Badger-style urchin sounds nice actually. But somehow I wonder if we can copy torp bomber from BA:
weapondefs = {
armseap_weapon1 = {
areaofeffect = 16,
avoidfeature = false,
avoidfriendly = false,
burnblow = true,
collidefriendly = false,
craterareaofeffect = 0,
craterboost = 0,
cratermult = 0,
edgeeffectiveness = 0.1,
explosiongenerator = "custom:FLASH2",
flighttime = 1.5,
impulseboost = 0.123,
impulsefactor = 0.123,
model = "torpedo",
name = "TorpedoLauncher",
noselfdamage = true,
range = 660,
reloadtime = 1.3,
soundhit = "xplodep2",
soundstart = "bombrel",
startvelocity = 100,
tolerance = 12000,
tracks = true,
turnrate = 99000,
turret = false,
waterweapon = true,
weaponacceleration = 15,
weapontimer = 5,
weapontype = "TorpedoLauncher",
weaponvelocity = 100,
damage = {
bombers = 15,
commanders = 67,
default = 155,
fighters = 15,
vtol = 15,
weapons = {
[1] = {
badtargetcategory = "NOTSHIP",
onlytargetcategory = "NOTHOVER",
TLDR: Important different parameters that are different from ZK appear to be
tolerance = 12000,
weapontimer = 5,
turret = false,
Also apparenty this is a thing:
TorpedoLauncher Fires a projectile that will behave ballistically out of water and like a missile in water. Usually used with waterWeapon = true so they can fire underwater and target underwater units. An aircraft carrying a #TorpedoLauncher is a special case, the weapon turns into an #AircraftBomb projectile that will spawn a torpedo projectile on impact with water. Visually represented by a pointed black cuboid, usually the default object is replaced by a 3D model.
bool subMissile default: false Can the torpedo leave the water and target units and positions on land?
So there is some special code inside the engine to deal with torp bombers specifically. How exactly it works is a big question, but maybe we could ask the guys nicely to allow it to be a flag instead of based off unit category, such that no actual code is needed in ZK itself, just a flag to make engine do the work?