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Bug: Paused Berthas are still shooting

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4 years ago
Pause, Stop, nothing prevent berthas from shooting, excepted dismantling it
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Aswell, Riot Canon + Napalm Warhead doen't set areas on fire, NOR burning targets, only the fire sound impact is here
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Do you mean that berthas still fire even when the game is paused? That would be very bizarre.

Or by "paused" do you mean hold fire?

If hold fire isn't working, berthas will never stop firing since they will pretty much always have targets to fire at. When you tell them to stop, you're only cancelling the current command. If the're set to fire at will, they will immediately pick a new target.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
By paused, i mean with the Hourglass activated on the Bertha, not when the game is paused :D

I Know about stop. Ive just tried the button in case of

About the pause (Hourglass) mode, The Bertha Has the hourglass on it, but its still firing. I haven't tested the hold fire mode btw, But technically if the Bertha is Paused (Hourglass) Its not supposed to fire anymore, right ? When factories are Paused, they aren't producing new units anymore
+0 / -0
That's called "wait command"
In logical terms wait command should only work when you manual aim at something. After you release the wait command it should target that thing above everything else. Meanwhile, if you are on fire at will it will just target the closest unit/structure even if you have pressed the "W" command.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
So its normal ? And about Riot Gun + Napalm Warhead ? theres something that i don't understand about it ?
+0 / -0
Wait mode ("pause", "hourglass") is currently not supposed to stop units from shooting (this is so that units still defend themselves) so everything is working as intended; as people already said the way to achieve what you want is the hold fire state.

There is still a "bug" here in that Bertha (and other turrets) should probably not have the Wait command available at all since it doesn't do anything. Correction: see AUrankAdminGoogleFrog's post below

Riotcannon + Napalm Warheads is an actual bug and will be fixed on next release (also affects e.g. Dante, see https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/31668 ).
+4 / -0
4 years ago
Okay, Thanks for Infos
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The wait command makes the unit stop following its command queue. It will revert to doing whatever it does while idle, which for a Bertha set to Fire At Will is firing at whatever it feels like firing at.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
"firing at whatever it feels like firing at"

a flea googlefrog

it feels like shooting a flea on a lonely mountain patrol =D
+1 / -0
forget th UI. real men reclaim berthas to 99% to stop it fireing.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
i wish cons could reclaim themselves lol
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I wish lobster builded storages could self reclaim. Also porc and shields in base.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Set BB in 'no attack' stance (red stripe) and press 'stop'. And no fire after it. I never even tried useing 'wait' command for no attacking. I always use such option if i want unit not to attack or hold fire until attacked.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Shooting at fleas is why you always give them a target, even if its just a fire-at-ground order in the general direction of the enemy's economy/porc =)

A bertha with micro and information basically wins the game, a bertha without those things risks becoming a useless 5000 metal brick.
+1 / -0
"forget th UI. real men reclaim berthas to 99% to stop it fireing."

And when several caretakers are near it ? you are pausing them all ? :D
+0 / -0
Shouldn't all your caretakers already be on
1. Repair all living units in range
2. Reclaim everything in range
3. repeat
(or assisting a fac)
so why would they even care about the 99% nanoframe?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Repair all living units in range does finish 99% nano frames

repair area does build units
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The intuitive implementation of the Wait command would be to make it silently set turrets to Hold Fire when they have it, and silently set mobile units to Hold Position.
+3 / -0