won't be doing that, so it's still okay.

My only problem with the unlocks is the amount of time it takes to get a decent amount of Comm gear unlocked, and the fact that there's no freaking way that blastwings should be a starting unit. They're the worst noobtrap in the game right now.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In fairness to Herr Test, the unlock system does have an element of manipulation and conditioning. The leveling mechanism is in fact progressive, and unlocks are delivered in progressively larger chunks after doing progressively more work.

I don't think that's a bad thing. All games have some degree of this kind of manipulation - that's part of what we like about games, after all. They offer challenges, they offer rewards for overcoming challenges, and both the difficulty and the rewards increase over time as our skills at the game increase. Games that do this honestly - like Zero-K - are good.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'm kind of agreeing with Test, here. Back when I was new, I hated it. I didn't have any factories. I didn't have any com modules.

I mean, what the hell? Com modules? Why are they unlocks? I can see how things such as Singularity Reactors, Starlight and Detriment are unlocks. But having modules as unlocks are simply crippling.

So, yes. This game has the elements of a Skinner's box.
+0 / -0
If you're going to talk about respect, try having a little for the developers who made this game for free. You could at least use your own account. There is a debate to be had here and we're quite sensitive to these issues but you aren't going to start a fruitful discussion like that. It's heartening that so many people understand what our motivations are, here.

Edmund McMillen is talking about FarmVille, not Zero-K, it is not a 'a few rudimentary reptitious actions'. RPG mechanics have been in a lot of very good games for a very long time, they are not a recent invention. With we lack a singleplayer campaign or any type of progression, being able to unlock techs and build yourself a custom commander over time adds to the sense of achievement (Not that custom comms are actually really that good, which we did ON PURPOSE to present option scaling with minimal power scaling). We're not milking our players for money, we're giving them a game for free.

That, there, is the problem. In a free game, an account has no value. In order to prevent throw-away smurfing trolling and we have to do something to make your account meaningful. If we want to create a community with accountability we need to be able to attach people to an identity. ehem I can see why this isn't something you understand.

League of Legends for example pull this off really successfully. We can only hope to do it as well as them.
+0 / -0
Eh, I didn't like unlocks at first. Now I think they are a good thing.

Most campaigns in RTS games these days do NOT allow you to build all units at first. Take SC2 for example: the campaign only allows you to build a couple units at start. Each mission unlocks another unit for you to learn 1-by-1. They usually make that mission more-or-less require whatever you have just unlocked. So in the mission you unlock the Siege Tanks, they design the mission to work best with siege tanks.

ZK, on the other hand, has a handful of missions that can't accomplish this goal. Because the missions sort of suck (sorry guys who have worked hard on them :( ) the only way to let people slowly learn units is to apply unlocks. I'm sure if we had a full mission set like SC2, we could choose to do away with unlocks and let newbies learn units in the missions.

Lastly, all units can be unlocked within a couple days of playing. Custom commanders take a bit longer, but all the best players don't use them anyways. They're situational noobtraps that more often than not fail to make cost.

I should add that there are no pay-to-unlock features with ZK, which is what Edmund McMillen was talking about. The game is 100% free. I am currently the all-time top donor to the project (ignoring that Licho has paid for all servers since forever) and I still have the same gameplay experience as everyone else. I don't have a single special feature or unit to show for my donation. I did it because I love the game and want to see it grow.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
You are not milking people for money.

You are milking people for time.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Time is worth nothing to us. If you came up and said "Wow, you managed to milk 45829532423 hours of gameplay out a single user!!!!" we'd say "Eh... ok?". Having players play more benefits the project in no direct way.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"Having players play more benefits the project in no direct way."
That is not true.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i dont get it what you want to achive here. you are not open for a rational discussion or arguments. because thats what you can do for make changes happen, convince devs with arguments.
+0 / -0
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